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macos – 10.8. Java Web Start and native (Apple) Java 1.6 in 2 cannot find JRE
I'm trying to run some on the latest OS - X JNLP application (game) When doing so, Java Web start App suggests that I …… -
Java – can I add or modify elements at the head of a link blocking queue?
Or perhaps it's better to use other classes to access data synchronously? Solution If you want to manipulate both ends…… -
Java – error: unable to find or load the main class test
I'm currently teaching myself ANTLR. When I finished the book "the defined ANTLR reference", I encountered a problem I…… -
Connecting with Oracle in Java application
I have downloaded Oracle express 11g and installed it Now I want to connect it from a Java application This is my conn…… -
Java Swing – perform actions on clicks
I think I've written myself into a corner I'm trying to do this with Java swing Click the next button to load a new li…… -
Java – internal classes that use the main method cannot be compiled
abstract class Manager { abstract class Manager { static void test() { System.out.println(12); } …… -
Java – Import wildcards do you always import everything?
I'm working on a small program and using arrays, so I did: import java.util.Arrays; Later, I began to expand what I ha…… -
Java – a quick way to find unique values in a list
Given a list of keyvaluepairs, where each pair has a getValue () method, what is the fastest way to get a list (or set…… -
Java – compares two integer strings and prints a match
Let's say these are my two strings String listOfIntegers = ("1 5 9 12 15 50 80 121"); String integerToLookFor = ("12")…… -
Java – how to display variable values in jlabel
I am a novice in Java programming I want to display the value of my variable in the output window, not in the console …… -
Java – how to set the main body of httpput on Android? (do not add Library)
I want to upload some data from the android app to pachube [update: for those who read this in 2013, "pachube" became …… -
Java – spring 3.1: how to inject beans created in different configuration classes
I just set up a web application using spring 3.1, and I try to do this by using java configuration Next, the verifier …… -
Java – why do you actually need war files in Tomcat?
Why not put the files in a subdirectory under the webapps directory? Solution Using war files has no performance advan…… -
Java – GUI does not display as expected
I tried to draw the GUI as shown in the figure, but somehow I couldn't put the object in the correct position (I guess…… -
Java – displays the password in jpasswordfield instead of setting 0 to echo char
How do I display the text of jpasswordfield instead of setting 0 to echo char? Java docs says: The following results i…… -
Java – even if we have a constructor, how do we initialize variables to default values
I have a question about the default constructor in Java Suppose I have two files, public class a { int x; …… -
Java – disable the open button in Jfilechooser?
I extended a Jfilechooser and overridden the approveselection method so that when the user selects an invalid director…… -
Java – format text fields with jcombobox
I have a GUI window asking for break time The result I want is, for example, 1:15 – int hours = 1 and int mins = 15 – …… -
JPA – sun. After adding entitylisteners reflect. annotation. Typenotpresentexceptionproxy exception
The following crash occurred when adding entitylisteners to the application using @ entitylisteners (value = {myeventl…… -
String initialization and connection in Java
Everything is fine in my application, but I want to improve performance and optimize my code Which of the two is bette…… -
Java – the best string technology equals comparison
If the block is better? private static void checkStr(String str) { if (str.equals("exit")) { System.out.p…… -
Java – SmartGWT: can I color a row in the list grid?
All can color a row in SmartGWT listGrid? Solution In SmartGWT, methods ending in style (such as GetStyle, getbasestyl…… -
Java – receiving error of profit calculator?
As a novice to Java, my task is to make a profit calculator for a paper boy, but I received this error: Enter the numb…… -
How to identify BigDecimal in double in Java
I'm writing a financial application. I get a value as a string. I need to check whether the value is suitable for doub…… -
Java – using iterator and iterator Concurrentmodificationexception at remove()
private int checkLevel(String bigWord,Collection<String> dict,MinMax minMax) private int checkLevel(String bigWo…… -
Java – override – parameter difference
public class A{ public class A{ public static int x = 1; public int m(A a,B b){ return a.m(b,b) + x; …… -
Java containsall does not return true when a list is given
I want to check that one array is a subset of another The program prints incorrectly, but I hope it is true Why not in…… -
Java – serialize object properties
When I use serializable in a class, do I need to add serializable to all objects in the class? For example, public cla…… -
Java – disable the open button in Jfilechooser?
I extended a Jfilechooser and overridden the approveselection method so that when the user selects an invalid director…… -
Multiple classes and main methods in Java, as well as packages and namespaces
In eclipse The java file name must be the same as the class name Is this true in any case or only in eclipse? For the …… -
Java – how to use spring roo to create @ entity without @ version field?
I use spring roo and JPA (hibernate) as my entity model I don't want to have a @ version field in some entities How ca…… -
Java parentheses flip string
How do I replace a string so that "(" becomes ")" and ")" becomes "("? Solution use. Replace (), but if you replace) (……