Parallelism in rxjava – filters
I have some very simple code and read a bunch of strings & application filters I want the filter to run on multipl…… -
JavaFX: creating custom data attributes for nodes
I currently need custom attributes, which I can get at any time Is there any way to create custom data attributes for …… -
JavaDocs throws illegalargumentexception
I am using IntelliJ idea. When I start generating JavaDocs (through tools - > generate Javadoc), I will throw an il…… -
Java – determines the type of object
If I have this situation: interface Node {} class EmptyNode implements Node {} class NotEmptyNode implements Node {}…… -
Sort – sort a table across multiple comparator items
I need to use multiple comparator objects in Java 8 to sort the list of item objects The application creates a compara…… -
Java – how to view the class name that contains the actual code
package a; package a; public class A { public String toString() { // return "I am an a.A"; is too primitive ;) …… -
How to save UUID as binary in Java (16)
I have a table TestTable. The column ID is binary (16) and the name is varchar (50) I have been trying to store ordere…… -
Java – how to set the default media type for spring data rest?
From the repository restconfiguration, I can see setting up spring data. rest. Default media type = Application / JSON…… -
Java – @ reference session displays an unsatisfactory error
I'm using the sling servlet Because I use javax jcr. Session as a reference How can I solve this problem? Solution jav…… -
Multithreading – what is the best Scala thread safe way to write to bufferedwriter?
I have a simple way to write a line of data to a file followed by a new line executed asynchronously def writeToFile(b…… -
Execute Java callback on new thread
In this project, the manager performs event queuing and returns the result of the event using a callback (the callback…… -
Use list Addall add list Compile time error extending baseClass > to another
In this code, the last line (LIST1. Addall (List2);) Build compile time error I do realize that if this is allowed, yo…… -
Java – can spring restdocs generate real-time documents like swagger?
As a developer, I prefer spring restdocs But as a user of documents, I find swagger real-time documents very attractiv…… -
Replace all tags except one with regexp in Java
I have the following questions I want to delete all substrings starting with < And ends with > except substring …… -
Distribute the list evenly into Java’s child lists
I want to distribute the list evenly into a given number of sub lists SL1 -> {1,2,3,4} SL2 -> {5,6,7} SL3 -> …… -
Java – the synchronization in the constructor makes it happen before
I have a question about how to ensure that objects are thread safe through the JAVA memory model I've read a lot that …… -
Java generics – differences between method declarations
What is the difference between the following two method declarations: 1. <R> Stream<R> myFunc(Function<…… -
Java streams – how to use conditions on keys to translate all values in a collection map
I have a map Let's talk Map<Long,List<MyObj>> I want to create a long array in all myobjs, where the key (…… -
R: Checks whether multiple elements of the vector appear in the string vector
I'm trying to create a function to check whether all elements of the vector appear in the string vector The test code …… -
Java – the difference between 2D arrays
I want to know the difference between these loops in a 2D array: for (int r = row - 1,c = column - 1; r >= 0 &&…… -
What does OIO mean in Java?
Please forgive me for just starting to learn java network programming I just read netty in action and mentioned an OIO…… -
Java – NoSuchElementException when finding a match in the list
The following old-fashioned, simple code works normally (traversing the string list and returning true because it shou…… -
Instance initializer in java interface
Hey, I wonder if I can initialize the interface when making the implementer It's like a blank constructor in an abstra…… -
Java, Apache POI, memory leak and excel file
I need to read (15000) Excel files for my thesis I'm using Apache POI to open them and analyze them later, but after a…… -
Java – how to sort HashMap entries by comparing values, where each value is int []?
I have a HashMap defined as HashMap < string, int [] > The value is int [], where there are only 2 numbers What …… -
Java 8 Lambdas and concurrent interpretation
I'm reading Lambdas in Richard Warburton's Book Java 8 Lambdas He began to discuss the use of concurrency in modern CP…… -
Java – how many calculations must a computer perform in a binary search?
Here, I have an array: {1,3,5,6,7,8,9,11,13,14,15} It's simple. However, we will use binary search to search the index…… -
Java – the cron expression of the spring scheduler – runs only once a year
I like spring service @Scheduled( cron="0 0 7 * * SUN") public void doSomething() { // do something } I know you …… -
Java – error while trying to run weld se application – weld se container failed to initialize – bean archive not found
I created a simple java se application using weld se :compileJava UP-TO-DATE :processResources UP-TO-DATE :classes UP-…… -
Java – use mockito to simulate enumeration?
I need to simulate the following enumeration: public enum PersonStatus { WORKING,HOLIDAY,SICK } This is beca…… -
Java – how to insert millions of data into a database
I tried to insert a million records into the database table I want to create at least three threads, each thread trigg…… -
How do I start three tasks that will run sequentially in Java?
I'm trying to start three tasks: the first one will read some emails, generate some charts based on these emails after……