Java – how to reverse a map
Let's look at a map:
> A – > {1,2,3} > B – > {3,4,5} > C – > {2,3,5}
I need to reverse this map and get:
>1 – > {one} > 2 – > {a, C} > 3 – > {a, B, C} > 4 – > {B} > 5 – > {B, C}
I did it with this Code:
public static <U,V> Map<V,Set<U>> reverseMap(Map<U,Set<V>> map) { Map<V,Set<U>> result = Maps.newHashMap(); for(Map.Entry<U,Set<V>> entry : map.entrySet()) { for(V value : entry.getValue()) { Set<U> set = result.get(value); if(set == null) { set = Sets.newHashSet(); result.put(value,set); } set.add(entry.getKey()); result.put(value,set); } } return result; }
But this is just a reverse index, so I think there may be a predefined method to do this
Does anyone know such a library? Guava method?
If you replace HashMap < u, set < V > > with hashmultimap < u, V > (they are equivalent and Multimap is easier to use), you can now use multimaps Invertfrom() to populate the Multimap < V, u >
Note that, as mentioned in Javadoc, if you use immutable Multimap, you can call immutable Multimap directly inverse().
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