包含标签:Java 的文章
java – Android Thread. start()CalledFromWrongThreadException
I'm not sure if my prompt is correct because I didn't get the expected output I have a class in which I invoke a way t…… -
Java – prevent Tomcat from interfering with Jersey / jax-rs 2 response body on HTTP error status 4xx or 5xx
I have the following stack of a rest API > Jersey 2 / JAX RS 2.0 > Tomcat 7.0. 47 > Jackson 2 My goal is to h…… -
How to use array type generics in Java?
In Java, I want to create a function that accepts any type of content list and then returns an array of the same type …… -
Does the latest Cassandra support openjdk?
In the GitHub readme, it says > = 1.7 (openjsk and sun) was tested But when I look at Cassandra daemon Java, there …… -
JavaFX – how do I have tabpane populate its parent?
My tabpane seems to fill its width horizontally, not vertically My solution now is to do this: stage.getScene().height…… -
Java – can we initialize an object with the help of the constructor of another class?
Can we initialize an object with the help of the constructor of another class? class1 object = new class2(); Solution …… -
Java – print out the elements in the array that occur the least
I get an array of size 10. I want to write a program to print out the elements with the least number of occurrences an…… -
Java – custom Jackson unmarshalling behavior
I use Jackson fasterxml to ungroup JSON There are two kinds of properties in my object: input properties and calculate…… -
Java – convert binary strings to binary
How to convert a string written as binary to binary (byte array)? If I have a string: String binary = "0000" I want th…… -
Java – intentional loss of precision
When converting double to int: double d = 5.5; int i = (int) d; Variable "I" becomes 5 This is exactly what I want. Th…… -
Java – does programming with JDK 7 allow applications to run on JRE 6?
I program in eclipse I will never change eclipse's default compilation settings or anything else If JDK 7.0 is install…… -
Java – calculate which side a line is on
I need to figure out how to calculate which side of a line I am looking for a very fast and simple collision algorithm…… -
Java – dynamically create groovy classes
Given a class name, I want to dynamically create a groovy class and add properties and methods to it I use to create n…… -
How to embed Base64 images into e-mail using JavaMail
I'm trying to send email from JavaMail using embedded Base64 images (IMG ALT = 'image PNG' SRC = 'data: image / PNG; B…… -
Why is user-defined exception class preferred / important in Java?
When we have system defined exception classes in Java, why do we need to create user-defined exception classes? Becaus…… -
hazelcast – java. lang.NoSuchMethodError:com. google. common. util. concurrent. MoreExecutors. sameThreadExecutor
Try: mancenter-3.1 3. When war is deployed to my Weblogic 12, I receive the following exception Fullstacktrace is: org…… -
Import local Java classes into clojure
I understand the general idea of importing Java classes in clojure, as follows: (import 'a.random.Class) However, supp…… -
Java – does it create a new string object every time I use string?
Suppose I need to iteratively retrieve the value of the same key from Java HashMap for(int i=0; i<INTEGER.MAX; i++)…… -
How can I deny Java fraction? This is a class I created
This is my fraction class code. There are several methods. My requirement is to take the numerator as a denominator: /…… -
Java – draws a smooth color scale and assigns a specific value to it
I am considering a new implementation, a simple 2D graphics matrix, in which the color of the items depends on the val…… -
Java – generate a large stream for testing
We have a web service. We upload files and want to write an integration test to upload a slightly larger file The test…… -
java – inflater. Inflate gives the nullpointer in the adapter getview method Why?
In my Android application, I'm building my first custom adapter. I now encounter a nullpointer in my expanded convertv…… -
Java – avoid using the final method when using mockito for unit testing?
Mockito is not allowed to laugh at the final method I don't want to change the implementation details just to make the…… -
Java code for calculating the number of nights in the date range (00:00:00)
I'm trying to write a Java block to find noon in a specific date range For example: Start date: 05 / 01 / 2014 00:00:0…… -
Java – every environment configuration for Android
What solutions does Android provide for each environment configuration? In the web world, I'm used to c# having config…… -
Java – abstract classes return instances of private nested classes
I want an abstract class A Then I want a class B that can only be instantiated by A No one else can access B – only a …… -
Java – JPanel in jtabbar is not scrollable
Enter the code here. I have the following questions I added two jpanels to a panel and finally added it to my tabbedpa…… -
JavaFX charts, snapshots
I'm trying to get a snapshot of my java popup The Java window looks like: But the snapshot looks like: http://www.dire…… -
Java – akka – implement a custom deadletterlistener actor
I'm trying to add other behaviors to deal with dead letters in akka I think the best way is to implement our own dead …… -
Java – why did this background task fail due to a fatal exception?
The following code in my mainactivity failed with a fatal exception in the overridden doinbackground() method: public …… -
Java – parses strings into integers in the BeanShell sampler in JMeter
I'm trying to parse a string into an integer in JMeter, but I failed due to a follow error If I try to print vars Get …… -
Aggregate function on list in Java
I have a list of Java objects and I need to reduce it to apply aggregate functions, such as through database selection……