包含标签:Java 的文章
Java – eclipse – > run as – > run on the server – how do I make it run with JBoss?
I use eclipse Juno, and I have done two projects: >One of them is actually an ear containing EJB projects and a pro…… -
Java – search the eclipse outline for a specific return type
I have a huge Java class and I want to see all the methods that return myowndatatype I see a method in which a person …… -
How do I find a running Java virtual machine on my computer?
I want to know which JVM I am using when I run a java program from the command prompt Is there a CMD command that can …… -
Java – how to find which Maven dependencies are missing
I have a web project and a POM XML file It has enough dependencies to compile and package, but not enough to start the…… -
Java – use wildcards to search in the string collection
I have a HashMap < integer, string > I tried the following code to query the map and return all possible values …… -
Java inaccessible wsdlexception when accessing WSDL through client stub
I'm trying to write a custom java client for exchange web services Exception in thread "main" com.sun.xml.internal.ws.…… -
Java – the watershed in opencv Android
I try to implement the watershed function of OpenCV on Android But my program always crashes where the watershed funct…… -
Java – parse string date and time zone Eest EET
Parse the complete date toString(); @ H_ 502_ 7@ private final DateFormat dfFull = new SimpleDateFormat("EEE MMM dd HH…… -
Java collection is used for special scrolling and looping queues
I'm looking for something similar to concurrentlinkedqueue, but I have the following behavior: >When I view the () …… -
Java – JPA: even if the getter method is used, it will not load or delay loading I hope so?
Can you briefly explain what the following phrase means: My question is: >Does this mean that lazy may not be loade…… -
Java – cannot cast to application using getapplication method
I have a class app that contains the context of my application App app = (App) getApplication(); import android.app.Ap…… -
Java – this app won’t work unless you update the Google play service
I've been trying to get Google Maps on Android V2 to work My list: (I tried to use the debug and release keys) <?xm…… -
Java – get the maxinactivitinterval value in the JSP page
I'm trying to refresh the page when the session has timedout I added this to my < head > HTML section: <Meta …… -
Java – should I use throws when using throw?
My method has a return type that throws a NullPointerException public class Student { public String studentOne() {…… -
Prevent runtime method overrides in Java
>Class a method X () I want to create a class lib that will extend the activity class and override the methods (and…… -
Java – Apache POI xlsx read, cell with # value – wrong unexpected cell type (5)
Can you solve this problem? I need to read each cell as a string value In this case, I use Apache POI lib And ways to …… -
How to evaluate a list in the Java equation of two objects
I have an ArrayList. I want to use the contains (thing o) method to check the equality of the two objects. I override …… -
Java – serialize the object containing the ArrayList object
public class User implements Serializable{ public class User implements Serializable{ public String name; …… -
Java – how to add JButton to JScrollPane?
Hi, I want to make a desktop application here. I'm using JScrollPane I want to add a multipul button to the JScrollPan…… -
Multithreading – forces Perl programs to use threads to use all CPU capacity
I have a laptop equipped with Intel Core I3 CPU. I want to create a simple program in Perl to use 100% CPU capacity My…… -
Error: Java io. IOException: bad value class: org apache. hadoop. io. Text is not a MyClass class
I have my mapper and reducer as follows But I got some strange exceptions public static class MyMapper implements Mapp…… -
java – android. support. v7. widget. GridLayout cannot be instantiated
I'm trying to use GridLayout in my project, but ideally I use the Android support library, so I can locate a lower ver…… -
How to build a copy function map in Java’s lambda API
From the Java. Net that maps a pair of enums to values util. function. In bifunction, I want to build an enummap that …… -
Java swing – get hovering objects
I have a JList that wants to change the tooltip, depending on the hover item I tried to Google my question, but failed…… -
Java – how to make a cell non editable based on another cell value in an editable grid in GXT
Hi, I'm using GXT 2.2 3. Create an editable grid I created the following: List<String> eventList=new ArrayList&l…… -
java. Lang.exception: no certificate file specified or invalid file format
Through JBoss 5.1 1 while deploying, I encountered the following error: 2014-03-18 08:44:57,834 ERROR [org.apache.coyo…… -
Java – is there a way to compare two lists with streaming media?
I have a class named MyClass, which contains several members, one of which is mystring: public class MyClass{ //... …… -
JavaMail uses outlook in the company
I used JavaMail for the first time with some exceptions. I don't understand that I saw some mistakes in other question…… -
Java – intrinsic / monitor locking and inheritance
Background: I'm reading Java concurrency in practice. Listing 2.7 contains the following code This example indicates t…… -
Java – generics – method return type as extension class
I tried to do this in Java 6: abstract class CurrClass{ public <T extends CurrClass> T setField (String str)…… -
Java – generic methods do not recognize types correctly
I have a class whose members are defined as: Map<Class<? extends Model>,List<? extends Model>> mockS…… -
Split two points based on Java that do not include a single point
I have a string STR1 written in Java. I want to split it String str1 = "S1..R1..M1..D2..N3..S1.R1.M1.D2.N3.S1R1M1D2N3"……