Java – spring roo updates password fields or does not update all fields

I have an entity user with user name, name, etc

The user also has a password attribute I disabled its rendering in the list / display form, but in the update form, the field is set to type = "password"

What I don't know is that if you don't re-enter the password, you can't update the user, because there is no star. If you don't enter the password, the password is set to null or ""

How can I get around that?

There is another problem If I delete some fields from the update form, all other fields are set to null What I want is to enable users to update certain areas of certain rights, but not all areas


I created an entity foo with four fields F1, F2, F3 and F4

In this entity's update In jspx, I set the attribute render = "false" for field F1

In the foocontroller update method, before updating the foo parameter object, I get the old value from DB and paste it into the parameter foo, as shown below, because we don't want the end user to update this field

Foo fromDB=Foo.findFoo(foo.getId());

I can verify that the old value of F1 in the foo entity has not been changed after the update operation is completed

This may be a way to prevent users from updating some fields in entity objects, and hope this method is suitable for you


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