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Java – mybatis custom typehandler is not executed when tags are placed
I have a < resultmap > that uses a custom typehandler as one of the result properties: <resultMap id="foo" ty…… -
How to create restful web services for JSON data in Java, Tomcat and eclipse
I have a JSON data like this I want to create a restful web service that generates a JSON output, just like the link a…… -
Java – why do you always get nosuchmethoderror on locationawarelogger when running jetty?
I'm trying to embed jetty server into my automated test, so I added the following dependencies to my project: <depe…… -
Java generics copy constructor
I want to write a copy constructor for a commonly defined class I have an inner class node, which I use as a node of a…… -
Java – running functions on JButton
I'm trying to create a program in Java that uses a robot to press a specific key every few seconds It has a GUI with s…… -
Java – messagebodywriter with media type = Application / JSON, GlassFish not found
I am using jax-rs to create a simple restful JSON. My first method works normally, but when I add the second method to…… -
Java – how to kill a running thread while waiting?
When I try to kill my bandit thread, some people die, but some people fall into wait() blocking. What is a better way …… -
Java – when running updates on SQLite, “there are no such columns”
I'm trying to update a row in the database This is the code I'm trying to update: public void addFBComments(int id){ …… -
Fork / join Java EE applications?
I know that separating threads is a big taboo in Java EE applications However, I have an application that is a perfect…… -
Java – a data structure for saving the contents of the parsed CSV file
I'm trying to find the best way to parse CSV files in Java Now each line has x messages For example, the first line ca…… -
grails – java. Lang. illegalaccesserror: attempt to access class XYZ from class ZXY
I have a Grails application. If I start it through it, it works normally grails run-app In the early stage, I have dep…… -
Java – about map Confusion of containsvalue method
I have the following program, I have a HashMap The key of HashMap is a simple integer and the value is an array of int…… -
Java – can I force GWT compilation without an entry point? (verify compatibility with GWT)
This question is related to this question, but not repeated My question is slightly different; I have a "utility modul…… -
Java – generic methods do not recognize types correctly
I have a class whose members are defined as: Map<Class<? extends Model>,List<? extends Model>> mockS…… -
Java – requires multiple input from the user
I'm trying to write a program that keeps asking users for an integer until they enter a non integer value, and the pro…… -
How to use the same add () method in two different classes
Is there any way you can use the same add () method between two different classes (add content to the array)? For exam…… -
Java – how does SSL protect data from sniffing?
I have a small website. Its security is very important to me I have no money to buy SSL certificate, so I want to make…… -
Java – move background image in swing
Hello, I'm a novice programmer. We have a project We created a simple racing game with a moving background, but I insi…… -
Java – information about @ inject in CDI / weld and di / Guice
I tried to distinguish between (some) CDI and di About @ inject, CDI (jsr-299) only brings di (jsr-330). What is it? C…… -
Java – parses strings into integers in the BeanShell sampler in JMeter
I'm trying to parse a string into an integer in JMeter, but I failed due to a follow error If I try to print vars Get …… -
Import local Java classes into clojure
I understand the general idea of importing Java classes in clojure, as follows: (import 'a.random.Class) However, supp…… -
How to use array type generics in Java?
In Java, I want to create a function that accepts any type of content list and then returns an array of the same type …… -
How to obtain the localhost network interface in Java or Scala
I'm trying to get the MAC address of my machine in the scala application There are several results when searching, but…… -
Hosting Java WebService on live server
I am new to Java Web services and need help to understand how to host web services on a web server I successfully crea…… -
RX Java operator; Encapsulate data streams into custom operators
Let's say I'm observing an observer in a very specific way resultObservable = anotherObservable.filter(~Filter code~).…… -
Java – recursively sort ArrayLists into a tree
I have an ArrayList of objects But I need a tree with the following parameters: >Some objects should not have child…… -
Java – Jersey resource with multiple paths
I am trying to migrate my resource naming from Portuguese (and singular) to English (and plural). I want to know wheth…… -
Audio processing using java
The smallest unit of digital image is pixel Solution The smallest sound unit is called a frame For 8 - bit mono, it wi…… -
Java – why is rt.jar not a classpath system attribute?
I use the system properties Java class. Path to find all jars and directories belonging to the classpath At the first …… -
Java – generics – method return type as extension class
I tried to do this in Java 6: abstract class CurrClass{ public <T extends CurrClass> T setField (String str)…… -
Java – find integer patterns in arrays
For this problem, I will write a method called mode, which returns the most common element in an integer array Suppose…… -
Java – Android slidinguppanellayout up slide event
I'm using It works well, but I'm trying to find some ways to listen fo……