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Java – missing language in TTS Android
I am developing an Android application that uses the texttospeech feature provided by Google and follow the following …… -
Julia: append to an empty vector
I want to create an empty vector and append an array to Julia What do I do? x = Vector{Float64} append!(x,rand(10)) Th…… -
In javax Importing maps in the scripting JavaScript environment
I'm in javax Some strange behaviors are seen in the scripting map implementation The online example shows an example o…… -
The Java EE frontcontroller is the same as the dispatcher servlet of spring
If you view the Java EE frontcontroller sequence diagram, the controller will delegate the request to the dispatcher. …… -
Java – how to add query parameters to HTTP get requests through okhttp?
I am using the latest okhttp version: okhttp-2.3 0.jar How to add query parameters to get requests in okhttp in Java? …… -
Automatic delegation in Java
I want to add some functionality to the objects that will be generated at run time However, the interface of this obje…… -
Java Swing – UI Freezing
I did some routines in Java (1.5) swing, which took some time How is the best way to implement this route outside the …… -
Java – jar: accessing external configuration files
I'm looking for something that I don't think will be difficult I have an application. I want to package it into a jar.…… -
Multithreading – reactive extension onnext
Using the RX theme, is it thread safe to call onnext() from multiple threads? Therefore, sequences can be generated fr…… -
JUnit – arquillian: wildly embedded?
So far, I have used arquillian and embedded GlassFish 4 X has been tested When I encountered the bug arq-1458, I tried…… -
Java – in JBoss 7.1 A component named “XXX” has been defined in this module of 1
Timerservicedispatcher is not used in my application to create spring bean names However, the exception thrown by JBos…… -
Implement Java_ “Real” definition of home
As a java developer switching between Nix systems (OS X, Ubuntu,...), although I can "get" my JDK and run it at any ti…… -
Do java 8 lambda expressions use GPU?
I recently got in touch with Java 8 and I'm trying to learn lambda expressions IntStream.range(0,(screenSize.width * s…… -
Use Java 5 enumeration as velocity variable
All I need to use Java 5 enumeration in the speed template so that I can write something similar public enum Level{ …… -
Why is this code not compiled in javac, but there are no errors in eclipse?
The following codes: @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @Target( { ElementType.METHOD,ElementType.FIELD,ElementType.A…… -
Check whether the resultset in Java is empty
See English answers > java resultset how to check if there are any results21 //check if empty first if(…… -
Java – unable to run the program “MVN” error = 2, there is no such file or directory
I'm building on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, but I get the following: Started by user anonymous Building in workspace /var/lib/je…… -
How to suppress warnings during Javadoc compilation (within the scope of the code base)?
I'm stuck in a legacy java code base, and there will be thousands warnings when you compile it I am happy to actually …… -
Java – how do I handle uppercase or lowercase in JSR 310?
There is already an answer to this question: > how to parse case insensitive strings with jsr310 datetimeformatter?…… -
Java – how to change the JTable background color to white by default?
I have a JTable that I display in the JScrollPane Only JTable Anyone can tell me which method to use to turn gray into…… -
RxJava; How to send observable quantity synchronously
I want to issue two observable objects synchronously (they are asynchronous) and return the first issued observable ob…… -
Is there a faster way to compare two int arrays in Java?
I have two arrays of integers of the same size, such as n (n is variable, so I can have two arrays of sizes, such as 4…… -
java – Apache Axis ConfigurationException
I am using Apache axis to connect my java application to the web server I use wsdl2java to create stubs for me, but wh…… -
Java – what is the best server client communication protocol used in Android and IOS?
We have a server application (implemented in Java) that will provide some data for our mobile application Apps will be…… -
Statements prepared by Java in try with resources do not work properly
See English answers > how should I use try with resources with JDBC? 4 What on earth did I do wrong? Or is it impos…… -
Java – hosting widgets in the Android launcher
I'm making an Android launcher and I'm stuck in the widget section I've been searching the Internet for about an hour …… -
Java – how do I adjust the hue of a color code?
Maybe someone knows that one method in Java (Android) is to apply hue to color code? For example, if I have #1589ff an…… -
java. util. Date calculation days difference
I tried to calculate the difference between the two dates, and I noticed one thing When only days are counted, the sta…… -
Java integer tags and bitwise operations for memory reduction
Is the use of integer tags and bitwise operations an effective way to reduce the memory footprint of large objects? &g…… -
Java – Eclipse: search for strings in selected packages?
How do I search for strings in classes in multiple selected packages? Search multiple strings in eclipse seems to sear…… -
Java – guava charmatcher static initialization slow
Update: looks like my 13.0 1 is the calling code from this diffed charmatcher…… -
Java – the xmlstreamreader does not close the open XML file
To use xmlstreamreader, I'm initializing it like – XMLInputFactory f = XMLInputFactory.newInstance(); XMLStreamReader ……