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Java – where should the validation logic be?
topic How do you best manage the construction of object graphs that require complex validation logic? I want to keep d…… -
Java JPA: perforant checks whether the entity is already in the DB
What is the best method / best practice to use JPA to check whether an entity is already in the database? I'm writing …… -
Java – natural language processing – features of text classification
So I try to use Weka SVM to classify text So far, the feature vector I used to train SVM consists of TF-IDF statistics…… -
Java – get two different outputs from stream
I'm testing the new stream API in java-8 and want to check the results of 10000 random coinplips So far, I have: publi…… -
Java jlabel, break text to the next line?
It's been a while, because I asked a question! I am developing an application using jlabels in Java In any case, as sh…… -
How to make Java programs installed?
How can I install a java program? I saved an application in my eclipse workspace I can export it as Jar file This is a…… -
Java – find nouns and verbs in the Stanford parser
I need to find out whether a word is a verb or a noun, or both For example, the word "search" can be either a noun or …… -
Javafx-2, delete focus highlighting through CSS
I want to remove the blue border that overwrites the tableview when focusing I checked Caspian CSS, for most component…… -
Multithreading – how do I kill an MFC thread?
I use afxbeginthread to generate a thread, which is an infinite while loop: UINT CMyClass::ThreadProc( LPVOID param ) …… -
Java – determines whether static methods are purely functional
Given a Java lang.reflect. Method object, regardless of whether the method is a pure function (that is, given the same…… -
Java – how to exclude a single variable using tostrimbuilder
I have an object that contains many variables, but one of them is bytearray, for example public class DataWithFields {…… -
Java – what can I do to avoid the “out of memory” error when JDBC is connected to SQLite3 database?
When JDBC is connected to SQLite3 database, what can I do to avoid the "out of memory" error? java.sql.sqlException: o…… -
Java proxy authentication
I have a Java webapp running in Tomcat 6 that loads RSS feeds from remote URLs I use Rome to handle RSS feeds and diff…… -
How to force a java thread to close a thread local database connection
When using thread local database connection, the connection needs to be closed when the thread exists I can do this on…… -
Java – how do I start Jfilechooser in the details view?
I want my Jfilechooser to start with the details view instead of the list view it starts with How do you do it? Soluti…… -
Java – enumeration is null
I am developing a LALG compiler to my college course Java 1.6 So I made a type class and grammar class EnumTypes publi…… -
In Java network programming, is there any way to keep the server open even if the client is closed?
Suppose we have a simple echo client / server pair in Java As far as I know, once one side of the socket is disconnect…… -
Java – is this class single?
Are the categories listed below singles? Since the constructor is declared public, can I infer that the class is a sin…… -
Elastic search – integration with Java Web Applications
I am developing a Java Web application (ERP system) I have finished the basic process Now, according to my customer's …… -
Java: files to hex
I have a java file FileInputStream in = null; try{ in = new FileInputStream("C:\\pic.bmp"); }catch{} I want to pic…… -
Java – how to reverse the order of sortedsets
I want to print a sequential table in the map using the following: Map<Float,String> mylist = new HashMap<>…… -
Java – JAXB / xjc parent-child navigation
I want to have two-way navigation methods in the class between the child object and the parent object <complexType …… -
java. Lang. SecurityException: sealing violation:
I use GWT in my java application When I try to run it as a web application, I receive the following error: If I Google…… -
What does the load () method of Java – hibernate do for non-existent IDS?
I'm interested in session JavaDocs on load is a little confused: I understand that I should use get, but what I don't …… -
Java – spring boot w / embedded Tomcat does not send requests to the controller
I have an application using spring boot and embedded Tomcat container As far as I know, my code is the same as spring …… -
Java – develop plug-in 6.8 for NetBeans
I want to develop a plug-in for NetBeans 6.8, but I can't find enough tutorials / resources / articles The only decent…… -
Why does setting properties in a session sometimes fail in a java servlet?
I am developing a fairly simple web application using JSP and java servlet running on Tomcat I have been able to set p…… -
javax. mail. What’s the use of session?
I'm taking a class in charge of sending e - mail It looks like this (Simplified): /* ... */ Properties props = System.…… -
Java – is the localecontextholder secure in the service layer
According to the official documents, the localecontextholder is: So it's related to the current thread, but it's about…… -
Java – print ArrayList element?
How do I print element "e" in ArrayList "list"? ArrayList<Dog> list = new ArrayList<Dog>(); Dog e = new D…… -
Java soap request – read soap response
I am trying to get the specific value in the response from WebService Unfortunately, I don't know what to do. I use th…… -
Java – where does JIT compiled code reside?
So I have this method written in Java: public void myMethod(int y){ int x = 5 + y; doSomething(x); } And suppo……