包含标签:Java 的文章
Time zone in Java – webapp
I want to know the best practices for dealing with time zones in web applications >When user1 adds a new date, it i…… -
What does the name of an object in Java mean (array, ArrayList)
See English answers > java arrays printing out weight numbers and text 10 ArrayList<Integer> myList = new Arr…… -
Java – constructor printwriter (bufferedwriter) undefined
I'm trying to create a report that I show syntax errors be used for: new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter…… -
Java – JPA and first level cache, what’s the point?
Entitymanager maintains the first level cache for retrieved objects, but if you want to have a thread safe application…… -
Java – call thread What kind of corruption may occur when the stop method is used?
See the English answer > thread Stop () – deprecated 4 I just don't quite understand What does an inconsistent stat…… -
Java – packed numeric array
I have a large array (~ 400.000.000 entries) with integers of {0,1,..., 8} At present, I use byte array and save 2 num…… -
Java – how to add data in a list item in Android
I am a new Android Developer I am developing a sample application I want to add some data to the object list My mainac…… -
Java – close a runnable joptionpane
I have this runnable window: EventQueue.invokelater(new Runnable(){ @Override public void run() { op =…… -
Java – runtimeException: the buffer is insufficient to hold pixels
I received a bitmap in the byte array through the socket, I read it, and then I want to set it to OS. In my applicatio…… -
Java – unrecognized propertyexception when reading yaml file
When using the dropwizard, My dropwizard service reads config YML file public void run() throws Exception { this.r…… -
Java – jformattedtextfield instead of jtextfield
What is the difference between jtextfield and jformattedtextfield in Java? Solution Jformattedtextfield differs from j…… -
Java – get the seed of the random object without passing in the seed?
Does a random object always contain a seed, even if it is not given one? If so, can you get this seed? Motivation: I w…… -
Java – move background image in swing
Hello, I'm a novice programmer. We have a project We created a simple racing game with a moving background, but I insi…… -
Java – quickfixj login problem
There are problems with quickfixj The problem is that I can't send the login message correctly In addition, it's hard …… -
Missing instruction number in javap output
Whenever I try to understand the disassembly code of a compiled Java file, I wonder why some instruction numbers are m…… -
Using java to attach nodes to existing XML files
Hello, I'm looking for a solution to attach nodes in Java to existing XML files <data> <people> <pe…… -
Java – how do I move all even numbers to the front of an array?
Here are the questions – Given an array of integers as input, returns an array containing the same numbers as the inpu…… -
Java – why this swing error occurs when using repaint () instead of GetParent () repaint()?
This problem is based on the problem I came back with a simple swing dice program The original question I posted is he…… -
A Java method that can only be called by its own class or other subclasses
I want my class to have a method that can only be called by itself or its subclasses The closest is protected access, …… -
Use volatile to ensure the visibility of shared (but not concurrent) data in Java
I'm trying to implement a fast version of LZ77. I have a question for you about concurrent programming Now I have a fi…… -
Java decompiler and Java disassembler
I'm preparing the core Java. I have questions Is javap a disassembler or a decompiler? What's the difference between t…… -
Java – treemap deletes all keys larger than a key
In a project, I need to delete all objects whose key value is greater than a certain key (the key type is date, if imp…… -
How to convert set to ArrayList
How to add all elements of set < < set < string > >? VaR to an ArrayList < < ArrayList < strin…… -
Java recursion: Examples
I know how recursion works, that is: Method calls itself until it reaches the base case, and then it can begin to solv…… -
Java: using static methods of the parent class in subclasses
I tried to refactor my code by using the basecomponenttype class and inheriting my code in my electricalcomponenttype …… -
Java – error 403 when trying to deploy Maven project using Tomcat Maven plugin
I'm trying to deploy my project to tomcat7 using the eclipse IDE, and I encountered this error: Uploading: http://loca…… -
Java – how does SSL protect data from sniffing?
I have a small website. Its security is very important to me I have no money to buy SSL certificate, so I want to make…… -
Togglegroup using togglebuttons JavaFX
How to deselect all togglebuttons in the togglegroup in JavaFX? There seems to be no clearselection () function like t…… -
Java – bean validation: how to manually create a constraintviolation?
I have a specific scenario where I can only manually check violations later in the process What I want to do is throw …… -
Java – is delayed initialization using immutable data always thread safe?
I have two classes a and B: class A { private final String someData; private B b; public String getSomeDa…… -
Java – why are the best practices for static classes different in OOP?
I'm currently reading about Java best practices. I find that according to this book, we must support non static static…… -
Java – a better way to implement an empty while loop to maintain control
I'm playing the background audio. I want the control of the program to remain stationary until the audio playback is o……