Java – update jpprogressbar without knowing progress
I want to use JP progress bar, but I don't have any progress measurement about how long it takes to complete the task …… -
Java – incorrect package names are allowed in eclipse
Some classes in my current project have bad package declarations (they are in the wrong folder of the declared package…… -
Java – why can a generic list be cast to its type parameter
Why does the following code compile? What's the meaning of this? //Connection can be substituted by any interface List…… -
Java – selenium’s eclipse lacks source code
Please refer to the attached screenshot When I hover over the following code: selenium.waitForPageToLoad("30000"); I r…… -
Java – jump to the beginning of the for loop in a Scala program
In the for loop in my Scala code, I want to jump to the beginning of the loop. If the specific condition is true, the …… -
Java reads UTF-8 encoded files character by character
I have a file saved as UTF - 8 (actually saved by my application) How do you read it word for word? File file = new Fi…… -
Java containsall does not return true when a list is given
I want to check that one array is a subset of another The program prints incorrectly, but I hope it is true Why not in…… -
Java – how to set the main body of httpput on Android? (do not add Library)
I want to upload some data from the android app to pachube [update: for those who read this in 2013, "pachube" became …… -
Using JavaMail with self signed certificates
I have a servlet that contains the following code: System.setProperty("",getServletContext().get…… -
Java – is there a simpler way to split / rebuild strings?
I'm currently using string Split (""), as follows: String[] tmp = props.get(i).getFullName().split("\\."); String name…… -
Read file – Java io. FileNotFoundException
public void loadFile(int level){ public void loadFile(int level){ try { //Create new file …… -
Java – treemap vs ArrayList – performance and resources when iterating / adding / editing values
Talk about performance and resources Which is faster and requires less resources when adding and editing values, Array…… -
Java – make custom Parcelable with byte array
I'm trying to create a Parcelable class that contains an array of bytes public class Car implements Parcelable{ priva…… -
Java – ` public static void main (string [] args) ` what does it stand for?
What is public static? What does < x > void main (string [] args) stand for? I tried to understand, but I didn't…… -
Why doesn’t Java recognize my ArrayList with an overloaded constructor
I have two constructors set as follows: public XMessage(Information info,List<Object> results) { this.inform…… -
Use Java [Close] to find the index of the first occurrence of integer from the string
I have string xxxy 1 / 1 / 2. I need to use java to find the index of integer for the first time The output will be th…… -
Java – HibernateException: the proxy handle is no longer valid after the database violation error
I have a loop to hold several objects Invoke the service method in the loop and catch the exception. The service saves…… -
Java – arrange swing components by edge
Can swing components be arranged? You can see a subtle difference that I find very annoying I know that all jlabels [B…… -
Java – declaring class abstraction is a bad design because it has only static members?
My project has a class for loading external resources (i.e. images and audio files) This class has only a few members:…… -
Java – read multiple scanner inputs
What I want to do is have multiple inputs with different variables Each variable is part of a different equation I'm l…… -
Java – override – parameter difference
public class A{ public class A{ public static int x = 1; public int m(A a,B b){ return a.m(b,b) + x; …… -
Java – how to display variable values in jlabel
I am a novice in Java programming I want to display the value of my variable in the output window, not in the console …… -
Java – why doesn’t ArrayList throw a concurrentmodificationexception when modifying from multiple threads?
Concurrent modificationexception: when such modification is not allowed, the method that detects concurrent modificati…… -
Java – the correct hashcode is required when comparing an object with an unordered integer pair as a variable
I'm in class final class BuildingPair { int mBA; int mBB; public BuildingPair(int pBuildingA,int pBuildi…… -
Java – how do I set the accelerator for the JMenu submenu?
I have a user request to add the accelerator to the submenu (JMenu), which will allow the user to press the shortcut a…… -
Java: changing the value of the float object
I have looked inside the Javadoc of float, but it seems that there is no way to modify the value after construction? F…… -
How to add a blank page to an existing PDF in Java?
I have ordinary PDF files. I want to use iText library to insert a blank page at the end of the PDF without disturbing…… -
Java – reference two ArrayLists to the same object
I have this code But I don't know how to explain the results: ArrayList<String> first = new ArrayList<String&…… -
Common wildcards in Java generics
Suppose I have an interface interface Foo<T> { void foo(T x); T bar() } And this type of object with …… -
Java – what is an exception control loop?
I'm trying to ask a question in my study guide: I can't decipher the true meaning of this question because I've never ……