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Java recursion: Examples
I know how recursion works, that is: Method calls itself until it reaches the base case, and then it can begin to solv…… -
Java – unrecognized propertyexception when reading yaml file
When using the dropwizard, My dropwizard service reads config YML file public void run() throws Exception { this.r…… -
The lambda expression example does not work in Java 8
I'm trying to learn lambda expression in Java 8 I did install the Eclipse Plug-in and Java 8 SDK, but when I tried to …… -
JavaFX charts, snapshots
I'm trying to get a snapshot of my java popup The Java window looks like: But the snapshot looks like: http://www.dire…… -
How to embed Base64 images into e-mail using JavaMail
I'm trying to send email from JavaMail using embedded Base64 images (IMG ALT = 'image PNG' SRC = 'data: image / PNG; B…… -
javax. net. ssl. SSLHandshakeException:sun. security. validator. ValidatorException
Previously, I could successfully send a request to the web service and receive a response, but it now returns the foll…… -
Java – why does adding throws interruptedexception create compilation errors for the implementation of runnable
Is there a way to make runnable's run() throw an exception? 9 The compilation error caused by interruptedexception is …… -
Java – select query using composite primary key
In the spring MVC app using hibernate and JPA, I recently used the @ embeddable class to switch to the composite prima…… -
Java – count of string objects created
I'm reading the certificate and I'm having a confusing problem here The book says that this line of code creates only …… -
Java – jsonpath finds all objects (restassured)
This is my JSON: [ { "id": 9741962,"name": "getName","isActive": true },{ "id": 1,"name": "New","isActive": tr…… -
Multithreading – use omnithreadlibrary to write arrays that are slower in parallel than in serial
I am studying the implementation of differential evolution optimization algorithm and hope to speed up the computing t…… -
Removes spaces and words that begin with a specific character from a Java string
Remove spaces and words beginning with specific characters from Java strings Code spaces are eliminated by the followi…… -
Java – redirect to another port, keeping all remaining ports
On the server (embedded jetty), I need to redirect to another port, leaving everything else unchanged, for example, re…… -
Java – is there a way to compare two lists with streaming media?
I have a class named MyClass, which contains several members, one of which is mystring: public class MyClass{ //... …… -
Java – defaulttablemodel does not return the value in the datavector
My question is related to JTable and defaulttablemodel DefaultTableModel model=(DefaultTableModel)jTable1.getModel(); …… -
Java – Eclipse Plug-in: run the code immediately after startup
I want to display a message immediately after the plug-in starts If I put my code in activator At the end of the start…… -
How to convert set to ArrayList
How to add all elements of set < < set < string > >? VaR to an ArrayList < < ArrayList < strin…… -
Java – runtimeException: the buffer is insufficient to hold pixels
I received a bitmap in the byte array through the socket, I read it, and then I want to set it to OS. In my applicatio…… -
Java – speaker recognition using marf
I am using marf (modular audio recognition framework) to recognize the sound of speakers But I don't get the correct r…… -
Java – JPanel in jtabbar is not scrollable
Enter the code here. I have the following questions I added two jpanels to a panel and finally added it to my tabbedpa…… -
Java – dynamically create groovy classes
Given a class name, I want to dynamically create a groovy class and add properties and methods to it I use to create n…… -
The reason why dynamic polymorphism of static methods in Java is not supported
Why does Java not support dynamic polymorphism of static methods? Conversely, what happens if Java supports runtime po…… -
Custom security mechanism in Java EE 6 / 7 applications
I want to create (by myself) an authentication mechanism As far as I know, I have to implement loginmodule and connect…… -
Java – in JBoss EAP 6.2 Access hornetq connection factory through JNDI in 0 (local)
I have deployed a web application (JMS API. War) in JBoss. I hope to obtain a JMS connection factory from JNDI through…… -
Java – AdMob doesn’t work because (I think) Google playback service
I'm trying how to advertise an AdMob banner for at least 6 hours 01-21 18:59:26.768: I/Ads(26882): Use AdRequest.Build…… -
Java – how to reverse a map
Let's look at a map: > A – > {1,2,3} > B – > {3,4,5} > C – > {2,3,5} I need to reverse this map and …… -
Does Java parallel flow use only one thread?
I am using the latest Java 8 Lambdas and parallel streams to process data ForkJoinPool forkJoinPool = new ForkJoinPool…… -
Java – when should encapsulation be used?
I am completing the sun / Oracle trail( )And constantly reitera…… -
Java – content resolver and “in” statement in “where” statement
I'm trying to get the cursor of the contact list based on therir ID I'm not sure how to use an "in" statement with an …… -
java. Lang.exception: no certificate file specified or invalid file format
Through JBoss 5.1 1 while deploying, I encountered the following error: 2014-03-18 08:44:57,834 ERROR [org.apache.coyo…… -
Displacement differences in Java and C – how to reconcile
I have some code in C, I'm trying to migrate to Java, and there's a problem I can't solve@ H_ 301_ 7@ Solution C code …… -
Java – use regexp to extract values between parentheses
Before management, I try to extract the value between parentheses (and) to check the existence of the value Please hel……