包含标签:Java 的文章
Java – implements class methods inherited from two interfaces with different return types
I have two interfaces and a class that implements them: interface A { int test(); } interface B { void test()…… -
Custom security mechanism in Java EE 6 / 7 applications
I want to create (by myself) an authentication mechanism As far as I know, I have to implement loginmodule and connect…… -
Java – why does adding throws interruptedexception create compilation errors for the implementation of runnable
Is there a way to make runnable's run() throw an exception? 9 The compilation error caused by interruptedexception is …… -
Java – combination of central JFrame and pack()
I'm trying to package the JFrame I used as () and I got it, but I don't think it's a clean way JFrame window = new JFr…… -
java – Jersey 1. X is replacing the plus sign with a space symbol How can I stop this?
I am using Jersey client to send query parameters to my jersey server This is the query:? sort = id ASC But in my code…… -
How to obtain the localhost network interface in Java or Scala
I'm trying to get the MAC address of my machine in the scala application There are several results when searching, but…… -
Java – how do I check if a field is empty and how do I read the entered text?
How to check whether the text field is empty, that is, if how to store the text in the variable is given, no input is …… -
JMX monitoring / statistics in akka application
In addition to the cluster MBean, is there a built-in JMX public monitoring / statistics that can be enabled in akka (…… -
Java – Hadoop: can you silently discard failed map tasks?
I am using Hadoop MapReduce to process a large amount of data The problem is, ocassionally, a corrupted file causes th…… -
Restrict Java generic parameter types to a list of final classes
T is not limited in the following statement abstract public class Defaults<T> However, my defaults class only ha…… -
Java – URL encoding / decoding replacement space on file name, which needs to be replaced
My product is a web application Solution You can also convert spaces to See: URL encoding the space character: + or% 2…… -
Java – how to read and display large text files in swing?
It may sound a little complicated. I'll try to simplify my requirements At present, I am using the standard reading me…… -
Java – avoid checking exceptions
First of all, I strongly believe that the inspection clause and the unchecked exception are inaccurate because it desc…… -
Java – understanding abstract factory patterns
I've read about the abstract factory pattern on the wiki But I don't understand that using this model is really profit…… -
The reason why dynamic polymorphism of static methods in Java is not supported
Why does Java not support dynamic polymorphism of static methods? Conversely, what happens if Java supports runtime po…… -
javax. net. ssl. SSLHandshakeException:sun. security. validator. ValidatorException
Previously, I could successfully send a request to the web service and receive a response, but it now returns the foll…… -
java – Android Thread. start()CalledFromWrongThreadException
I'm not sure if my prompt is correct because I didn't get the expected output I have a class in which I invoke a way t…… -
Java – prevent Tomcat from interfering with Jersey / jax-rs 2 response body on HTTP error status 4xx or 5xx
I have the following stack of a rest API > Jersey 2 / JAX RS 2.0 > Tomcat 7.0. 47 > Jackson 2 My goal is to h…… -
How to use array type generics in Java?
In Java, I want to create a function that accepts any type of content list and then returns an array of the same type …… -
Does the latest Cassandra support openjdk?
In the GitHub readme, it says > = 1.7 (openjsk and sun) was tested But when I look at Cassandra daemon Java, there …… -
JavaFX – how do I have tabpane populate its parent?
My tabpane seems to fill its width horizontally, not vertically My solution now is to do this: stage.getScene().height…… -
Java – can we initialize an object with the help of the constructor of another class?
Can we initialize an object with the help of the constructor of another class? class1 object = new class2(); Solution …… -
Java – print out the elements in the array that occur the least
I get an array of size 10. I want to write a program to print out the elements with the least number of occurrences an…… -
Java – custom Jackson unmarshalling behavior
I use Jackson fasterxml to ungroup JSON There are two kinds of properties in my object: input properties and calculate…… -
Java – convert binary strings to binary
How to convert a string written as binary to binary (byte array)? If I have a string: String binary = "0000" I want th…… -
Java – intentional loss of precision
When converting double to int: double d = 5.5; int i = (int) d; Variable "I" becomes 5 This is exactly what I want. Th…… -
Java – does programming with JDK 7 allow applications to run on JRE 6?
I program in eclipse I will never change eclipse's default compilation settings or anything else If JDK 7.0 is install…… -
Java – calculate which side a line is on
I need to figure out how to calculate which side of a line I am looking for a very fast and simple collision algorithm…… -
Java – dynamically create groovy classes
Given a class name, I want to dynamically create a groovy class and add properties and methods to it I use to create n…… -
How to embed Base64 images into e-mail using JavaMail
I'm trying to send email from JavaMail using embedded Base64 images (IMG ALT = 'image PNG' SRC = 'data: image / PNG; B…… -
Why is user-defined exception class preferred / important in Java?
When we have system defined exception classes in Java, why do we need to create user-defined exception classes? Becaus…… -
hazelcast – java. lang.NoSuchMethodError:com. google. common. util. concurrent. MoreExecutors. sameThreadExecutor
Try: mancenter-3.1 3. When war is deployed to my Weblogic 12, I receive the following exception Fullstacktrace is: org……