包含标签:Java 的文章
Java – using dialogs in fragments
In my application, I have an activity and several fragments (activity as controller and fragments – as view) In some c…… -
Java – use dto or value object patterns to calculate deferred load exceptions
It's just an architectural problem in the Java / Hibernate / spring / MySQL stack Should I use opensessioninview patte…… -
Java – time zone and formatted date for Grails issues
I hope someone can help solve this very annoying situation. I find myself with Grails & date and time zone as my u…… -
Java – create util class
I created a currency fomatter class I hope it is a util class that can be used by other applications public class Curr…… -
Variable based javax bean validation?
Suppose I have a class with two member variables: import javax.validation.constraints.Min; class Foo { private int…… -
Java – JfreeChart that uses colourmaps to represent 3D data in 2D graphics
I am currently trying to use JfreeChart to represent 3D data in 2D graphics Basically, I have a two-dimensional array …… -
Java – why not throw an exception in objectify’s put() function?
The gae native put() function throws some exceptions when it fails But objectify's put () function never throws any ex…… -
Java – jax-ws error: unable to create SOAP message due to exception: XML reader error: wstxunexpected charexception: unexpected character ‘[‘
It shows the following errors. I don't understand why. Can someone help me? The error is: The function of my call is: …… -
Web form framework in Java
What are the common ways to build web forms in Java and groovy? Spring and Grails provide the corresponding taglib, bu…… -
Java – an XSLT custom function that returns a node set or an XML fragment (not a simple data type)
I'm trying to develop an XSLT custom function that can return node sets or XML fragments. Let's say: Input file: <r…… -
Java save changes
I have an application that mainly includes JList displayed on the screen I hope that whenever I make changes to the ab…… -
Java – transactions in the database do not work in Android
I used the following code, but encountered some problems: mDb.beginTransaction(); String updateQuery ="Query entered h…… -
Haskell – use the O (1) function to write a storable instance of CString to get the total byte length
I'm trying to write an instance of storable vector for CString (in my example, C characters ending in null) The storab…… -
Java – how to render libgdx bitmapfont so that its pixel color is opposite to the background?
either sb.setBlendFunction(GL10.GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_COLOR,GL10.GL_ZERO); sb.begin(); font.setColor(1,1,1); for (LineRect …… -
Java – stateful session beans and persistent entities
Stateful session beans are usually illustrated by implementing shopping carts From outside Java EE, I prefer to use pe…… -
Java – about bufferedimage Instructions for getsubimage (int x, int y, int w, int h) methods?
I'm trying to segment the image. I encountered a small fault. I don't know why it happened This is a quick pseudo code…… -
Java – in the new Use the compiled protobuf classes in the proto file
I imported a library containing classes generated by protobuf I want to send this kind of object as part of other prot…… -
Baidu know website development of Java project
Development background requirement analysis feasibility study System objectives System functional structure System flo…… -
Hibernate connection. URL property: Specifies the URL to connect to the database
hibernate. connection. Url = attribute value Example 1 <property name="hibernate.connection.url"> jdbc:micr…… -
Verifying IP addresses with Java regular expressions
\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3} import java.util.Scanner; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; publ…… -
JSP Response. Setcontenttype() method: sets the MIME type of the response object
setContentType(String type) Example <% response.setContentType("video/x-msvideo"); %> -
Hibernate cache. use_ second_ level_ Cache attribute: determines whether to close the L2 cache
hibernate. cache. use_ second_ level_ Cache = attribute value Example <property name="hibernate.cache.use_second_…… -
Differences between Java interfaces and abstract classes
Basic grammatical differences public interface Animal { // 所有动物都会吃 public void eat(); // 所…… -
Hibernate addclass method: load entity class
addClass(Class persistentClass) Example Configuration config = new Configuration(); //创建Configuration对象 Config…… -
Hibernate criteria interface setfirsresult method: sets the starting point of the result set
setFirstResult(int firstResult) Example Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria(UserForm.class); //获取Criteria…… -
JSP JSTL < FMT: formatdate > tag: format time
Example 1@H_502_112 @This example uses the < FMT: formatdate > tag to format the current time into different …… -
Hibernate alleq method: set a series of equality conditions
Example Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria(UserForm.class); //获取Criteria对象 Map map = new HashMap(); /…… -
Hibernate like method: set the condition of fuzzy query
like(String propertyName,Object value) Example 1 Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria(UserForm.class); //创建…… -
Hibernate AVG method: calculate the average value of a column
avg(String propertyName) Example Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria(ResultForm.class); //定义Criteria对象 …… -
JSP Response. Isnew() method: judge whether the current user is a new user
isNew() Example <% out.print(session.isNew()); %> -
Setmaxresults method of Hibernate criteria interface: set the maximum number of returned records
setMaxResults(int maxResults) Example Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria(UserForm.class); //获取Criteria示…… -
Struts2 ServletActionContext. Getservletcontext() method: get ServletContext object
public static ServletContext getServletContext() Example //获取上下文 ServletContext context = ServletActionContext……