Java – left to right evaluation of expression and operator priority Why does the left to right assessment seem to win?
Consider the following codes:
public class Incrdecr { static int x = 3; static int y = ++x * 5 / x-- + --x; public static void main(String[] args){ System.out.println("x is " + x); System.out.println("y is " + y); }
It assesses the following:
x is 2 y is 7
This makes sense, but let's take a quick look at the operator priority table:
Therefore, the suffix operator should be evaluated first Now, if we go back to our code, we'll see that X - should be evaluated first, but that's not the case I don't remember what?
In other words, if we strictly follow the operator priority table, the expression will evaluate as:
y = x * 5/3 –x;
Of course, this gives us a completely different result
Your expression is correct from left to right This is the general evaluation order in Java (with possible exceptions)
I think you've figured out what happened:
>X is incremented from 3 to 4, and the new value 4 > 5 is evaluated as 5 > 4 * 5 = 20 > x, and the value of 4 is used for division; Division yields 5, and X decreases to 3. > X is further decremented to 2 before the value of the final addition, and then 7
Exception: the compiler is allowed to swap steps only if the same results can be guaranteed So we know the result can only be 7
Try to distinguish between two concepts: evaluation order and operator priority They are different
The precedence table tells you that the expression is understood as ((x) * 5 / (x –) (– x) (this is mostly good because (x * 5 / x) –– x doesn't make sense anyway)
Take a different example: F (x) – g (x) * H (x) Mehtods calls from left to right: F (), then G () and H () The priority table only tells you that multiplication is done before subtraction
Editor: in his comments, Lew Bloch questioned that x would be evaluated as 4 at any time in the calculation process To test this, I proposed the following program variants from the question:
public class Incrdecr { static int x = 3; static int y = p(++x) * 5 / p(x--) + p(--x); private static int p(int i) { System.out.println("p(): " + i); return i; } public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("x is " + x); System.out.println("y is " + y); } }
This print:
p(): 4 p(): 4 p(): 2 x is 2 y is 7
So yes, at two points x is evaluated as 4