包含标签:Java 的文章
Java – separate arrays in other arrays
I have an array. I need to divide it into different arrays I have a string array that needs to be divided into differe…… -
Vector – “STD:: VEC” vs “Collections:: VEC”
Rust contains two identical (via API) VEC modules: http://doc.rust-lang.org/std/vec/index.html http://doc.rust-lang.or…… -
Java – you cannot set a custom dimension in Google Analytics properties of Android apps
Please find the tracking code below, GoogleAnalytics analytics = GoogleAnalytics. getInstance(this); Tracker t = analy…… -
Java – public key encryption and private key encryption
I implemented asymmetric encryption in the project, using "public key" to "Encrypt" messages and "private key" to "dec…… -
Random int function behavior in Java
I have the following code: public class Main { private static final Random rnd = new Random(); private static int get…… -
Java – how to convert exchange attributes to uppercase in ‘simple’?
How do I convert attributes on Apache camel exchange to uppercase in the Apache camel expression language? for example…… -
Java do loop increment
int i = 10; int i = 10; int j = 0; do { j++; System.out.println("loop:" + j); while (i++ < 15) { …… -
Java – openshift Tomcat log: Catalina Out and localhost Out content
I have deployed my war application under the openshift tomcat7 cartridge In my application, I use log4j My log4j Prope…… -
The collection object cannot display the output of some undefined values in Java, ArrayList and collection
When I try to print a collection object, it prints employee @ 122392iie92 Why print this instead of the details of the…… -
Java – count (*) (asterisk) on querydsl / MySQL?
The initial function is MySQL query, which lists all providers of all tags: SELECT * FROM provider INNER JOIN provid…… -
Switch classes in Java?
I want to create a class for heap data structure in Java, allowing users to select minheap or maxheap @H_ 403_ 8@ The …… -
Java – special character encoding of errors using resteasy
I am using JBoss EAP 6.3 to develop a web application using resteasy rest framework. There is a bad coding problem wit…… -
Multithreading – Apache spark standalone mode: number of cores
I am trying to understand the basic knowledge inside spark and spark documents used to submit applications in local mo…… -
Java – how to crack this synchronization code?
I have the following code snippet synchronized (mObject) { if (mObject.variable != -1) { doThis(); …… -
Java – how to crack this synchronization code?
I have the following code snippet synchronized (mObject) { if (mObject.variable != -1) { doThis(); …… -
Java – how to change the chart generated by Apache POI to not use smooth lines and display empty cells as gaps?
I use poi 3.12-beta 1, and the code can create a line chart containing multiple data sets and named Series in the lege…… -
Java – implement a nondeterministic finite automata (NFA)
I am trying to develop a simulation of non - deterministic finite automata in Java The first command - line argument i…… -
Is it a Java RMI remote object (server) singleton?
I've been using Java RMI for some time, but I can't figure out whether RMI remote stubs (on the server side) is a sing…… -
java. sql. Sqlexception: user ‘admin’ login failed
Disclaimer: I have never used SQL server before I'm trying to connect to SQL Server Express using java code public cla…… -
Java – why does shadow affect ‘final’ behavior?
Here are three sscces. I think they should be compiled and behave the same The only thing I want to change is the firs…… -
Java – invalid default value for field warning message from Avro?
I have an Avro architecture like this, where I will be is_ userid_ I want to set the default value to false, so I prop…… -
java – `String. What is the difference between class’ and ‘new class [] {string. Class}’?
I'm new to Java I have a question as follows: class MyClass { public MyClass(String s){} } MyClass MyObject; Con…… -
Java – multiple phrases in a pdfpcell
I want to add multiple phrases to a pdfpcell So, do this anyway? Please help. The code is like, PdfPCell cell = new Pd…… -
Java – checkstyle reports a localfinalvariablenamecheck error for the catch exception parameter
I have a strange question, I'm not sure if it's a problem between the two ears or a checkstyle one LocalFinalVariableN…… -
Java – what is the difference between using @ import and @ importresource annotations in the spring framework?
I am studying for spring core certification, and I suspect it is related to the use of @ import and @ importresource a…… -
What does Java – (savedinstancestate) mean
There are some codes in my main activities if (savedInstanceState != null) { mCurrentSelectedPosition = sa…… -
Java – regular expression failed to check whether the string contains non numbers
Why did this fail? String n = "h107"; if (n.matches("\\D+")) { System.out.println("non digit in it"); } I slept one …… -
Mouseevent – get mouse from a node_ After the pressed event, the mouse event cannot be obtained from any other JavaFX 8 node
I'm creating a rich text component that contains the selection function of JavaFX projects and face some difficulties …… -
Java – using interfaces on the service layer
In our project architecture, we use the classic MVC pattern, including the classic service layer (open transaction and…… -
Cannot find the type: Java Lang. Long’s verifier Post ID
What's wrong with my plan? I received an error HTTP Status 500 - Request processing Failed; nested exception is javax.…… -
Java – Amazon – MWS: differences between reports and order lists
I'm trying to integrate Amazon mall orders into our system I did it with Magento before and thought it should be easy,…… -
Java – Android tells me that my bitmap has been recycled before I actually recycle it
I get my bitmap from XML: //Get bitmap from drawable bd = (BitmapDrawable) view.getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.……