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Java – generics – cannot be added to a list with unbounded wildcards
I instantiate the following list: // I am just revising generics again and the following is just cursory code! List<…… -
Java – when a statement is considered a single entry / single exit, when it is not?
I'm not sure if I can use it well. For example, if statements in Java are called single entry / single exit statements…… -
Java – SVN deletes files. How can I recover them?
I use eclipse and subversion in Ubuntu Linux Today, I created some new Java class files and edited the old files (thes…… -
Java – common objects in Apache thrift
I wonder if I can use IDL language to define "general object" in Apache thrift, similar to the "object" class in Java …… -
How to run from Java SH file?
See the English answer > how to run UNIX shell script from Java code? 16 Runtime.getRuntime().exec("src/lexparser.s…… -
How to parse time in Java?
I want to know whether Java has a built-in method for parsing time / date, as shown below: 5m1w5d3h10m15s This is 5 mo…… -
Java – GWT, RPC security, HTTP headers, authentication and request builder
I assume that GWT RPC actually uses requestbuilder Is there any way to extract the requestbuilder instance used by my …… -
Java – ant task: using exclusion parameters
Get the following build XML string: <jar destfile="${lib.dir}/rpt.jar" basedir="${classes.src}" excludes="**/*.java…… -
Java – escape slashes in HTTP requests
I execute HTTP delete requests from JavaScript to Java Web applications The web application uses Jersey to send web ad…… -
Java – the correct hashcode is required when comparing an object with an unordered integer pair as a variable
I'm in class final class BuildingPair { int mBA; int mBB; public BuildingPair(int pBuildingA,int pBuildi…… -
Java – is there a simpler way to split / rebuild strings?
I'm currently using string Split (""), as follows: String[] tmp = props.get(i).getFullName().split("\\."); String name…… -
Java – printwriter adds text to a file
In my online computer science class, I have to write a program to determine the surface gravity of each planet in the …… -
Java – JFrame has the same shape as image / program running in the background
My problem is very simple, the solution is definitely not I am looking for a way to shape a JFrame, just like the imag…… -
Java – defaulttablemodel makes cells non editable JTable
See English answers > how to make a JTable non editable JTable table = new JTable(...){ public boolean isCellEd…… -
Java – how to use the kill – 3 command to dump the Jave heap every 30 seconds
Please help me, I want to run a shell script, which should use the kill - 3 command to dump the Jave heap every 30 sec…… -
Java – if there is a statement with \ u0026 \ u0026, the first condition needs to be true before testing the second
See English answer > @ L_ 301_ 0 @ 9 From my test, it seems that the if statement will exit [10] before trying to g…… -
Java cannot reference non final variables
Continue to give me the following code: package com.gwt.churchweb.churchweblogin.client; import…… -
Java – how to convert static variables in a class to JSON
Hello, I have a class constant that only contains static variables Public class constant public class Constant { p…… -
Handling runtime exceptions in Java
I have the following code try{//do something } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e,e); if (e inst…… -
Java – getting fragmenttransaction from activity when using compatibility
So I'm developing a project that I want to run on traditional Android devices, so I use the compatibility library I us…… -
Java – JPA criteria API select object with null column
I have a table "word" in PostgreSQL DB: CREATE TABLE word ( word_id bigserial NOT NULL,word character varying(15) N…… -
Java – solve problems larger than memory limit
I've been thinking about the following scenario recently: suppose you have a huge database and you want to perform som…… -
Java – understanding regex if then statements
So I'm not sure I understand how this works This is what I think is the format of the if / then / else option built in…… -
Three fast problems about Java synchronization block
As far as I know, the following code, in the synchronized block, is an instance of a counter Question 1: in the follow…… -
Java – spring: how to monitor quartz jobs from the controller?
I created two jobs in the spring project, which run independently of each other at two different times public class Jo…… -
Java – why doesn’t ArrayList throw a concurrentmodificationexception when modifying from multiple threads?
Concurrent modificationexception: when such modification is not allowed, the method that detects concurrent modificati…… -
Using JavaMail with self signed certificates
I have a servlet that contains the following code: System.setProperty("",getServletContext().get…… -
It looks like an internal static class in Java, but obviously it’s not (I don’t understand, how is this possible?)
From: imageView.setLayoutParams(new GridView.LayoutParams(85,85)); View the new GridView Layoutparams section It seems…… -
Java – what happens to the returned object when I call “new object()” without storing the return?
Suppose we have some code as follows (I know this is a bad practice): try { new myObject(); } catch { //stuff } Wh…… -
Java – about the close method used to close the flow ()
Today, when I'm working on some kind of servlet, I'm using the following code to perform a write operation. These serv…… -
Enumerating Java byte types in constructors
public enum Rank { public enum Rank { TEN("Ten",1),NINE("Nine",2),EIGHT("Eight",0),SEVEN("Seven",0); private…… -
How to advance the modification date by 6 months in Java
See the English answer > java: Customize adding 1 month to the current date This is my output: Current date: Januar……