Java – convert characters or strings to shapes / regions

I want to be able to convert any character or string into a shape or area so that I can draw the character in any size, style, effect, etc I like it.

More specifically, I'll draw it with parallax so that it's clearly defined only from a certain angle (that's why I can't use HTML or anything of that nature) I've set parallax. I just need this shape

In short, common shape conversion (char c) {...}

Or, if you can think of another way, please let me know

Just to give you a rough idea:


According to the previous answer, it seems that you can manage it as follows (assuming that this method is defined on a subclass of JPanel):

public Shape convert(char c) {
    Font f = getFont();
    // Optionally change font characteristics here
    // f = f.deriveFont(Font.BOLD,70);

    FontRenderContext frc = getFontMetrics(f).getFontRenderContext();
    GlyphVector v = f.createGlyphVector(frc,new char[] { c });
    return v.getOutline();

It may be easier to declare methods to get string parameters because you can pass string as the second parameter to createglyphvector () – this may be more effective than converting each character individually if you need to perform multiple operations

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