包含标签:Java 的文章
Java – JAXB schemagen ungrouping error
I am using JAXB to generate XML schema from my java class, so that other developers can easily create class instances …… -
Java – linkedblockingqueue and primitives
I need a linkedblockingqueue, but I pass the primitive to it The data rate added to the queue is about 4 milliseconds …… -
Java – is the hardware UUID on the MAC reasonable for licensing
OK, I know that no license scheme can be cracked; I'm not asking for one I have used a method in Java that combines th…… -
Embed jetty in a Java application and export it as a jar
I'm making a Java application embedded in jetty web server, which in turn provides content developed using Google Web …… -
Java – spring: create any number of beans using factory beans
I have a factory ish bean that creates many objects at startup. I hope these objects themselves are spring beans If I'…… -
What is the difference between two similar algorithms of Java – 3sum?
I am here http://www.leetcode.com/onlinejudge A 3sum problem was found on the, as follows: Given an array s of N integ…… -
Java – C3PO helper thread deadlock
I use C3PO pool with my GUI application I have the following configuration overrides.put("maxStatementsPerConnection",…… -
Recursive algorithm of space filled Hilbert curve in Java
I'm learning to write code in Java. I've learned the recursive part of Java programming I understand the basics of rec…… -
Check for pending changes when using WPF explicit binding
I have a modal pop-up window that contains a Check@R_955_2419 @, when the user clicks the Save button on the form, it …… -
Java – Preparedstatement and Oracle 10g bug
When we call some SQL in the Java Web application, I have a big but intermittent problem with errors in Oracle 10g. We…… -
JPA sets the where clause when querying the fields of two mapjoins
I'm trying to build a complex query My entity looks like this: @Entity public class Configuration{ @Id @Column(…… -
Java – SWT text field setting and RCP command bound to key
I have an RCP application. I have a command that starts an entity Wizard (the edit wizard displays all fields of the e…… -
Java – lists the resolved properties in spring
There are multiple attribute file sources in my spring XML file. They have different order values, and some are option…… -
Java NiO selector can select no more than 50 selectionkeys?
I used siege to stress test my manually built file server. It is suitable for small files (less than 1KB), but it can'…… -
Java – iPOJO – @ reference does not inject services
There is an interface iservice in a package, which is implemented by serviceimpl class: public interface IService { …… -
Java – how to access the webcontent folder from the web service method
I want to reach the file in the webcontent folder from the method in the web service in the same project For example: …… -
Add java compiler to Matlab?
When I entered mbuild setup in MATLAB (r2011a), there was no java compiler (JDK) available, although I had already ins…… -
Java – Android service activity 2 mode communication
In my team's Android application, I have a service running from startup. It communicates with the server to perform op…… -
Multimedia playing in Java
I need to play multimedia files in Java I have studied JMF and FMJ, but these have not been updated for several years …… -
javax. net. ssl. Sslhandshakeexception: fatal alert received: error in handshake APN
I'm trying to send a push notification to iPhone using java PNS, but I received the following error javax.net.ssl.SSLH…… -
Configuring spring web flow using java
I am using spring 3.1 and want to include spring web flow 2.3 One thing I really like about spring is that you can sup…… -
Java – propertyplaceholderconfigurer propertiesfactorybean only resolves location properties
I cannot have propertyplaceholderconfigurer work in my current configuration Give ApplicationContext The following cod…… -
Java – com4j wrapper Gen problem
I'm trying to use tlbimp-20110320 Jar generates a wrapper for com4j I also tried the same wrong 2008 version Even if I…… -
Java – how do I reference property files in executable jars and eclipse?
I use two properties files: log4j Properties and myapp properties. I want to load my applications correctly when I exe…… -
Java. Java in path with spaces security. auth. login. Config file
When I execute System.setProperty("java.security.auth.login.config",ejbLoginConfig); Using ejbloginconfig = ".. / conf…… -
Java applets are needed to help test screen readers
My employer bought us a "Jaws" screen reader license to test potential visually impaired new employees I have been tes…… -
In Java, how do I write the file I recently read?
I am creating a notepad type program Here's how I read and write from files: BufferedWriter out = null; try { Sys…… -
Poor performance in Java – Solr space
I'm using Solr - 3.4 to filter space using a pattern with latlontype (subtype = tdouble) I have an index of about 20m …… -
Java – my android projects are in enum and string Duplicate declaration between XML
I have a string array for spinner and so on <string-array name="Animal"> <item >Cat</item> &…… -
Java – how to avoid losing punctuation when extracting data from MySQL database using JDBC?
First, I'm using: Java 1.7.0_02 MysqL 5.1.50 ZendServer CE (if that matters) The jdbc driver I use to connect from Jav…… -
Java – generics and JSON
I'm using the play framework model: public class JSONContainer<T> extends Model { private T myT; privat…… -
Java – data source for multi tenant applications
I am developing a multi tenant application based on Hibernate 4 Solution To answer your questions directly, you can ex……