Convert Map > > to list using java 8
I'm trying to convert map < string, navigablemap < long, collection < string > > into list < string …… -
Java 8: how volatile fields work with lambda
I'm new to Java 8 and multithreading I tried this code below public class Test { public static boolean bchanged = …… -
How to convert a list into a map in Java 8 Map function in chain
See the English answer > java 8 grouping using custom collector? 3 class Passenger { String type; String firs…… -
java – NoClassDefFoundError org / apache / poi / ss / usermodel / Workbook
I'm running a shell script that calls Java classes to get some data from the database and use the data to create an ex…… -
Java – a concurrent collection that maintains the insertion order
I am looking for a concurrent list that can maintain the insertion order Does anyone have some good recommendations? I…… -
Java files: suppress hard coded text warnings?
Because I have to add a separator in textview (e.g., ",...), I will receive a hard coded text warning (don't conceptua…… -
Java – how do I detect if the MIME type is an executable?
I am using Apache Tika to detect the MIME type of the input stream…… -
Java – onclicklistener (Android studio) in the check box
This is part of my code, including Check@R_521_2419 @( Chck@R_521_2419 @No): final Check@R_521_2419@ Chck@R_521_2419@…… -
Java – outofmemoryerror: compress class space
I received this error: "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Compressed class space" Until I figure out what trigger it is, I t…… -
Multithreading – Delphi pointer and memory release
I am using custom windows messages to exchange information from the worker thread to the form in the main VCL thread W…… -
Java – assertj asserts on the cause message
Is there any way to throw a method again when using assertj to check whether the message in the reason is equal to a s…… -
Java – when an object is an instance of a base class, call the correct method for the object
I have the following examples in Java: public abstract class Vehicle { private final String name; private fina…… -
Why doesn’t Java allow you to create instances of inner classes?
See English answers > 25 Java inner classes and static nested classes public class m { String n="n"; static Str…… -
Java – HashMap can only be copied through hashcode()
See English answers > Why do I need to override the equals and hashcode methods in Java? 28 Therefore, whether K is…… -
Multithreading – threads and event loops in QT applications
Anyone can explain the differences between threads and event loops and how to use it in QT applications Where can I us…… -
Java –: the selected pseudo class style does not apply to cells
I have some tableviews in the scene. I want to highlight the selected cells According to JavaFX CSS reference, there i…… -
Java – how to correctly avoid SWT table enlargement?
I have a simple SWT program as follows: public static void main(String[] args) { final Display display = new Displ…… -
Java – espresso ONDATA error executing load adapter data on view
I have an application with listview. I want to find LinearLayout, id = order_ untake_ jijia_ listview_ jia The code is…… -
Why is java ` string The tochararray() ` and ‘new string (char []) methods do not accept charset encoding?
Why Java string Tochararray() and the new string (char []) methods do not accept character set encoding? If you are us…… -
Java – “the eclipse executable launcher cannot find its on-demand shared library”
First of all, I know that many people have asked this. I have checked all these, but no one has solved my problem I ge…… -
Java – how far can I count from 1, up to N times when I can use any number
My questions are as follows; For the number n, I need to find the maximum value I can calculate. Each number can be us…… -
Java – refactoring code
I'm learning the gradle tool API I have two methods, only one line of code is different I need your advice on how we c…… -
java. Lang.illegalargumentexception: class java text. Decimalformat declares multiple JSON fields named maximumintegerdigits
I'm making an Ajax call to the servlet I want the data returned from the servlet to the jsp: PrintWriter out = respons…… -
JavaFX slider to change width (thickness)
My problem is that the default slider is too thin Thank you for your advice Solution In JavaFX, most styles can be don…… -
How do you validate the call of the same simulation method using the same parameters that change the state between calls in mockito?
I have the following code for unit testing: public void foo() { Entity entity = //...…… -
Java – check that all bits in the BitSet are set to true
I use BitSet in my application and want to check a method if all used bits in BitSet are set to true Now, I know that …… -
Java – receive a closeablehttpresponse on the client
I have a Java controller that must send me some text data and different byte arrays So I'm building n multipart reques…… -
Can I create a virtual machine without virtual network in azure Explorer
I am trying to create a virtual machine (VM) in azure using arm template In the classic model of IAAs, we can create v…… -
NoClassDefFoundError: org / Apache / POI / SS / formula / UDF / UDF finder error in Java
Hi, I'm using Apache POI to write an excel I am using sxssfworkbook But when this code is executed, I get this error a…… -
Java – how to allow users to select classes to initialize
I have an abstract class foo, which contains a function a (object o) I hope the users of the program can determine the…… -
Java-8 – you can know the size of the stream without using terminal operations
I have three interfaces public interface IGhOrg { int getId(); String getLogin(); String getName(); …… -
RX Java – how do I pause observable without losing the emitted items?
I have an observable that emits a tick every second: Observable.interval(0,1,TimeUnit.SECONDS) .take(durationInSec……