包含标签:Java 的文章
Will an assertion error be found in the catch block of the Java exception?
Code:- try { Assert.assertEquals("1","2"); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("I am in error block"); …… -
Java – what is “VM recurring task thread”?
I can see this thread in my thread dump: "VM Periodic Task Thread" prio=10 tid=0x00007fc23000e800 nid=0x49e6 waiting o…… -
Package private scope in scala visible in Java
When I used the bytecode generated by Scala code from Java code, I just found the strange behavior of scala scope Cons…… -
Extend a Java ArrayList
I want to extend ArrayList to add several methods for a specific class, and its examples will be saved by the extended…… -
Vector creation and VEC! Macros contain different capacities
I have a vectormatrix_ a. It contains three vectors and is initialized with VEC! Macro Because VEC:: with_ Capacity (D…… -
Java EE – multiple response HTTP states in spring MVC
With the following codes: @RequestMapping(value = "/system/login",method = RequestMethod.GET) public void login(@Requ…… -
What is the smallest Java Web MVC framework?
I am looking for a java web framework that requires minimal configuration for a very small application Struts is defin…… -
Java URL protocol: classpath: /?
I see some spring code that uses the classpath: / some / path / to / resource URL protocol to read configuration files…… -
Find a good tutorial on how to develop OData services in Java (with restlet, Jersey or odata4j)
I am looking for a tutorial that shows how to develop an OData service using Java Solution The odata4j document on dep…… -
Java: why is there no warning when referencing a field before defining it?
Static fields cannot be referenced until defined or initialized: static Integer j = i; /* compile error */ static fina…… -
Java – write a method to replace all spaces in a string
I have a question about programming, starting with gayl laakmann McDowell's "cracking the code interview" in the fifth…… -
Java 8 lambda api
I'm trying to migrate from RX java to Java 8 Lambdas An example I can't find is the method of buffering requests For e…… -
java – Optional. Ofnullable and method links
I'm interested in optional The ofnullable method surprised me One day I wrote a function that should return an optiona…… -
Java – getters / setters of classes with maps
What are the best practices for implementing / providing getters / setters for courses with maps? The most common impl…… -
Java – get the Maven version of the project programmatically
How do I programmatically get the Maven version of my project? To put it another way: static public String getVersion(…… -
Java – sometimes it takes 45 seconds to close RandomAccessFile
In my program, close Java util. RandomAccessFile sometimes takes 45 seconds (almost exactly between 44.998 and 45.003 …… -
java – org. junit. Assert. Assert is better than org hamcrest. MatcherAssert. assertThat?
I am new to JUnit and hamcrest and want best practice advice, so I can decide which documents to study first For begin…… -
Java – contains type inference for return types, wildcards, and cross types
I'm trying to declare an interface that contains a method that will return an implementation comparator < Object &g…… -
Java – name a loop
While browsing through questions and answers on this forum, I found that a piece of code was given loops to use them f…… -
Does the java compiler optimize repeated mathematical calculations?
The java compiler optimizes simple repetitive mathematical operations, such as: if (prevX / width != curX / width) { …… -
Java – escape in FreeMarker by default
In the FreeMarker template, we can use the escape instruction to automatically apply escape to all interpolation in th…… -
Extend a Java ArrayList
I want to extend ArrayList to add several methods for a specific class, and its examples will be saved by the extended…… -
Java – Hibernate: delete many to many associations
I have two tables associated with many to many – DB segment: Load ID name Meeting Id date sessionsloads LoadId SESSION…… -
Mp3 coding in Java
I need an opensource API in Java that can convert * WAV and * Au format is encoded as MP3 and vice versa I have evalua…… -
Java – polymorphism of member variables I know it’s impossible. I don’t understand the specific situation
I know this behavior, but I'm not 100% sure why it happened class Animal{ String name = "Animal"; public voi…… -
Java – how to extract values from JSON
I get a response string from the server, as shown below {"name":"Json","detail":{"first_name":"Json","last_name":"Scot…… -
Java – Atomic increment of long variables?
If the long variable is declared as: – Long counter = 0; Now, if I use the pre increment operator to increment it, is …… -
A simple implementation of Java using ternary operators to judge odd and even numbers
Create a class, create a scanner object of the standard input stream in the main method of the class, prompt the user …… -
Java array sorting example (bubble sort, quick sort, Hill sort, select sort)
The quick sort method mainly uses a method in arrays Sort() implementation. Bubble method is to use traversal arrays f…… -
Java file operation tool class to copy files and merge files
Two methods: 1. Copy all files and folders under a directory. 2. Merge all text files under a file directory into the …… -
Implementation of Java design pattern object pool pattern example sharing
Objectpool Abstract parent class -
Example of PDF file operation using pdfbox in Java
There is also a project for creating PDF files - iText. PDF@R_788_2419 @There are two subprojects: Font@R_788_2419 @Is……