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Java – spring boot gradle – where to place the environment configuration?
I am using a simple application in spring boot It is developed locally (and effective): >Gradle, > H2 database, …… -
java – android. support. v7. app. ActionBarImplICS. Getthemedcontext NullPointerException in Android
Please help me get Java lang.NullPointerException java.lang.NullPointerException at…… -
Java – 25 even and even random number generator
I need to generate 25 random numbers and divide them into two arrays, depending on whether they are odd or even This i…… -
Java – spring startup projects imported in IntelliJ do not work
I have imported the spring boot project generated by the spring boot initialiazr website, and I can't find the spring …… -
Java – Jackson captures unrecognized fields in the map
I use Jackson in Java rest API to handle request parameters My class: public class ZoneModifBeanParam extends ModifBea…… -
Java – instantiate ArrayList by reading rows from scanner, where to declare objects?
I want to fill the array list with lines from the input file, which is as follows: 7f000000000000000000000000000000000…… -
Summation equation in Java?
I want to know how to write this summation equation in Java But the trick is, I need the sum equal to the amount x= To…… -
Java – JUnit test cases for custom methods
I'm studying my first job interview as a junior java developer, and now I'm trying to learn JUnit test cases This is a…… -
Java – use volatile keyword with wrapper class
In Java concurrency classes, I recommend using the following code as counters in multithreaded applications private vo…… -
Java – kotlin native is equivalent to system exit(-1)
In the following kotlin / JVM program, system Exit (- 1) stop program execution with error exit code: fun main(args: A…… -
Java – use objects in your own constructors
Is it possible (or wise) to use an object in its own constructor? (sorry for the noob problem of improper production) …… -
What is the reason behind dynamic method parsing in statically typed languages like Java
I'm a little confused about Java's concepts of dynamic / static types and dynamic method parsing consider: public clas…… -
Traditionally, where do you store Java Class file?
I have a Java SRC folder where I store my Java file Then I use terminal to compile them and finally get them in the sa…… -
I should put Java stream Is the map function used with the switch statement?
I want to stream objects to different objects according to type Stream<Animal> animals =…… -
RX Java – how to explicitly unsubscribe observable after oncomplete
In the following code, how and where does unsubscribe explicitly unsubscribe observable after completing oncomplete? g…… -
Java – unexpected tags in kotlin (use; separate expressions on the same line)
I use kotlin in my android project, which is developed on Java. I use kotlin data classes in the service layer Now I w…… -
Java – how do I update the sample to use the latest versions of Jetty (9.1.0. RC2) and Jersey (2.7)?
I've been trying to follow this example, but I'm not lucky At the suggestion of the following reviewers, I decided to …… -
Convert an existing c# synchronous method to asynchronous using async / await?
Starting with the synchronous I / O binding method (shown below), how do I use async / await to make it asynchronous? …… -
Java – how do I check that the value is equal to at least one field in the list?
I have this method: for (String fieldName : fieldArray) { Query query = new Query(); query.addCriteria…… -
Bean validation message with dynamic parameters
I started using bean validation, and I'm trying to build constraints My constraint is to verify CPF (personal file in …… -
Java – get the POI Workbook of InputStream for OM Apache
Is there any way to get the InputStream of Apache POI workbook? I need it to pipe to another OutputStream, but I can't…… -
How to handle exceptions in Java 8 stream?
I have a method. I traverse the list and create the list In doing so, I call a method (createresult) to throw a custom…… -
Java – janusgraph outputs the subgraph as a graphson error
I tried to use janusgraph to output a sub graph in the gremlin shell as graphson Tinkerpop documentation for reference…… -
Kotlin – NoClassDefFoundError when using exposed
I use exposed as my database library. When I try to run my code, I encounter these errors: Exception in thread "main" …… -
Binary to decimal Java converter
I'm creating a code that allows you to convert binary numbers to decimal numbers and vice versa I've created a code to…… -
Java – converts long to “byte array ed” text without heap allocation
I want to convert the (positive) original long into byte [] For example, a simple method is: 123 = > "123" = > […… -
How do I change the old for loop to intstream?
This for loop traverses the int array It changes the value of (index - 1) to the value of the current index So the res…… -
What protocol does java socket use?
I started using the socket and socketserver classes in Java As mentioned above, I want to know which protocol (or what…… -
java – /google-play-services_ lib/AndroidManifest. XML parser exception: premature end of file
I'm trying to import Google play services into eclipse_ Lib, as they said in this tutorial(…… -
java. Lang.unsupported operationexception: cannot resolve property at index 13: typedvalue {t = 0x2 / D = 0x7f010046 a = – 1}
I work for Android attrs XML file adds an attribute for different color shades In styles In the XML file, I give these…… -
Java – getters for display
I'm studying getters / incubators. The general idea is that they are evil and should be avoided You should let the obj…… -
Find the maximum product of negative numbers in Java
I'm taking a semi - advanced course in Java I taught myself JavaScript as a hobby, so I'm not a real beginner, but I'm……