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Java – what’s the big difference between using include or loop through lists?
Performance wise, there is really a big difference between use: > ArrayList. contains(o)vs foreach | iterator > …… -
What is the reason for this strange Java behavior?
I want to test the '= =' operator on long. This is what I found: the following code: public static void main(final Str…… -
Java – how does CompareTo work?
I know CompareTo returns negative or positive results related to one string and another, but why: public class Test { …… -
Java – customize webargumentresolver, such as @ pathvariable
I want to use a custom webargumentresolver as the ID – > entity If I use the request parameter, it is simple enough…… -
Java – how do I format an integer as a string of four zeros?
I try to do something similar in Java (eclipse indigo): input - 16 (integer); Output - "0016" ; input - 201 (integer)…… -
Java – shutdown hook and finalizer methods
I just don't understand why I have to use runtime addShutdownHook. If you want to do some cleanup when the JVM exits, …… -
Java – how to upload files on the server folder using JSP
There is already an answer to this question: > recommended way to save uploaded files in a servlet application2 Her…… -
Python regular expression for java package name
I have a problem using Python to determine a valid java package name This is the code: packageName = "com.domain.lala"…… -
Is there a way in Java to find the name of the variable passed to the function?
I have a Java function called testfornull public static void testForNull(Object obj) { if (obj == null) …… -
Can datastex Java drivers be safely used in EE containers?
com. datastax. driver. core. The documentation for the session class illustrates this However, the general recommendat…… -
Java – reflections illegalargumentexception reason
Update – make the problem clearer ClassCastException exception may be caused when calling a method through reflection?…… -
Java – hibernate – forces container resource cleanup when a transaction completes
After several queries are executed, I get the following message from Hibernate: HHH000106: Forcing container resource …… -
How to find the date of an object in Java
Suppose I have a class named "test" and I create an instance of this class. Can I know the creation date of this insta…… -
Java – draw a curved path on canvas?
How to draw a conic or triangular curve (such as sin (x)) on canvas? Solution Most drawing APIs do not provide such fu…… -
Java – how to configure embedded jetty to access Jersey resources?
I'm trying to configure embedded jetty to talk to my jersey resources, but I can't figure out how to do this I've trie…… -
Java – how to correctly escape triple nested quotation marks in JSP Tags
We have just upgraded Tomcat. The newer Tomcat does not like to nest quotation marks in tags, so we must alternate bet…… -
How to use Java stream to collect multiple lists into one list?
There is already an answer to this question: > java8 lambda: concat LIST1 List<MyListService> services; serv…… -
Java – make Jfilechooser display image thumbnail
I want to create a Jfilechooser with a thumbnail view of the image file So I subclass fileview and zoom in the method …… -
How to set up multiple items in JList using setselectedvalue?
I have a JList that is dynamically populated by adding to the underlying listmodel Now, if I have three strings, I kno…… -
Java – use hibernate JPA to store objects in columns
Can I store things like the following that use only one table? Now, what hibernate will do is to create two tables, on…… -
Java – how to run common code for most requests in spring MVC web app?
Namely I mapped various URLs using spring MVC requestmapping @RequestMapping(value = "/mystuff",method = RequestMethod…… -
What is the object field initialization and constructor order in Java
I ended the following scenario in the code earlier today (I admit it's a little strange, I've refactored it) When I ru…… -
Is it safe to capture stackoverflowerror in Java?
I have two different function implementations (for example, tree size), one recursive and the other explicit stack Rec…… -
Java – how to add Weblogic – application. Net to the war file xml
Can you tell me if I can add Weblogic - application. To the war file XML, if so, how to perform the same operation Sol…… -
Java: resume download in urlconnection
I wrote a program to download some files from some servers .... File fcheck=new File(SaveDir+"/"+filename); if(resume…… -
Java – register all classes annotated with @ myannotation
I have an annotation @ myannotation, which I can use to annotate any type (class) Then I have a class named annotatedc…… -
Differences between Java and Hibernate types: Boolean, yes_ no,true_ false
When to use? What do they map in the database? Solution From Hibernate: -
Java – fileoutputstream: does the “close” method also call “flush”?
I really care about the flush and close methods In my code, I always close my fileoutputstream object But I want to kn…… -
Servlets – infinite loop when forwarding requests in Java servlets
I hope you can help me solve the problem I face: I created a simple web application using NetBeans Up to now, this is …… -
Why does JDK also have math Random () and random classes?
Is it just because of the "large API syndrome" or random numbers that are more biased in some cases? If it is... I thi…… -
Java – mysterious comments in JDK source code: / / HD, section 2-1
I just stumbled upon this comment public static int lowestOneBit(int i) { // HD,Section 2-1 return i & -i;…… -
Java – environment variable classpath < > classpath of clojure Why?
Here, I check the environment variable classpath Here, I examine what Java thinks it is daniel @ daniel-laptop:〜/ ps……