包含标签:Java 的文章
Fork / join Java EE applications?
I know that separating threads is a big taboo in Java EE applications However, I have an application that is a perfect…… -
Java – strange behavior of quickfix / J after “sending test request test”
I am using quickfix / J to receive messages, but a test request has been sent The log file (fix. 4.2-a-b.event. Log) s…… -
Java – private constructors and instances – multiple choice
I try to find the answers to the following questions I tried to find the answer on Google, but people seem to have dif…… -
How to add a date to the java simple date format
How can I add 120 days to the date I currently use simple date format? I've read very few posts about it, but I can't …… -
Java – transitive Maven dependency depends on: tree but not displayed in lib directory
I'm using Maven 3.0 Build a large java project My POM XML has a parent, which depends on spring context (compilation s…… -
Synchronize queues in Java on multiple threads
I understand the concept of synchronization, but now I'm sure why it's implemented in this way, so I need a little hel…… -
Java – why are caps not sorted correctly here?
I'm trying to sort items in list < string > This is an unordered list and how it is currently sorted: Unsorted: …… -
Java – recursive method: why do I need a return statement?
Just to practice recursion, I wrote a classic introduction to recursion - a function that checks whether a given strin…… -
Java – in a convertible cast, convert from t to double
I want to create a generic method to get the maximum value from an array But I met T and math Max method uses conversi…… -
Java – in JBoss EAP 6.2 Access hornetq connection factory through JNDI in 0 (local)
I have deployed a web application (JMS API. War) in JBoss. I hope to obtain a JMS connection factory from JNDI through…… -
Java – select query using composite primary key
In the spring MVC app using hibernate and JPA, I recently used the @ embeddable class to switch to the composite prima…… -
java – Tomcat Jersey Eclipse ClassNotFound org. glassfish. jersey. servlet. ServletContainer
I'm running the Hello world example However, I use version 2.7 At Maven POM I have <project xmlns="http://maven.apa…… -
Java – query dynamo tables using only secondary global indexes
I tried to query the dynamodb table using the auxiliary global index, and I got Java Lang.illegalargumentexception: il…… -
Hosting Java WebService on live server
I am new to Java Web services and need help to understand how to host web services on a web server I successfully crea…… -
Java – when running updates on SQLite, “there are no such columns”
I'm trying to update a row in the database This is the code I'm trying to update: public void addFBComments(int id){ …… -
Use Java 8’s lambda as a method parameter to avoid redundancy
I have a class with many methods like this (very simplified): public Record[] getRecordForXXX(String username,String p…… -
Java servlet DB username and password storage location
I am a beginner of servlet Solution Can I store DB users and pass them in to the web XML for easy configuration? >O…… -
Java – how do I receive multiple files in InputStream and process them accordingly?
I want to receive multiple files uploaded from the client I uploaded multiple files and requested my server (Java) usi…… -
Java – correct logic, select a card randomly from the card holder until all cards are selected
I need some advice here I want to create a logic that randomly selects one card from a deck of 52 cards until all card…… -
Java – why do many projects only provide source code instead of downloaded jars?
I've seen a lot of projects, including resources provided by big companies such as elephant bird (twitter) and Akela (…… -
Java – how does the competitive condition in toctou work?
The following code should be vulnerable to toctou attacks: public Period(final Date start,final Date end) { if (st…… -
Java – why does jsoup delete inline style sheets?
I use jsoup to protect my application from XSS attacks I get all the input parameters and do jsup clean. But I have a …… -
Java – implements class methods inherited from two interfaces with different return types
I have two interfaces and a class that implements them: interface A { int test(); } interface B { void test()…… -
Custom security mechanism in Java EE 6 / 7 applications
I want to create (by myself) an authentication mechanism As far as I know, I have to implement loginmodule and connect…… -
Java – why does adding throws interruptedexception create compilation errors for the implementation of runnable
Is there a way to make runnable's run() throw an exception? 9 The compilation error caused by interruptedexception is …… -
Java – combination of central JFrame and pack()
I'm trying to package the JFrame I used as () and I got it, but I don't think it's a clean way JFrame window = new JFr…… -
java – Jersey 1. X is replacing the plus sign with a space symbol How can I stop this?
I am using Jersey client to send query parameters to my jersey server This is the query:? sort = id ASC But in my code…… -
How to obtain the localhost network interface in Java or Scala
I'm trying to get the MAC address of my machine in the scala application There are several results when searching, but…… -
Java – how do I check if a field is empty and how do I read the entered text?
How to check whether the text field is empty, that is, if how to store the text in the variable is given, no input is …… -
JMX monitoring / statistics in akka application
In addition to the cluster MBean, is there a built-in JMX public monitoring / statistics that can be enabled in akka (…… -
Java – Hadoop: can you silently discard failed map tasks?
I am using Hadoop MapReduce to process a large amount of data The problem is, ocassionally, a corrupted file causes th…… -
Restrict Java generic parameter types to a list of final classes
T is not limited in the following statement abstract public class Defaults<T> However, my defaults class only ha……