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Java – get all week start dates between two dates
I want to show all week start dates between two dates Assuming that I have selected the start date as December 8, 2015…… -
Draw an image over the Android text span
I'm creating a complex text view, which means using different text styles in the same view. Some text needs a small im…… -
Android – change the checkbox checked with the animation in recyclerview
If the user clicks Check@R_ 662_ 2419 @, it will run a very beautiful animation (on lollipop) But if I call programmat…… -
Android – dynamically add multiple textviews to tablerow through SQL loop
I've searched here, but it seems that I can't solve this problem. I have a Scrollview. In the Scrollview is LinearLayo…… -
Android – the onplaceselectedlistener of supportplaceautocompletefragment is not triggered inside the viewpager
My application has an activity with viewpager and four fragments. In one fragment, I added a Google supportplace autoc…… -
Create pop ups for each GridView project – Android
I'm developing an Android application for the hotel's food ordering system. In my project, I have a GridView. When I c…… -
Android ADB shell script – how to extract all SharedPreferences
I need to run a script in debugging mode, which will pull all SharedPreferences into a folder. According to my researc…… -
Android ImageView is very slow
My problem is that my Scrollview is very slow and slow Each time I scroll, I receive the following warning: Skipped 14…… -
Android – how to use Picasso with recyclerview’s custom adapter
I'm filling the recyclerview with images loaded from the web. I can use asynctask to load images in the adapter. Howev…… -
Android – error updating gradle to 2.10
I use gradle 2.9 in my android studio project Today, I tried to update gradle to 2.10 with an error: I changed it to 2…… -
android-AFMA_ Receivemessage does not use appodeal definition
E/Ads: JS: Uncaught ReferenceError: AFMA_ReceiveMessage is not defined dependencies { compile fileTree(include: ['*.…… -
How to create a custom textview in Android?
I'm developing layout. I developed drawable for this layout. But the text cannot be adjusted in this view. Please prov…… -
How to delete pkcs7 padding from AES encrypted strings in Android?
I'm using my own custom encryption method to develop secure applications, and I'm having problems decrypting messages …… -
Android – remove view and hidden view from parent view
In Android, if I remove the view from its parent view and hide the child view in the parent view (gone is not visible)…… -
Android soft keyboard push view
I'm developing a soft keyboard for Android, but I encountered an unsolvable problem. The problem is that when I open t…… -
Android – load more items at the end of grid view
I'm making an application and using the grid view to display all the images. The problem is that I have a lot of image…… -
Null reference error expanding textview
I added textview as a title to listview in xamarin android app. According to the instructions in ericosg's answer to t…… -
Android EditText with suffix
I'm very new to Android development and have problems dealing with company projects. I need an EditText with a fixed s…… -
Android hides the action bar and toolbar
In the list I use minSdkVersion 14 targetSdkVersion 23 Now, I want to hide the theme: <?xml version="1.0" encodin…… -
Java multithreaded callback method
There is a service in my application that enables clients to register to receive callbacks from the service. I try to …… -
The Android location service cannot run in the background
I'm developing a location app. When the user presses the button, the application should start tracking some statistics…… -
Java – Convert hex to small end
What is the formula for converting the value of a text field from hexadecimal to small end? Input example: 5a109061 Ou…… -
Java – why is an exception thrown when an unused activity is uploaded to the play store?
I have an application that was recently uploaded to the play store and enabled crashlytics. In this application, there…… -
TimePicker without cancel button?
How do I create an Android time selector without a cancel button? I had hoped that setcancelable (false) could do this…… -
Android – reorients the axis of the accelerometer to the axis of the car in the phonegap application
I am currently working on an application to detect potholes on the road through the accelerometer in my mobile phone. …… -
Android Cordoba – how can there be no splash screen?
I don't want to launch the screen for my Cordova project (Android and IOS). How can I delete it? I tried to disable th…… -
Why does my android transition ignore the transitionlistener?
I'm trying to update the display before calling TransitionManager.beginDelayedTransition (viewGroup, new AutoTransitio…… -
Android navigation drawer with account selector
Google has built an account selector in the title of the material design navigation drawer. You can find details in it…… -
The location of adapter extension baseadapter getview is 0
I want to use listview with a custom adapter that extends baseadapter public class PowerAdapter extends BaseAdapter { …… -
JavaScript – play blobs in Android audio elements
I have some code that can run normally on chrome and Firefox desktops. Now I'm trying to run it on Android chrome. I'v…… -
Android zooms animation to make ImageView run
In my application, I'm dynamically creating an ImageView and setting it to a constant x, y position, and then zooming …… -
Calling textview from mainactivity to fragment in Android
Can the mainactivity control textview be called as fragment? I don't know if this is feasible There is drawerlayout, w……