Java – override – parameter difference
public class A{ public class A{ public static int x = 1; public int m(A a,B b){ return a.m(b,b) + x; …… -
Java – how to display variable values in jlabel
I am a novice in Java programming I want to display the value of my variable in the output window, not in the console …… -
Java – why doesn’t ArrayList throw a concurrentmodificationexception when modifying from multiple threads?
Concurrent modificationexception: when such modification is not allowed, the method that detects concurrent modificati…… -
Java – the correct hashcode is required when comparing an object with an unordered integer pair as a variable
I'm in class final class BuildingPair { int mBA; int mBB; public BuildingPair(int pBuildingA,int pBuildi…… -
Java – how do I set the accelerator for the JMenu submenu?
I have a user request to add the accelerator to the submenu (JMenu), which will allow the user to press the shortcut a…… -
Java: changing the value of the float object
I have looked inside the Javadoc of float, but it seems that there is no way to modify the value after construction? F…… -
How to add a blank page to an existing PDF in Java?
I have ordinary PDF files. I want to use iText library to insert a blank page at the end of the PDF without disturbing…… -
Java – reference two ArrayLists to the same object
I have this code But I don't know how to explain the results: ArrayList<String> first = new ArrayList<String&…… -
Common wildcards in Java generics
Suppose I have an interface interface Foo<T> { void foo(T x); T bar() } And this type of object with …… -
Java – what is an exception control loop?
I'm trying to ask a question in my study guide: I can't decipher the true meaning of this question because I've never …… -
Java – how to programmatically launch Apache Derby jar files?
I have a Java application that uses Apache Derby Using the eclipse export option, I export it as a jar file When I run…… -
Java Object. equals
Can someone tell me why this returns true? Please tell me under which topic I can find more information about this beh…… -
Java file path best practices
If the operating system is windows, which of the following is the best way to write in Java? 1) String f = "some\\path…… -
Java – place JMenu on the MAC menu bar
I am using swing JMenu to create a Java application on Mac I want to use the menu bar at the top of the screen, but it…… -
Java – using iterator and iterator Concurrentmodificationexception at remove()
private int checkLevel(String bigWord,Collection<String> dict,MinMax minMax) private int checkLevel(String bigWo…… -
Java – compares two integer strings and prints a match
Let's say these are my two strings String listOfIntegers = ("1 5 9 12 15 50 80 121"); String integerToLookFor = ("12")…… -
Java – spring: how to monitor quartz jobs from the controller?
I created two jobs in the spring project, which run independently of each other at two different times public class Jo…… -
Java – escape slashes in HTTP requests
I execute HTTP delete requests from JavaScript to Java Web applications The web application uses Jersey to send web ad…… -
Java – why does get () of HashMap return null when it should not?
I wrote a method to check whether a string has only unique characters I send the apparently non unique string "11", wh…… -
Java – from Import 3D skeleton animation from SMD model
I'm writing one SMD importer, I'm trapped in the bone animation part The problem is that I don't know exactly how it w…… -
Java – spring data Mongo seems to ignore hosts in XML configurations
I'm trying to start and run a simple "Hello world" program using spring data and mongodb Spring seems to ignore the mo…… -
Java cannot open loop without calling Create a handler within the thread of prepare()
I've seen most of the related problems, but I can't find any solution This is my code. I don't know what I did wrong s…… -
Java – is initialization the same as null initialization?
If you declare such an object: Object x; Does it initialize to null? For example, is will (x = = null) true? Solution …… -
How to “refute” an object in Java
class DogOwner { class DogOwner { Dog dog; DogOwner(Dog dog) { = dog; } } class Dog { …… -
Java – OOP design – Private modifier
I thought I knew when to use the private keyword Encapsulation is the reason for this, so I try to keep all methods as…… -
Java observer update function
I have a class that implements the observer. Of course, it needs to have the update function: public void update(Obser…… -
Sort the object list based on different data members in Java
I have this course: public class Friend { private String name; private String location; private String temp; private …… -
Java – why is the value of “thread. Currentthread(). Isinterrupted()” false after capturing “interruptedexception”?
As a title public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { Thread thread = new Thread(new Ru…… -
How to identify BigDecimal in double in Java
I'm writing a financial application. I get a value as a string. I need to check whether the value is suitable for doub…… -
Java – a quick way to find unique values in a list
Given a list of keyvaluepairs, where each pair has a getValue () method, what is the fastest way to get a list (or set…… -
Three fast problems about Java synchronization block
As far as I know, the following code, in the synchronized block, is an instance of a counter Question 1: in the follow…… -
Java – ant task: using exclusion parameters
Get the following build XML string: <jar destfile="${lib.dir}/rpt.jar" basedir="${classes.src}" excludes="**/*.java……