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Why do java, c# and C have no scope?
ADA, Pascal, and many other languages support range, a subtype integer approach I know that it is impossible to static…… -
Java – how to avoid initialization of large arrays
I assigned a lot of doubles double[] x = new double[ n ]; Where n is large, I want to avoid initialization to save tim…… -
Java: nested recursive generics
I have a set of classes that extend some basic entities Classes in this collection can also extend each other to creat…… -
Java – Maven installation issues
Hi, I'm trying to use this tutorial to install Maven to my computer. I've put my environment variable Maven_ Set home …… -
Java – Apache poi sxssf and xssf
I have a problem. I'm right. If I have a workbook created by xssf constructor, is it enough to change the constructor …… -
Transform XSLT to xmlsignature Java?
I have an XML document I am using xmlsignature to sign part of the document Before I find the summary, I want to apply…… -
Java – get term frequency in Lucene
Is there a quick and easy way to get term frequencies from the Lucene index without using the termvectorfrequencies cl…… -
Java – exception: mockito wants but is not called, but actually interacts with zero of this simulation
I have an interface Interface MyInterface { myMethodToBeVerified (String,String); } The implementation interface is …… -
Java – how to find bean validation errors in NetBeans
I created an EJB Session Facade in NetBeans 7 to store my entities public class Insurance{ @ManyToOne(optional=fal…… -
Java – master Google Guice
I just started using Google Guice as a dependency injection framework and tried to transform it into a small and mediu…… -
Why does Java polymorphism not work in my example
I have these four Java claims: public class Rect { double width; double height; String color; public …… -
Java – what is the right maven2 phase to deploy to an application server?
I'm trying to configure POM XML so that it automatically deploys the ear archive to the GlassFish application server I…… -
How do I delete extra space between rows in Jasper reports?
This is my JRXML Code: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <jasperReport xmlns="http://jasperreports.sourc…… -
Java – string S1 = = string S2 (true) but fieldoffset is different
When I was learning Java, I already knew that the correct way to compare two strings was to use equals instead of "= =…… -
Does Java – spring AOP compile time weaving or load time weaving?
I started using spring AOP for projects, and I was a little confused about weaving I know that spring AOP relies on as…… -
Java multithreading: unexpected results
I am developing an enterprise application I encountered some problems running applications in a multithreaded environm…… -
What does it mean when you have a variable, such as accessing $002 in Java?
I have a Java jar. I have decompiled the permissions of the original developer and we will use it until they can get a…… -
Set null value in Cf9 ORM
Is there a way for Cf9 ORM to insert null values into the database instead of empty strings? I have a numeric field th…… -
Is there any way to use Java similar to array and can use its custom classes?
Using Java, is there any way to make a custom class use [] accessors like arrays? Normal array int[] foo = int[5]; foo…… -
Is there a central Javadoc repository online?
I found some using the name com sun. jersey. spi. container. Sample code for the interface of containerrequestfilter S…… -
Java – what makes the execution order of threads unpredictable?
What makes the execution order of threads unpredictable? At some point, the scheduler uses random numbers or checks sy…… -
Java – error (23,17) unable to parse JUnit: JUnit: 4.12 @ Android studio V.2
Currently using Android studio v.2 0 (23,17) unable to solve JUnit: JUnit: 4.12 I have installed the Android support r…… -
Java jtextarea multiline help
One problem I encounter is that I have two jtext areas, and I need to add a project list for them public void setInclu…… -
Java – change the final variable through reflection. Why is there a difference between static and non static final variables
Please refer to the code below My question is why exceptions are not thrown in the case of non - static final variable…… -
Delete in Java 9 misc. Unsafe will break spring, hibernate
I read here, if Oracle deleted sun. In Java 9 misc. Unsafe, spring and many other popular libraries will be destroyed …… -
Java – fix malformed ellipses in strings
I want to fix malformed ellipses (...) in string "Hello.. World.." "Hello... World..." // this is correct "Hello..…… -
Java – how can I call a method of a null object?
public class JavaPuzzler { public class JavaPuzzler { public static void main(String[] args) { JavaPuzzler ja…… -
Java – Eclipse: show the code source of class files?
I'm running eclipse 3.5 2 and is debugging a class that calls methods - let's call it flaky () - in my other Jar file …… -
Java – tableview cell span
Is there any way to make TableCell horizontal span? I want to create a tableview similar to the one shown in the figur…… -
Java – joda datetime format for xmlregionancalendar type
I use JAXB 2.2 8-b01 impl, I have a schema, which has an XS: date element, which creates an xmlregionancalendar instan…… -
Java – determines if the file is duplicated
Is there a reliable way to determine whether the two files are the same? For example, two files of the same size and t…… -
Java – use JNA to get getforegroundwindow();
I once asked a similar question(……