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Java – error 403 when trying to deploy Maven project using Tomcat Maven plugin
I'm trying to deploy my project to tomcat7 using the eclipse IDE, and I encountered this error: Uploading: http://loca…… -
Java – get the seed of the random object without passing in the seed?
Does a random object always contain a seed, even if it is not given one? If so, can you get this seed? Motivation: I w…… -
Java – exceptions to runtime optimization using openjpa MySQL
There must be many questions about this question. I have read some, but the answer is still not found I'm new to JPA. …… -
Java – why did this background task fail due to a fatal exception?
The following code in my mainactivity failed with a fatal exception in the overridden doinbackground() method: public …… -
hazelcast – java. lang.NoSuchMethodError:com. google. common. util. concurrent. MoreExecutors. sameThreadExecutor
Try: mancenter-3.1 3. When war is deployed to my Weblogic 12, I receive the following exception Fullstacktrace is: org…… -
Java – prevent Tomcat from interfering with Jersey / jax-rs 2 response body on HTTP error status 4xx or 5xx
I have the following stack of a rest API > Jersey 2 / JAX RS 2.0 > Tomcat 7.0. 47 > Jackson 2 My goal is to h…… -
java – Jersey 1. X is replacing the plus sign with a space symbol How can I stop this?
I am using Jersey client to send query parameters to my jersey server This is the query:? sort = id ASC But in my code…… -
Java – query dynamo tables using only secondary global indexes
I tried to query the dynamodb table using the auxiliary global index, and I got Java Lang.illegalargumentexception: il…… -
Java – why does log4j completely record everything in debug?
So I have a problem. When I switch the root logger to debug, log4j seems to want to record everything that can be "deb…… -
An object can create multiple threads in Java
I am a novice in multithreading. I wrote the following code during practice I want to call the createthreaded method t…… -
java – Selector. Close() close all client sockets?
I'm new to NiO sockets. I wrote a server using NiO sockets. Now I'm trying to write shutdown hook to ensure graceful e…… -
Java – references a method with specified parameters (for lambda)
I have a way to verify that there are no negative numbers in the number list: private void validateNoNegatives(List<…… -
Java – access the shadowed variable in the local class
I'm new to Java, and I'm confused in the following example public class Test { int testOne(){ //member method …… -
Java – intrinsic / monitor locking and inheritance
Background: I'm reading Java concurrency in practice. Listing 2.7 contains the following code This example indicates t…… -
Java – the scan count returns a number significantly less than the dynamodb table
I'm running a sample Java program to query the dynamodb table, which has about 90000 items, but when I get the scan co…… -
Java regular expression: if the closing bracket is the last character in the string, match any number of digits in the parentheses
I need some help to save my day (or my night) I want to match: >Any number of numbers > enclosed in parentheses …… -
Java: using static methods of the parent class in subclasses
I tried to refactor my code by using the basecomponenttype class and inheriting my code in my electricalcomponenttype …… -
Java – jformattedtextfield instead of jtextfield
What is the difference between jtextfield and jformattedtextfield in Java? Solution Jformattedtextfield differs from j…… -
Java – comparable Super T > vs. comparable
I don't see any difference between this default sort method (from Java. Util. Collections) public static <T extends…… -
Java – akka – implement a custom deadletterlistener actor
I'm trying to add other behaviors to deal with dead letters in akka I think the best way is to implement our own dead …… -
Why is user-defined exception class preferred / important in Java?
When we have system defined exception classes in Java, why do we need to create user-defined exception classes? Becaus…… -
java – Android Thread. start()CalledFromWrongThreadException
I'm not sure if my prompt is correct because I didn't get the expected output I have a class in which I invoke a way t…… -
Java – combination of central JFrame and pack()
I'm trying to package the JFrame I used as () and I got it, but I don't think it's a clean way JFrame window = new JFr…… -
java – Tomcat Jersey Eclipse ClassNotFound org. glassfish. jersey. servlet. ServletContainer
I'm running the Hello world example However, I use version 2.7 At Maven POM I have <project xmlns="http://maven.apa…… -
Java / refactoring switch case
I tried to reconstruct the next case: class Gen{ public void startClick(A a,B b,List<C> lstC,SortX sort){ …… -
java. lang.NoSuchMethodError:org. apache. log4j. Logger
We use ivy to manage multi - Project Java applications, and recently this error began to appear when we built What cau…… -
Java – when you call VaadinSession getAttribute in Vaadin 7, you need to lock it up.
I know it's necessary to call setAttribute (link), but what about getattirbut? Is it correct? public Object getMyAttri…… -
Java – filter directories in Maven war plugin
This is a follow-up to my question yesterday conditionally exclude some resources in Maven from war I can rearrange th…… -
Java – what do I need to do to make liveconnect run again?
A few years ago, I wrote a Java Web start application in NetBeans, which performs a simple file upload task Over the y…… -
JavaMail uses outlook in the company
I used JavaMail for the first time with some exceptions. I don't understand that I saw some mistakes in other question…… -
Why doesn’t Java seem to respect my classpath?
I have jt400 in my directory jar: /path /jt400.jar / Test. Java content: import java.sql.*; //impor…… -
Why does this multithreaded Python program print correctly from 0 to 99?
This is the code from Queue import Queue from threading import * threadLock = Lock() def do_stuff(q): while True: ……