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How to use code programming to obtain the IMEI / ESN number of the device, but in Android > 6
How to find / get IMEI number > 6 in Android programmatically Note: I added read to the androidmanifest. XML file_ …… -
Aes128 decryption: javax.crypto.badpaddingexception pad block is damaged
I try to decrypt the encrypted data received from the web service Encryption is done using AES 128 I use the following…… -
Android studio cannot read the package when generating Javadoc
So far, I have seen the problems of eclipse Javadoc in this, this and this, but these problems only apply to eclipse. …… -
Android – setting vector drawable in ImageView causes the application in the old SDK to crash
I used vector drawable in image SRC, as shown below: <ImageView android:id="@+id/isSold" …… -
Android – how to kill specific activities?
When my Android application starts, it will start the main activity. It displays a full screen image for 5 seconds, an…… -
Java – how to send parameters when executing an Android application using the adb.exe shell command
I start an Android application with "adb.exe shell" as follows, which works normally: shell am start -a android.intent…… -
Android – get fragment instance in activity
getSupportFragmentManager().beginTransaction() .add(,new MyFragment).commit(); Whe…… -
Android – how to use spinner in recyclerview?
Which is the best practice for handling spinner in the recyclerview Adapter? This is my recyclerview adapter: public c…… -
Android – display error: attempt to call interface method ‘int Java. Util. List. Size()’ on an empty object reference
I'm creating an application that displays a contact list in list view. The problem is that when I run my application a…… -
Android toolbar – programmatically change the height and width of navigation icons
resolvent: I did this: toolbar= (Toolbar) findViewById(; setSupportActionBar(toolbar); if(getSupportActio…… -
Android – loads an array of integers from XML
I have an array of integers in the XML file, as shown below <integer-array name="myArray"> <item>@draw…… -
Android – viewpager has different menus and common toolbars and does not work properly
There are labels in my application. Each label has different fragments and different menus. Here is the layout I'm usi…… -
Does Android run OpenGL es 1.1 or 1.0?
I'm developing a native application for Android. I'm trying to use glisenabled and other functions. It seems that thes…… -
Android – map clustering – Max zoom markers still clustered
I am using Android maps utils to cluster tags on Google Maps API v2. It works normally, but when I add 2000 tags, it i…… -
Android wear watchface settings on the host
I currently have a developed Android wear dial. However, I now want to create a setting part on the host application t…… -
Android – pending tent getbroadcast lost assignable data
That's the problem. My program runs perfectly in Android 6.0. After updating the device to Android 7.0, pendingtent ca…… -
C# – Android EditText sets the maximum length
Hi, everyone, I have a problem. I tried to set the maximum length of EditText, but I didn't succeed I've tried this: a…… -
Android – how do I set the default value for the text column in SQLite?
I have a simple table. I'm trying to put the default value into the text column. This is a table query: "CREATE TABLE …… -
Android webviewclient callback calls are too frequent
When I call WebView #loadurl, I hope I can only get one webviewclient #onpagefinished call without webviewclient #shou…… -
Rotate bitmap in degrees in Android
I'm developing a shooting game with bows and arrows.. so how to rotate bows and arrows??? I've tried different animati…… -
Android – call setcontentview() from broadcast receiver
In my application, two classes are Internetactivity, which only extends activity and sets contentview to main. And ext…… -
Android – error merging spannable objects
I want to merge three spannable objects. This code works normally: Spannable s1 = new SpannableStringBuilder("bold"); …… -
First Android Application – how to access the compass
I'm making my first Android application. As a toy of the learning system, I want to make a simple application that use…… -
Android – how to find out when the installation is complete
I am creating an application that installs applications downloaded from the server. I want to install these applicatio…… -
Getting started with AdMob for Android – confused with documentation
I'm just beginning to think about putting AdMob ads into the Android application I'm building. So far, it's not good. …… -
Java – Android and C: necessary?
It's just very simple to check Android development. It seems that most people are using Java. However Does this mean t…… -
Can I use any Android phone for application development?
Can I use any Android phone for application development? In the Philippines, there are many Android phones installed. …… -
Java – random number
I have a question: how to draw a number from 0 to 4 in Java (Android)? How to use random functions? resolvent: The fol…… -
Android – how to deal with the persistence of eclipse hanging on the workspace?
This is its length. First short: >I have an X window system crash, resulting in unclean eclipse (that is, it may be…… -
Android – why do all activities / classes appear in the application list during installation?
I have relatively new Java (well, maybe new, about 10 years old) and Android programming. I have built an application …… -
How to set the width of radio buttons according to the screen size? (robot)
I have these radio buttons. They need Android: width = "X" and Android: height "X". However, I don't know how to set t…… -
Android – why so much memory?
I have a 1000 × 1500 pixel bitmap, I want to make a variable copy in Android When I run the following code // int widt……