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. Net – how to make an asynchronous servicecontroller WaitForStatus?
So servicecontroller Waitforstatus is a blocked call How can I complete the task / asynchronously? Solution ServiceCon…… -
Change the scene in JavaFX without resizing the window
I'm trying to change the scene on JavaFX without changing the window size But when I set stage setScene(scene2); As th…… -
Java 8 optional how to handle too many orelses
Let's look at an example without Lambdas: @H_ 502_ 8@ @H_ 502_ 8@ Credentials credentials = CredentialService.get(id);…… -
java – Mono. AndroidTools. Installfailedexception: failed
I encountered this problem and my application will not compile I tried to use the playback service in my application, …… -
Group object lists and count them using java collections
Which Java collection class better groups object lists? I have a list of messages from the following users: aaa hi bbb…… -
Java – the difference between parallel flow and completable future
In the book "Java 8 in action" (urma, Fusco and mycroft), they emphasize that parallel flows internally use a common f…… -
Java – returns 1 to 7 days of the week from any given date interval
I want to return a date map from the date interval: >1 to 7 days: From: "2016-02-09" to To: "2016-02-09" -> retu…… -
JavaFX: when tabed to the textarea, place the insert / cursor at the end of the textarea
(searching on stack overflow, I see that this problem is aimed at JavaScript rather than JavaFX) I have a textarea tha…… -
Embedded wharf java. lang.IllegalStateException:! STOPPED
I tried to make a simple servlet in an embedded jetty container public class Application { public static void main(S…… -
Java – ` annotationconfignnonembeddedwebapplicationcontext ` has not been refreshed
When installing the springboot Legacy (web. XML) war application using the delegatingfilterproxy, I received the follo…… -
RX Java – how do I pause observable without losing the emitted items?
I have an observable that emits a tick every second: Observable.interval(0,1,TimeUnit.SECONDS) .take(durationInSec…… -
Java – espresso ONDATA error executing load adapter data on view
I have an application with listview. I want to find LinearLayout, id = order_ untake_ jijia_ listview_ jia The code is…… -
How to convert a list into a map in Java 8 Map function in chain
See the English answer > java 8 grouping using custom collector? 3 class Passenger { String type; String firs…… -
Java – the difference between 2D arrays
I want to know the difference between these loops in a 2D array: for (int r = row - 1,c = column - 1; r >= 0 &&…… -
Sort – sort a table across multiple comparator items
I need to use multiple comparator objects in Java 8 to sort the list of item objects The application creates a compara…… -
Java – a bufferedimage is grayed out
I tried to gray the buffered image (instead of converting it to gray, just add gray at the top) Now I do this by using…… -
Java streams – how to use conditions on keys to translate all values in a collection map
I have a map Let's talk Map<Long,List<MyObj>> I want to create a long array in all myobjs, where the key (…… -
Java – thymeleaf email template and conversionservice
I have a spring MVC application. I try to render a date localdate as a string. It works for normal views, but it doesn…… -
Java – Android studio does not parse classes written in kotlin (. KT) in the IDE, but compiles well
I started working on an existing project that uses standard Java and some classes of kotlin Question: These projects c…… -
The Java – H2 console and spring security – permitall() do not work properly
I'm creating a rest API and implementing spring security – everything is fine, but I want (now, when I'm still develop…… -
Java – left to right evaluation of expression and operator priority Why does the left to right assessment seem to win?
Consider the following codes: public class Incrdecr { static int x = 3; static int y = ++x * 5 / x-- + --x; public s…… -
Java – volley – how to return ArrayList from onresponse method in Volley
I am using volley to parse movie details in the rest API. I save the parsed data in the ArrayList of the object named …… -
Application implementation: OpenURL: sourceapplication: annotation: not found in IOS 8
I use the following SDK through cocoapod: pod 'FBSDKCoreKit' pod 'FBSDKLoginKit' pod 'FBSDKShareKit' pod 'Google…… -
RX Java – create an observable by combining other observables, and issue events from the first sampling
When one is an infinite data source, I need to combine two observers, and the other is an indicator that obtains the l…… -
Java – undefined behavior
I did some simulations on C and I encountered a strange problem I have the following function to return the vector of …… -
Java –: the selected pseudo class style does not apply to cells
I have some tableviews in the scene. I want to highlight the selected cells According to JavaFX CSS reference, there i…… -
Java-8 – you can know the size of the stream without using terminal operations
I have three interfaces public interface IGhOrg { int getId(); String getLogin(); String getName(); …… -
Java – how to correctly avoid SWT table enlargement?
I have a simple SWT program as follows: public static void main(String[] args) { final Display display = new Displ…… -
Java 8: how volatile fields work with lambda
I'm new to Java 8 and multithreading I tried this code below public class Test { public static boolean bchanged = …… -
R: Checks whether multiple elements of the vector appear in the string vector
I'm trying to create a function to check whether all elements of the vector appear in the string vector The test code …… -
Java – determines the type of object
If I have this situation: interface Node {} class EmptyNode implements Node {} class NotEmptyNode implements Node {}…… -
Java – add a property file on the classpath
I am building a spring independent application based on spring boot I want this application to read its properties fro……