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Java – unable to start a timer in a service in Android
I don't know what error happened... I can't start the timer in my service. Follow the code public class BkgService ext…… -
Android – checkboxpreference dependency not found error
I have this Check@R_ 923_ 2419@Preference Check@R_923_2419@Preference sendToEmailPref = new Check@R_923_2419@Preferenc…… -
How to go to the next activity in Android
I have three views main1.xml, main2.xml, main3.xml. I put three buttons in main.xml. When the user clicks the first bu…… -
Android – how do I display buttons under conditions?
I have a button that basically looks like this: @H_502_5@ <Button android:id="@+id/admin_new_questions" …… -
How do I programmatically open an SMS window in Android?
In my application, I want to programmatically open the Android SMS creation window for my application. How? resolvent:…… -
Java – calculates the time difference between the current and future times
I want to calculate the time difference (in milliseconds) between the time of the day (11:00 a.m. on October 1, 2012) …… -
Android – EditText maximum character limit exceeds callback
My idea is to set the error view to EditText when the maximum character limit is reached. Is there a callback for this…… -
Android – listview changes the text when an item is clicked
I have a list view built from textviews If the user clicks the item list, the text of the item will be changed. What s…… -
Android InstallLocation
When we put the application into Google play, I want to know which one is good >Having Android: installlocation = "…… -
Android – actionbar and navigation drawer – slide actionbar with activity / fragment
I am using the navigation drawer, as shown in here: Android example. At this time, the operation bar is static, and it…… -
Android – duplicate background images are stretched
I have a difficult background texture. I have a 60px by 60px bitmap texture. I want to set it as the background of my …… -
The shell script in Android gives [: not found
I have this script that can run on my Linux machine #!/bin/sh c=1 if [ $c == 1 ] then echo c is 1 else echo c is 0…… -
Android – style not applied
I made the style with the following code: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <resources> <style…… -
Android – how to split strings with ‘newline’?
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(url.openStream())); String str while ((str =in.readLine()…… -
Why do we use the “new” keyword with an interface in Java?
I'm new to Android. I've learned the basic object-oriented programming courses, which provide a way to enhance the fun…… -
Blue screen in Google Maps for Android
When I load Google Maps on Android, I will see a blue screen. I don't know what I did wrong. This is my code to get th…… -
Android – force Proguard gives each method in a class a unique name?
I'm using Proguard to confuse Android applications. Everything's fine, but I'm trying to backtrack the stack trace fro…… -
When sectionindexer is implemented, Android – fastscrollbar goes out of the screen
I use a custom adapter that implements sectionindexer to execute listview. When I only type minsdkversion = 8 in the m…… -
Java – the background of the drawerlayout is dimmed
I want to know how to darken the drawer background when the drawer is open. I have a transparent drawer menu (listview…… -
Android – how to align images in image buttons
I want to place my image in the assigned image button view. But it's not fixed in that space. It looks strange! Can I …… -
Android – jsonarray cannot be converted to jsonobject error
When getting JSON data, I received an error: Code to generate JSON: JSONObject parent = new JSONObject(); DatabaseHand…… -
java – division double android
My department on Android has a problem: double test= 100/ 1280; double test2 = 0.2354; System.out.println(…… -
How to make responsive Android applications for mobile devices and tablets?
I created an Android application When I run my application on my mobile phone, it works well, but when I run in tablet…… -
Java – intentservice does not have an empty constructor, but has a constructor
I have an intentservice in the activity. When I try to call the service, it will throw this error. I find it strange, …… -
Android – the fragment startactivityforresult always returns resultcode 0 and intent null on the callback onactivityresult
I searched all similar posts about it, but I couldn't find a solution! In my case, I have an activity a, which contain…… -
Android – how to move to another activity in seconds?
I have a splash screen. I just want it to wait 1 or 2 seconds and then move on to the next activity. I know there are …… -
Android – where do you store string values? In the strings.xml or constants class?
In Android, we can store string values in the strings.xml file or in some constant classes as static final variables. …… -
Switchcompat does not display a thumb image on the Android 5.0 lollipop simulator
I read about the new switchcompat introduced to implement the switch widget in Android 5.0. I try to use the same, but…… -
Android optionsmenu problem, the background is always transparent
My options menu always shows no background (the background is transparent). Who knows how to get rid of this? My faile…… -
JavaScript – phonegap Android geolocation watchposition timeout
I am testing with Cordova 3.0.0 and Samsung Galaxy S3 4.1.2 When I test the phonegap full example to see the location:…… -
Android – java.lang.illegalstateexception (this operation cannot be performed after onsaveinstancestate)
This error occurs when I receive the following message in different scenarios: >Activity corrupted > cannot perf…… -
Java – invoke the method from another fragment.
I've been trying for a while (searching here at the same time) to help me refresh listview in my mainframe. When I pre……