Mp3 coding in Java
I need an opensource API in Java that can convert * WAV and * Au format is encoded as MP3 and vice versa
I have evaluated the Java sound API and lameonj, but they do not meet my requirements and are unstable Please suggest a free and platform independent
You may not have enough answers, but the MP3 format requires the decoder / encoder author to obtain permission from the Fraunhofer Institute
I think the lame library is distributed from a country that does not respect these intellectual property issues, but it takes a lot of legal tricks to solve this problem
For any other library, such as one written in Java, the author needs a similar license Cost is a problem - in an open source project, for example, it's enough to get started
For more details, see this Wikipedia article
If lame4j is not stable enough for you, I'm afraid your choice may be:
Wait for sun to the core JRE license format I believe they have done this recently, but I don't know any release date (possibly related to JavaFX) > implement their own in Java and pay for the license I won't like this either. > Write your own Java wrapper to lame and contribute lame4j. > via JNA or swig > Choose another format Ogg and FLAC are quite good, relatively good support