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How do I update a recyclerview project without animation?
I have a recyclerview. When I click the button in the project in recyclerview, I want to change the color of the view …… -
Android – surfaceview (width, height) problem
I'm new to Android and I face some problems I use surfaceview to expand my course. In my class, I can't get the width …… -
Android – how to ask for runtime permissions for camera
I'm making a button click application to scan bar code. It can work normally to lollipop version. When I came to marsh…… -
Java – how do I transfer duplicates in other ArrayLists?
I have an array list ArrayList<String> list=new ArrayList<String>(); list.add("Apple"); list.add("Bal…… -
Android multi touch zoom
I'm trying to implement multi touch zoom in and zoom out for my application. My application is to view slides of image…… -
Add a column to SQLite table in Android?
I want to add another column to the table in the existing SQLite database Maybe, or what do I need to do to upgrade it…… -
Android – how to center and left align prompt text in EditText?
This is my layout, which brings the prompts together well, but how to align the prompts to the left, such as the margi…… -
Android – the calendar gives me the wrong time and minutes
I'm trying to get the time of the timestamp, but when I use calendar.hour and calendar.minute, I always get the wrong …… -
Android – error: requestfeature() must be called before adding content and is still invalid
I know I've asked similar questions in the past, but even with these suggestions, I can't seem to do it I got the abov…… -
How to separate logic / UI in Android
I want my application to be divided into two parts: logic code and UI I try to implement it in each activity using the…… -
Android – EditText loses focus using the hard keyboard when tabhost exists in the activity
I display EditText in tabhost. Tabhost is located in sherlockfragmentactivity Suppose I am in touch mode, I click Edit…… -
Android webView shouldOverrideUrlLoading for iframes
I have a local website controlled by JavaScript and load it into WebView. The website is actually a main page with ifr…… -
Is it bad or rude to automatically execute contentresolver.setmastersync in Android applications?
I widely use synaptor in my application to realize its core functions. I also use the periodic refresh provided by syn…… -
Android TCP permission denied error
This is my code: public void update(){ try { Socket appSoc = new Socket( "XXX.XXX.XXX.X" ,XXXXX); B…… -
The Android application iframe is a website
How to create an application for iframes website in eclipse in Android. What is its code? Thank you in advance! resolv…… -
Android: how to use Tamil fonts
This is my Tamil HTML Unicode string முதல்பக்கக்திகள் I am using this Code: TextView text=(TextView)findViewById(R…… -
Android – phonegap splashScreen direction
When setting the startup screen for the mobile screen application, even if I make a large picture with a logo in the c…… -
Android – display toast in gcmbaseintentservice
I'm trying to implement a push notification client. I want to display toast in the onmessage (context arg0, intent arg…… -
Java – special characters for HTTP requests
I am a novice on the Android platform and try to create an HTTP request, but my URL contains some special characters, …… -
Logout function in Android
I'm making a social networking application. I'm implementing the sign out function. Clicking on the sign out button sh…… -
Duplicate entries in Android class generated by R
I have this line public static final int text_view222=0x7f060077; It is repeated in my file and causes an e…… -
Detailed explanation of FrameLayout in Android
Reference link: 36772866/article/details/89010678 -
Restart app programmatically after crash – Android
Is there any way I can make my application restart automatically when it crashes? My application is just a simple medi…… -
Java – JSON parsing problem
Invalid Sign When I put it into the JSON object, it brings me an error. The error is: 08-31 14:40:52.281: warn / syste…… -
Displays the screen of the Android 4.0 device on the computer
I'm going to do a demonstration soon. For this, I need to show the application to 10 people at the same time. For this…… -
If the text field is empty, the Android button is disabled
Can someone tell me how to disable buttons in Android unless all three EditText fields are filled? I don't know where …… -
How to install Android applications repeatedly without uninstalling previous versions?
I'm working on an Android project. I have to install it many times to test it on the virtual device. But at the end of…… -
Android – toast appears multiple times
In my application, click on the button I create a toast as – Toast.makeText(context,"Please Enter Username",Toast.LENG…… -
Android – method maketext in toast type is not applicable to parameters
I'm using the viewpage indicator and trying to use toast when we scroll to the next fragment page I got him to follow …… -
Android – get EditText value from listview
I tried to get a value from edittexts in listview, but it didn't work. The value set to 'lista' array in the aftertext…… -
QR code generator in Android
I'm going to develop a QR code generator application for Android devices Can someone provide some references to guide …… -
Android file names with spaces cannot be opened
When I open a file in sdcard, my code works normally. However, if I open a file name with spaces, an error will appear……