Java – code in public static void main, or use code to call another method in main?
In the tutorials on the Internet, I often see code fragments in public static void main (String [args]), while my prog…… -
Java – error defining bean named ‘entitymanagerfactory’ in classpath resource
The following error occurred while running the spring application I'm very new in spring, so I'm very sleepy here Need…… -
Java – how to disable tlsv1.0 using spring boot and embedded Tomcat 0
I want to use spring boot (version 1.3.3) to deactivate tlsv1 0, but if application YML it doesn't work as follows: @ …… -
Java – configure Amazon SQS queue name in spring boot
I am using Amazon SQS & spring boot (spring cloud AWS messaging) I have configured a message listener to receive m…… -
Java – limit cells to values in Apache POI only
We are using the Apache POI library to create excel worksheets How do we restrict cells to accept only numeric values?…… -
Java – foreach function does not work in spark dataframe
According to the dataframes API, the definition is: public void foreach(scala.Function1<Row,scala.runtime.@R_841_24…… -
Application implementation: OpenURL: sourceapplication: annotation: not found in IOS 8
I use the following SDK through cocoapod: pod 'FBSDKCoreKit' pod 'FBSDKLoginKit' pod 'FBSDKShareKit' pod 'Google…… -
Java – returns 1 to 7 days of the week from any given date interval
I want to return a date map from the date interval: >1 to 7 days: From: "2016-02-09" to To: "2016-02-09" -> retu…… -
Java split () method with two separators
See the English answer > java – splitting string based on multiple delimiters abababa:nsndnfnng.leleelld_kdjdh I wa…… -
Is java actually doing something with empty statements?
The official documents just say ( -14.6) Declaration…… -
Accessing nested fields in Avro genericrecord (Java / Scala)
I have a genericrecord with nested fields When I use genericrecord When get (1), it returns an object containing neste…… -
Java generic: can generic extend another generic class?
Here, this is my problem. I have three summary classes, all of which are general. I want something like this: public a…… -
java. Lang. stackoverflowerror: the stack size in the view is 8MB
This code leads me to Java Lang. stackoverflowerror: the stack size is 8MB. Why? I want to use tablelayout and tablero…… -
Java – settext from another fragment independent activity
I want to set textview in the fragment of another activity. This activity is not a fragment transaction of mainactivit…… -
Java – how to refactor if else bodies that perform similar operations?
I have to write a class for the node of the binary tree in Java, not just the method. There is almost the same problem…… -
java – ObjectMapper(). Createobjectnode and jsonnodefactory instance. What is the difference between objectnode()?
I saw a post about inserting a new node into jsonnode and encountered two separate answers, but I couldn't understand …… -
How to create a simple 4 in Java × 3 two dimensional array?
I already know it in C, but Java is more challenging for me This is what I have I just want it to have 4 rows and 3 co…… -
Java – how to use eclipse Ini?
See English answer > eclipse Ini variables 3 I want to include the following without having to hard code the absolu…… -
Java-8 – you can know the size of the stream without using terminal operations
I have three interfaces public interface IGhOrg { int getId(); String getLogin(); String getName(); …… -
JavaFX: creating custom data attributes for nodes
I currently need custom attributes, which I can get at any time Is there any way to create custom data attributes for …… -
Java – volley – how to return ArrayList from onresponse method in Volley
I am using volley to parse movie details in the rest API. I save the parsed data in the ArrayList of the object named …… -
Java – the difference between parallel flow and completable future
In the book "Java 8 in action" (urma, Fusco and mycroft), they emphasize that parallel flows internally use a common f…… -
Java – a unique list of elements for a given list
Given the ArrayList transaction of sorted integer ArrayLists, I am writing code to return its unique element For examp…… -
Java – selenium: http: / / localhost: 4444 / WD / hub returns NullPointerException. What did I do wrong
Given: try using this code to use remotewebdriver in c# var url = new Uri("http://localhost:4444/wd/hub"); var wd = ne…… -
Rxjava allows multiple onerror calls
I tried to allow unlimited flow on the next and wrong call The following code uses the retry () method. I assume that …… -
Java – Hal rendering cannot be obtained using spring HATEOAS and Jersey
I use spring initializr( )To create a starter application with only "Jersey (Jax - RS)" and…… -
Java-8 – Java 8 – maps to comma separated pairs in parentheses
What is the best method in Java 8? Map<Integer,Integer> Like a string: [k1,v1],[k2,v2],[k3,v3]... I'm looking at…… -
Java – constructor. In onbindviewholder() What is the difference between getadapterposition () and the position attribute of the constructor [copy]
See English answer > lint error "do not treat position as fixed; only use immediately..." 1 public void onBindViewH…… -
Java – change the time zone of Tomcat [copy]
See English answers > change timezone in Tomcat 4 >When I use the java time pack to access the system default ti…… -
Haskell – memory usage of deferred data types
I wrote a program to analyze and operate on the data in the file My first implementation uses data Bytestring to read …… -
Java – the equivalent file. Java in Google drive API v3 Settitle method
This is an official example: package; import…… -
java – Performance Encog vs Deeplearning4J
We are developing Java projects using neural networks We want to test different network structures on our data set Now……