java – ThreadLocal; Is it the same every time you create a copy of a variable?
I'm still confused about the concept of ThreadLocal I've read Javadoc and other related issues, but the terminology us…… -
Why do we need to rewrite equals and hashcode in Java, and why can’t we use the object class to implement them
Guys, please let me know why we need to override equals and hashcode in the real world, and we can't use equals and ha…… -
Java – how to get the file system path of the context root of any application
I'm working on Web applications I'm in my JSP request Called on getcontextpath (), but strangely, I got the address / …… -
. Net – is there a textwriter subclass that triggers an event when writing text?
I wrote a method that accepts textwriter as a parameter (usually console. Out, but not necessarily) When I call this m…… -
Java – reads a byte array from the socket
I have read the sun guide and different similar questions I want to read some unknown number of bytes from the socket …… -
Java – what is a regular expression that removes spaces in parentheses?
I'm writing a program in Java to accept queries If I had a query like this insert into abc values ( e,…… -
Adding Java objects to the database
For college assignments, I was assigned a prize object, which contains text, pictures or video content I want to save …… -
Java – parses XML that contains XML in an element, which you can do
I have a "complex item" in XML, and then a "WorkItem" (in XML) containing a lot of other information. I want this to c…… -
Java – using iterator and iterator Concurrentmodificationexception at remove()
private int checkLevel(String bigWord,Collection<String> dict,MinMax minMax) private int checkLevel(String bigWo…… -
Java – compares two integer strings and prints a match
Let's say these are my two strings String listOfIntegers = ("1 5 9 12 15 50 80 121"); String integerToLookFor = ("12")…… -
Java – spring: how to monitor quartz jobs from the controller?
I created two jobs in the spring project, which run independently of each other at two different times public class Jo…… -
Java – escape slashes in HTTP requests
I execute HTTP delete requests from JavaScript to Java Web applications The web application uses Jersey to send web ad…… -
Java – why does get () of HashMap return null when it should not?
I wrote a method to check whether a string has only unique characters I send the apparently non unique string "11", wh…… -
Java – from Import 3D skeleton animation from SMD model
I'm writing one SMD importer, I'm trapped in the bone animation part The problem is that I don't know exactly how it w…… -
Java – spring data Mongo seems to ignore hosts in XML configurations
I'm trying to start and run a simple "Hello world" program using spring data and mongodb Spring seems to ignore the mo…… -
Java cannot open loop without calling Create a handler within the thread of prepare()
I've seen most of the related problems, but I can't find any solution This is my code. I don't know what I did wrong s…… -
Java – is initialization the same as null initialization?
If you declare such an object: Object x; Does it initialize to null? For example, is will (x = = null) true? Solution …… -
How to “refute” an object in Java
class DogOwner { class DogOwner { Dog dog; DogOwner(Dog dog) { = dog; } } class Dog { …… -
Java – OOP design – Private modifier
I thought I knew when to use the private keyword Encapsulation is the reason for this, so I try to keep all methods as…… -
Java observer update function
I have a class that implements the observer. Of course, it needs to have the update function: public void update(Obser…… -
Sort the object list based on different data members in Java
I have this course: public class Friend { private String name; private String location; private String temp; private …… -
Java – why is the value of “thread. Currentthread(). Isinterrupted()” false after capturing “interruptedexception”?
As a title public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { Thread thread = new Thread(new Ru…… -
How to identify BigDecimal in double in Java
I'm writing a financial application. I get a value as a string. I need to check whether the value is suitable for doub…… -
Java – a quick way to find unique values in a list
Given a list of keyvaluepairs, where each pair has a getValue () method, what is the fastest way to get a list (or set…… -
Three fast problems about Java synchronization block
As far as I know, the following code, in the synchronized block, is an instance of a counter Question 1: in the follow…… -
Java – ant task: using exclusion parameters
Get the following build XML string: <jar destfile="${lib.dir}/rpt.jar" basedir="${classes.src}" excludes="**/*.java…… -
Save code online (Java eclipse)
At present, I have saved an online copy of my code on Dropbox I wonder if there are any other convenient options, such…… -
Java – enable assertions at runtime in NetBeans
I tried assert example It works normally in commandprompt I run the code with the following command java -ea Assertion…… -
How do I run the server without using a while loop?
I'm trying to create a server program using datagram socket and datagram packet classes, but my current code uses an u…… -
AVL tree rotation in Java
I want to implement Java AVL tree and rotate the tree left and right I didn't get this Anyone can tell me how to rotat…… -
Convert hexadecimal strings to unsigned byte arrays in Java
I get a 14 byte hexadecimal string, such as a55a0b0500000000000022366420ec But I want to compare them with such bytes:…… -
Java – why is enumeration more useful than HashMap in this case?
This seems to be a common problem, but all the items in the suggestion box don't accurately explain what I'm thinking ……