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java – Camera. Parameters device specific crash (Samsung S3 mini)
The following code is using Galaxy nexus, Samsung S3 and HTC one X, but it crashes on Samsung S3 Mini @Override public…… -
Java – internal static class field visibility
I have two classes, as follows public class A{ private static class B{ private static int s1; private static …… -
Java – insert jlabel into jcombobox Sorry, this is my first time to attend this forum Can someone help me? I've been trying to J…… -
Java – rules that implement comparison methods
Like CompareTo, it must be "reflexive, antisymmetric and transitive". Are there any rules to implement the comparison …… -
Override Private Final methods in Java
class X1 class X1 { private final void show() { ... } } class X2 extends X1 { private final void show() { ...…… -
Why does my java code execute bash commands incorrectly?
I tried to make my java program interact with Linux bash, but something went wrong I have a simple executable prog tha…… -
Java – error: invalid content found starting from element ‘x’ Expected ‘{x}’
I'm trying to validate simple XML with simple XSD, but I always get this error: cvc-complex-type.2.4.a: Invalid conten…… -
AVL tree rotation in Java
I want to implement Java AVL tree and rotate the tree left and right I didn't get this Anyone can tell me how to rotat…… -
Java cannot open loop without calling Create a handler within the thread of prepare()
I've seen most of the related problems, but I can't find any solution This is my code. I don't know what I did wrong s…… -
Java – reference two ArrayLists to the same object
I have this code But I don't know how to explain the results: ArrayList<String> first = new ArrayList<String&…… -
Java – ` public static void main (string [] args) ` what does it stand for?
What is public static? What does < x > void main (string [] args) stand for? I tried to understand, but I didn't…… -
What instantiation is called in Java?
This may be a very basic problem for Java, but I don't remember it and don't know how to search it online button.setOn…… -
Limit threads and Java concurrency
I can't find an example of this particular case using the latest Java Concurrent routines I plan to use threads to pro…… -
Java – thread status exception
When I try to restart my thread, I receive the following error Exception in thread "Thread-1" java.lang.IllegalThreadS…… -
JPA – SQL query using Union and select constants equivalent to SQL query
I wrote an SQL query that basically selects from many tables to determine which tables have rows created since a speci…… -
Java – reasoning of object-oriented access specifiers
I have a general question about the reasons for object - oriented access specifiers I never fully understand why they …… -
Java – too many garbage collection threads
I'm using java to develop software that creates a thread when receiving events (from sensors) The lifetime of these th…… -
Concurrency – redundancy without central control points?
If you can provide services to multiple clients, if the server providing this service fails, another server will occup…… -
Java – written in ColdFusion Properties file
Has anyone done this? Solution You can easily do this using the underlying Java properties class: <cfscript> fos…… -
Java – string instantiation and StringBuffer instantiation
I can't figure out if String ab = "hello"; //straight initialization String ab_1 = new String ("hello_1"); //…… -
Java – check string contents
I need to perform the following checks: If mystring contains() Any other character Letters A-Z, A-Z, "_, "–", numbers …… -
Java hibernate selects multiple rows from the table and assigns the results to the list
I want to select multiple rows / records from the table and put the results into variables Then I want to print each l…… -
How do I run the server without using a while loop?
I'm trying to create a server program using datagram socket and datagram packet classes, but my current code uses an u…… -
Java – spring data Mongo seems to ignore hosts in XML configurations
I'm trying to start and run a simple "Hello world" program using spring data and mongodb Spring seems to ignore the mo…… -
How to add a blank page to an existing PDF in Java?
I have ordinary PDF files. I want to use iText library to insert a blank page at the end of the PDF without disturbing…… -
Java – make custom Parcelable with byte array
I'm trying to create a Parcelable class that contains an array of bytes public class Car implements Parcelable{ priva…… -
Java – add the Google API to an existing eclipse project
I'm writing an Android application that will use Google maps, but to do this, I need Google API When I downloaded the …… -
Output of expressions in Java (– I)
int i=9; int i=9; System.out.println(--i + ++i); But according to the association and priority rules in Java, I should…… -
Clientprotocolexception when attempting to submit a request to soap wsdlrequest through Java setting user name and password
My goal is to create a soap UI project with a given WSDL URL, save it and send all requests through Java methods I rec…… -
Java general conversion, indirect
I find the actors in Java strange. I've never seen them before Test strange things On HashMap: HashMap<String,Objec…… -
Different icon sizes of the operating system in Java
I just realized that different versions of windows use icons of different sizes for different purposes For example, th……