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Avoid NoSuchElementException in Java 8 streams
This problem is a follow-up to the earlier problem: adding up bigdecisions using streams The problem is related to add…… -
Java – spring: you cannot connect to JMX server from behind the firewall using RMI
My spring application runs on the machine behind the NAT firewall (pfsense) The internal IP of the machine is a.b.c.d …… -
Java – if the return type of the rewriting method is original (such as double), can we change the return type of the rewriting method (such as int, char)?
As follows: Method to override: double add (int a,int b){ } Method of covering the above method: int add(int a,int …… -
Lambda – the Java 8 stream is composed of three fields and aggregated by sum and count to produce single line output
I know that similar problems have been raised in the forum, but none of them seem to have completely solved my problem…… -
Close, destructor and finalize: Java conflict
See English answers > why does a try / catch block create new variable scope? 5 try { FileInputStream in = new Fil…… -
Java – if first is true, it is logical or the second statement is ignored
See English answers > java logical operator short circuiting 9 Solution No, No >Using the Boolean operator |, if…… -
Java – how to create / invoke SQL views in Hibernate
This is in document hbm. Views created in XML <database-object> <create><![CDATA[CREATE VIEW docVie…… -
Java – Google arcore domain model example
I am trying to read and understand the domain model of Google arcore, especially the Android SDK package At present, t…… -
java – Files. Blocked / synchronized version of copy
I'm trying to copy files from one directory to another, but I hope the call is blocked so that the program will execut…… -
java android new String
I have to convert a byte array to a string So I use this function: public static String byteToString(byte[] bytes) { …… -
Java – how do I delete elements from a hash table using their values instead of keys?
I'm a novice in hash table. I just understand its basic operation Hashtable<Integer,String> ht = new Hashtable&l…… -
Java – creates a map from a list, where the key is part of the internal and external objects
Is it possible (in a simple way) to change it to java8 stream? (please don't comment / answer, if you want to tell me …… -
Java – use jodatime to UTC to local time in milliseconds
I try to use jodatime to display transactions in a specific time period Our server requires the start date and end dat…… -
Java – an alternative to if else statements when using double precision
According to the salary, I need to assign a specific tax rate to the employee object Salary is defined by annual salar…… -
Java – how to create different classes for database connections
I am developing a spring startup application. I need a general class to provide me with database connections for all c…… -
Java – mulestudio Studio: Studio target failed to execute
I copied / pasted a work project in the mule studio workspace (from mule studio) to create a new project After that, I…… -
Java – create multiple jlabels and jtextfields in a less redundant way?
Anyone familiar with the Java GUI – swing package... And knows how to create multiple swing objects in a loop, such as…… -
Java 8: default method for automatically synthesizing multiple interfaces
I have classes that implement multiple interfaces with the same default methods I want to know how to synthesize defau…… -
Java – JUnit: call @ after to set the object to null
Suppose I have the following simple JUnit test private Person person; @Before public void createObject() { String …… -
Java – why is there no exception in this byte?
I initialized a byte as follows: byte b = (byte) 0b11110000000; Since a byte is 8 bits in size, I expect it to throw s…… -
Java – missing annotation handling menu in eclipse
I use this manual "5 Go to Java Compiler…… -
Java – horizontal recycler view with left and right arrow indicators
I'm trying to use the left and right arrow indicators to achieve a horizontal loop view So what happens is that if you…… -
Java – converts a list of objects with a map into a primitive array
I've been looking for something I need to do, but it's hard for me to put them together First of all, this is my goal.…… -
Java – save the data in the clip in the screen rotation in Android
Can anyone help me solve my problem? I have one activity and six clips A clip contains a link to my mediaplayer class,…… -
Java – syntax for moving backward in LinkedList?
I know that linkedlists are implemented in a two-way link, so each node has a next and a previous pointer However, I c…… -
Java – Android: cannot call private Android without args net. Uri()
I use gson to save the ArrayList of the custom model to the shared preferences Storage Code: ArrayList<DownloadProg…… -
In Java: what happens if I change a key in a HashMap to equal another key?
See English answers > changing an object which is used as a map key But what if I change the existing key to be equ…… -
Merge the two lists into a “two-dimensional” list in Java
See English answers > clearest way to combine two lists into a map (Java)? 15 @ h_ 502_ 7@ I have two lists: Names=…… -
Java – JPA entities with collections return false to the contains method on detached members
I have two JPA entity classes, group and user Group. java: @Entity @Table(name = "groups") public class Group { …… -
How to retrieve parent objects by filtering from child objects in a Java stream
People are my root poja, and I have a list of phone numbers for my children String firstName; String lastName; Long …… -
Java – the special behavior of ArrayList remove () – why?
When we delete - 1 and empty the ArrayList, it will throw concurrentmodificationexception. When we delete 0 from the s…… -
Java 8: merge 2 string lists into the map
See English answers > clearest way to combine two lists into a map (Java)? 15 List<String> keys List<Strin……