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Android image crop URI exception
First of all, I am using xamarin, but the problem is the same on the local java project. I updated the SDK to 5.1 and …… -
Listview in Android Scrollview does not display all items
I have a layout containing two listviews, both of which are in the Scrollview, because the content may exceed the heig…… -
Android activities how to use toolbars without extending appcompatactivity
I have an activity, homeview, which has extended another activity. It cannot extend appcompatactivity. But homeview ne…… -
Android media player retains application instances and causes memory leaks
I have a media player activity as a member variable My media player is initialized as follows: mMediaPlayer = new Medi…… -
Android Gmail listview flip animation
I tried to create an animation, as we saw in Gmail's listview widget. When we select a line, we press the circle on th…… -
Java error: the task “: app: dexdebug” in Android studio failed to execute
I encountered an unknown type of error. The execution of 'error: task': app: dexdebug 'failed My build. Gradle:- apply…… -
Android CTS and GTS query
I have some questions about the CTS test We are using a Windows 7 system with 64 bit and 8GB ram and the CTS test suit…… -
Dagger 2 – how to inject only basic activities / fragments
I am studying dagger 2 from many sources, such as: Bu…… -
Java libgdx: FPS low on Android devices
In my game, I created many loops and methods in render. The FPS range of my laptop is 56 to 60, which is OK. However, …… -
Android – create a toolbar for each activity or segment?
I have an activity with 3 segments. The activity has a toolbar without menu items. Menu items are added through the se…… -
The Android main module references the dependent module, but cannot use the dependent library inside
If you encounter problems in modular development When the multi module androidmanifest.xml is not merged, or the multi…… -
Can I use Java. Swing and JavaFX for Android development?
I don't know much about Android development. I want to know if I can use Java. Swing and / or JavaFX resolvent: You ca…… -
Android – set padding / margins as the top activity / fragment layout container in the theme?
In my application, I want to fill all screen top-level containers that apply to themes For example: This is the layout…… -
How do I resolve networkerrors when I try to debug a react native application?
I am creating an Android react native application. Everything seems to work normally except trying to debug the applic…… -
JavaFX WebView component on Android
I heard that it is possible to launch the JavaFX project on Android So can you use the powerful JavaFX WebView compone…… -
When I added the appcompat-v7 library to my android project, was deleted
After adding the library appcompat-v7 to my application, is deleted and the console displays the following erro…… -
Java – how to merge an Android studio project into another Android studio project
I have two separate Android application projects made in Android studio. I'm trying to merge project 1 into project 2 …… -
Android – do you need to update the service version?
This question has been answered here: > Google play services update 6. I am using the xamarin Android application. …… -
Do vectors with two point values crash on Android 5.0.1 and 5.0.2?
I'm using Android to download some vectors on the website here Icons like contact phone icon And put it in the file as…… -
Android – TextureView with camera preview
I want to use TextureView to display the camera preview. Finally, I want to use TextureView to set the opacity for the…… -
Android – use getprimaryclip() to copy the given data, given {text / plain {null}}
I get the information of {text / plain {null}} when using clipdata, but if I use the deprecated method mclipboard. Get…… -
How to use android.test.servicetestcase correctly?
My application is a service running in / system / APP Trying to write a unit test for this, I rece…… -
Parsing httpurlconnection to get response
I have a method that uses the httpurlconnection get method to call the API, Please find my way to write: privat…… -
Material design elevation – how to operate on a solid black background
If I want to use shadows to merge the elevation of material design in the GUI with a black background, can I? I can't …… -
Java – how to use onbackpressed () to see the finish () activity with the softkeyboard activity
I have an activity. The whole screen is dedicated to sending a message. The upper part is an EditText, while the lower…… -
Android listview onitemclicklistener does nothing
I have a listfragment used as a tab. I am trying to use onitemselectedlistener on my listview, which must start anothe…… -
Null pointer exception in Android Google plus login
I'm a novice on Android. I integrated the Google plus login in my application. But it shows a null pointer exception i…… -
Java greendao and entity inheritance
My task is to perform disk caching on Android OS for my application (this is some kind of messenger). I want to store …… -
Android 6 marshmallow crashes when Java calls the native library
My application uses the native library, and there is no problem from Android 2.2 to 5.1 However, on Android 6, the mar…… -
Android studio cannot run the command: Java – xmx1024m – CP
Today, I encountered this problem when I was running a program using Android. Gradle would make an error like this: Ca…… -
Monitor non beacon ble devices (Android beacon Library)
Can I monitor non beacon ble devices using Android beacon library? If so, how can I use RSSI to estimate their distanc…… -
Android – how often do you send an action in an actual device_ BATTERY_ CHANGED?
In the emulator, if the power capacity is set to a value different from the current value, the onReceive of my broadca……