包含标签:Java 的文章
Multithreading – why does my application crash when modifying the core data relationship in the nsoperation subclass?
background I have the following object trees: Name Project Users nil…… -
What is the difference between a Java compile time library and a runtime library?
What is the use of professionals? I'm actually in NetBeans' Project Properties > java application library We have t…… -
Java EE – how to access URL parameter struts 2 in action class
I'm new to Java EE and struts 2 I need to know if I did something wrong I have a link like this: http://localhost:8080…… -
Java – xmleventwriter: how can I tell it to write empty elements?
I'm in javax xml. stream. Xmleventwriter or javax xml. stream. There is no option in xmloutputfactory. You can set a m…… -
Get the element name from XML in Java DOM
I want to get the element name and print the data in XML, but I don't know how to get the data under a specific elemen…… -
Java – remove duplicate code
I'm creating a small function programming library for Java (just to scratch my own itch) When defining high order func…… -
Java – how does eclipse terminate a running program?
In eclipse, when you run a program, there is a good red square button to prevent it I wonder how this is done Eclipse …… -
Why call the printing method of Java printable multiple times with the same page number?
From sun's documentation The printing system may require that the page be rendered multiple times before going to the …… -
What is “Java Web Start”?
I'm reading about the Java Web, starting with Wiki Someone can tell me >What is it used for? > Practical applica…… -
Java – how to serialize the last class that cannot be serialized by a third party (such as Google’s latlng class)?
I use Google's latlng class in V2 Google play service That particular class is final and does not implement Java io. S…… -
Java – hibernate saveorupdate() attempts to save when it should be updated
I have a hibernate entity named issueparticipant It basically describes the relationship between users and problems (s…… -
When inserting in a loop, javax persistence. TransactionRequiredException
I have an application using spring, hibernate and JTA We received a request that exceeded the expected data (10000 ele…… -
Aws sdk for java,dynamo db mapper async
In Amazon Web Services SDK for Java, it is possible to create two different clients for dynamodb: sync and async You c…… -
Java dual epsilon
I currently need an epsilon of type double (constants in the Java library are preferred rather than their own implemen…… -
Use java to find SSID of wireless network
We are writing a project in Java (compiled for JRE 1.6) and need some help After browsing this website, we have learne…… -
Java – docker creates huge image sizes
I pull the base Ubuntu: the latest image (192.7 MB in size), only Oracle java7 (JDK) (tar.gz ~ 53MB in size) is instal…… -
How to write a collection for unordered pairs in Java
I need a set (HashSet) so that if I insert a pair (a, b) and if (B, a) is already in the set, the insertion will be ig…… -
How to use restful web services to obtain remote / client IP addresses in Java?
I wrote rest web service in my project Web service calls may come from different machines I need to find the IP addres…… -
Java – how to combine left join and where clauses with jpql?
I have two JPA entities: >Attached table (including appointment list) > appointment (including date field: date …… -
java. util. regex. Can pattern do partial matching?
Whether you can know whether the stream / string contains input that can match the regular expression for example Stri…… -
java. math. How does roundingmode work?
I'm having trouble rounding Specifically, after reading all the JavaDocs, I look forward to the following code: int n …… -
Java – rubymine on Linux
I'm new in Ubuntu and have a problem I can't start rubymine 4: kvet@Kvet-Notebook:~/Rubymine-4.0.3/bin$java -version j…… -
Java – how to modify the web environment entry in GlassFish 4
On my web In XML, my webapp application has the following elements: <env-entry> <env-entry-name>aMessa…… -
java – Calendar. Before (object when), why object?
From Javadoc's calendar before(Object when): Returns whether this calendar represents the time before the time repres…… -
Java – text aligned in jlabel
See English answer > align text in jlabel to the right2 Solution Several jlabel constructors take horizontal alignm…… -
What is the c# equivalent of iterator in Java
I manually convert java to c# and have the following code: for (Iterator<SGroup> theSGroupIterator = SGroup.getS…… -
Is this an error in the Java gzipinputstream class?
I noticed that some of my gzip decoding code didn't seem to detect corrupted data I think I've traced the problem back…… -
Java char array is int
Can a char [] array containing numbers be converted to Solution Does char [] contain Unicode characters that make up n…… -
Java – use Apache commons math to determine confidence intervals
I have a set of benchmark data. I use Apache math commons to calculate summary statistics Now I want to use the packag…… -
How to pass an array as a parameter in a Java method?
Code: Object[] a={ myObject}; someMethod(Object ...arg); When I try: someMethod ( {myObject} ); I received an error in…… -
How to print Java class garbage collection events?
java version "1.5.0_14" java version "1.5.0_14" Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment,Standard Edition (build 1.5.0_14-b03) J…… -
Java – eclipse link Moxy JSON serialization
I have an example class: class Zoo { public Collection<? extends Animal> animals; } When serializing with Mo……