包含标签:Java 的文章
Fork / join Java EE applications?
I know that separating threads is a big taboo in Java EE applications However, I have an application that is a perfect…… -
Java – strange behavior of quickfix / J after “sending test request test”
I am using quickfix / J to receive messages, but a test request has been sent The log file (fix. 4.2-a-b.event. Log) s…… -
Java – private constructors and instances – multiple choice
I try to find the answers to the following questions I tried to find the answer on Google, but people seem to have dif…… -
How to add a date to the java simple date format
How can I add 120 days to the date I currently use simple date format? I've read very few posts about it, but I can't …… -
Java – transitive Maven dependency depends on: tree but not displayed in lib directory
I'm using Maven 3.0 Build a large java project My POM XML has a parent, which depends on spring context (compilation s…… -
Synchronize queues in Java on multiple threads
I understand the concept of synchronization, but now I'm sure why it's implemented in this way, so I need a little hel…… -
Java – why are caps not sorted correctly here?
I'm trying to sort items in list < string > This is an unordered list and how it is currently sorted: Unsorted: …… -
Java – recursive method: why do I need a return statement?
Just to practice recursion, I wrote a classic introduction to recursion - a function that checks whether a given strin…… -
Java – in a convertible cast, convert from t to double
I want to create a generic method to get the maximum value from an array But I met T and math Max method uses conversi…… -
Java – in JBoss EAP 6.2 Access hornetq connection factory through JNDI in 0 (local)
I have deployed a web application (JMS API. War) in JBoss. I hope to obtain a JMS connection factory from JNDI through…… -
Java – select query using composite primary key
In the spring MVC app using hibernate and JPA, I recently used the @ embeddable class to switch to the composite prima…… -
java – Tomcat Jersey Eclipse ClassNotFound org. glassfish. jersey. servlet. ServletContainer
I'm running the Hello world example However, I use version 2.7 At Maven POM I have <project xmlns="http://maven.apa…… -
Java – query dynamo tables using only secondary global indexes
I tried to query the dynamodb table using the auxiliary global index, and I got Java Lang.illegalargumentexception: il…… -
Hosting Java WebService on live server
I am new to Java Web services and need help to understand how to host web services on a web server I successfully crea…… -
Java – when running updates on SQLite, “there are no such columns”
I'm trying to update a row in the database This is the code I'm trying to update: public void addFBComments(int id){ …… -
Java – checkstyle reports a localfinalvariablenamecheck error for the catch exception parameter
I have a strange question, I'm not sure if it's a problem between the two ears or a checkstyle one LocalFinalVariableN…… -
Java – what is the difference between using @ import and @ importresource annotations in the spring framework?
I am studying for spring core certification, and I suspect it is related to the use of @ import and @ importresource a…… -
What does Java – (savedinstancestate) mean
There are some codes in my main activities if (savedInstanceState != null) { mCurrentSelectedPosition = sa…… -
Java – regular expression failed to check whether the string contains non numbers
Why did this fail? String n = "h107"; if (n.matches("\\D+")) { System.out.println("non digit in it"); } I slept one …… -
Mouseevent – get mouse from a node_ After the pressed event, the mouse event cannot be obtained from any other JavaFX 8 node
I'm creating a rich text component that contains the selection function of JavaFX projects and face some difficulties …… -
Java – using interfaces on the service layer
In our project architecture, we use the classic MVC pattern, including the classic service layer (open transaction and…… -
Cannot find the type: Java Lang. Long’s verifier Post ID
What's wrong with my plan? I received an error HTTP Status 500 - Request processing Failed; nested exception is javax.…… -
Java – Amazon – MWS: differences between reports and order lists
I'm trying to integrate Amazon mall orders into our system I did it with Magento before and thought it should be easy,…… -
Java – Android tells me that my bitmap has been recycled before I actually recycle it
I get my bitmap from XML: //Get bitmap from drawable bd = (BitmapDrawable) view.getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.…… -
Data structure – hash table – implemented using binary search tree
From cracking the code interview, page 71: I know the basics of linked list, hash table and BST, but I can't understan…… -
The value of Java – hashtable will not increase
The following java code: public class TestCSVDataToMap { public static Hashtable<String,Integer> testTable …… -
Multithreading – Perl threads separate themselves
I'm new to Perl (and programming, too) and have been playing with threads for the past few weeks. So far, I understand…… -
Examples of scanner errors in Java books?
I'm practicing HashSet from the Java books of cay S. Horstmann and Gary Cornell, and I think there's an error in the s…… -
Java – what does t mean when used as a method signature? Is it a return type?
abstract public <T> T iterEdges(EdgeFun<T> func,T accum); abstract public <T> T iterEdges(EdgeFun<…… -
Java – how do I import my own classes?
I have this Java class: package myClass; public class myClass { private int herAge ; public void setHerAge (i…… -
Java generalized linear model library
I'm trying to port some R code to Java / Scala and need an equivalent GLM function Is there any Java / Scala library t…… -
Java – Braintree does not update the user’s preferred / default payment method
When a customer wants to select his payment method when creating a sales order, I see that it has changed in dropinui ……