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Java – @ formdataparam not found in Jersey 2.17
I'm new to web services, so I've started the basic examples This one involves file upload I am using the latest (2.17)…… -
Manage java version compatibility
I read "jdks are generally forward compatible, and jres are generally backward compatible" What version checks do java…… -
What are the benefits of Java EE – jrebel?
I've been checking jrebel According to their website: This seems to be the same as what eclipse, NetBeans and IntelliJ…… -
Java – why can I set – Xmx to a value greater than physical and virtual memory on windows and Solaris?
On a 64 bit windows machine (each task manager) with 12gb ram and 33gb virtual memory, I was able to run Java (1.6.0_0…… -
java – Eclipse 3.5. 1 compiler error: due to error on required Library/ The outputformat type cannot be accessed due to the restriction of rt.jar
The mistake is so strange that I can't understand it I have installed eclipse RCP 3.5 1, import…… -
Java – send and receive serialized objects over UDP
I tried to send a serialized object from the server process to the client process in Java using UDP The problem is tha…… -
Java – the portlet URL opens another portlet in a pop-up window
I have a create_ account. JSP hook The question is: how do I provide a portlet URL? How do I access it? In this portle…… -
JavaFX 2.0 activates menus, such as MenuItem
I'm making a menubar, and I can't press the menu function: "file" and perform an action It's like opening another fxml…… -
How to send JSON back in Java?
I have a problem using gzip compression and jQuery together It seems that this may be the way I send JSON responses in…… -
Java – Oracle driver memory leak – Tomcat
We are using tomcat-7.0 33. Spring 3.0. 1 and JPA use Tomcat JNDI data source Using ojdbc6 Oracle 10g. Jar (latest) ba…… -
Java – ImageView, why is it different in size?
First of all, I know many people have asked the same question, but the question is almost the same, but I have more qu…… -
Download and write files using retrofit and rxjava
I'm downloading a modified PDF file. The way I download it is block I use the content range header to get a byte range…… -
java – org. apache. batik. dom. svg. Where’s svgdomimplementation?
In documentation for batik, it shows how to get the apache. batik. dom. svg. Svgdomimplementation gets an instance of …… -
Java – since migrating to spring boot 1.1 4. After release, @ value and application Properties problem
I have a problem because I moved to version 1.1 4. Spring launch of release Variables annotated with @ value have not …… -
Java – Maven / Eclipse: no meta-inf / persistence.inf found in the classpath XML file
I know other problems about this problem, but no solution is useful to me I am using Maven to build a java project in …… -
Java okhttp3 only uses http / 1.1 or http / 2
Try to execute some test cases for HTTP requests I want to distinguish between http / 1.1 and HTTP / 2.0 To do this, I…… -
Tuning GC for Java audio applications
I noticed that when playing audio in Java, the marksweepcompact phase in GC is too long and leads to short silence, wh…… -
Java – how to set the direction of jtextarea from right to left (in joptionpane)
I have JScrollPane and jtextarea. I try to set the direction of jtextarea from right to left, so the text will start f…… -
In Java, the playback framework handles and blocks I / O asynchronously
My application uses the play framework to handle rest requests I need to perform some potentially persistent blocking …… -
How to provide preprocessing instructions in Java
There is already an answer to this question: > how to mark java code such that it's not compiled [C#] #define PRODU…… -
How to convert a dataframe to a dataset in Apache spark in Java?
I can easily convert a dataframe to a Scala dataset: case class Person(name:String,age:Long) val df ="/…… -
Java – spring boot – environment @ Autowired throws NullPointerException
I have one that uses spring boot 0.5 0.m5 project settings In one of my profiles, I tried to @ autowire environment, b…… -
Is it still relevant to replace enumeration structures with classes in Java?
I'm reading the effective java written by Joshua Bloch in 2008. A hint is to replace enumeration structures with class…… -
Java – I encountered this exception: an unresolved compilation problem
I removed the jar from the project( pdf@R_157_2419 @, bouncy castle, etc.) and move them to another folder, but I get…… -
Java – Android: get the day of the week from the date?
How can I format the date like this public static String sFleTimeToDate(double ft) { double date = ft / 100…… -
String – replace strsubstitute with JRE Library
I'm currently using org apache. commons. lang.text. Strsubstitute: Map m = ... substitutor = new StrSubstitutor(m); r…… -
Java – how to check whether a key in a map starts with a given string value
I am looking for a way, such as: myMap.containsKeyStartingWith("abc"); // returns true if there's a key starting with …… -
Java – use Apache POI to thicken the entire line
I'm using Apache POI's HSSF workbook to write data into an Excel spreadsheet I want a whole line bold Can anyone sugge…… -
How to replace the missing project . settings . Import the Java project of the classpath file into eclipse
I got a java source code from the opensource project The source code does not have eclipse project specific files, suc…… -
Javafx-2 – use JavaFX to check the collision of shapes
I tried to do some collision detection For this test, I use simple rectangular shapes and check their bound to determi…… -
Java – select “name” in jsoup
I have multiple divs in the web page URL. I have to resolve that they have the same class name, but different names ha…… -
Grand central dispatch – use ‘sync’ to schedule queues and use with What is the difference between work items marked by wait?
I'm learning Apple's GCD and watching the video concurrent programming with GCD in swift 3 At 16:00 in this video, a f……