包含标签:Java 的文章
R: How to store vectors
I'm trying to write a function to determine the Euclidean distance between X (a point) and Y (a set of n points) [,1] …… -
Java string instantiation
Why does this code return "false" instead of "true": If I remember correctly: A string (string pool) pointing to an ex…… -
Java multithreaded cache using a single updater thread
I have a web service with an average of ~1k request threads running at the same time These threads access data from th…… -
RMI java reflection
I am using RMI to allow access to my java application through MATLAB, which runs in another JVM MATLAB has a good inte…… -
Java – unexpected login in spring boot application on orderedrequestcontextfilter
So I'm developing a non - Web server with spring It has grown a lot recently I'm a little worried about the following …… -
Java – twisted throughput limit reduced
I'm developing a program that allows you to simulate a network on a machine For this purpose, I use twisted for asynch…… -
What is the difference between Java certificate and VBA certificate?
I already have VeriSign's certificate to sign java code To support Java applications, I wrote an outlook macro and wan…… -
Java – feedback on different back ends of GWT
I have to redesign an existing application that uses pylons (Python) on the back end and GWT. Net on the front end Exi…… -
Java – how to do “large-scale” job scheduling (quartz?)
I have a general problem related to quartz scheduling framework: I need to execute the task after a fixed period of ti…… -
Java – generic Dao and service layer
I will design a Dao layer for my application My focus is that services only call Dao, which is independent of the unde…… -
Java – mybatis maps attributes to wrong enumerations
My domain class has properties that map to enumerations Strangely, mybatis 3.4 X (3.4.0 and 3.4.4. This applies to 3.3…… -
Java – use kotlin’s Hibernate: @ manytoone (fetch = fetchtype. Lazy)
I'm using hibernate and kotlin, and I met fetchtype on the @ manytoone relationship Lazy problem Consider the followin…… -
Java executes bash scripts that run daemon scripts
I'm processing a bash script that runs when my java server application requests a server restart The actions performed…… -
Java – Google Reader API authentication
I'm trying to use this snippet to authenticate on Google API services: RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();…… -
Database – development using virtual machines
I have recently been given the role of managing or developing the environment, including: >To manage the version co…… -
The Java – Maven plug-in places – D32 – xstartonfirstthread in the GWT startup file on the Mac
Use the Maven M2 plug-in of sonatype on Mac Unfortunately, whenever I run Maven to "update project configuration", it …… -
Java – independent model and UI view model in spring (MVVM in spring)
I want to start discussing the separation of pure model and UI Model in spring 3 Pure model I mean the main object / o…… -
How to convert Java Lang. float is encoded as th3ifmw?
I need to parse some basic types of coded Java output (integer, floating point, double precision, floating point) I ad…… -
Java – log4j: buffersize cannot be changed with bufferedio = true in fileappender
I think I have a problem with log4j I'm trying to enable bufferedio, but the default buffer size of 8KB is too large f…… -
Java – determines which enumeration returns based on object properties
I wonder if there are any design patterns to help me solve this problem Suppose I have a person class, which has three…… -
Java – Maven did not run Jacobo during build
I'm trying to use Jacobo for code coverage, but it's the same every time I run I received the following message in the…… -
How do i disable dead code elimination in the java compiler?
This seems to be a strange question... Why does anyone want to disable such things? But I know what I'm doing (and why…… -
java – Maven 2.2. 1 unable to build ear project using m2eclipse
I encountered a problem when using M2 eclipse project builder to build EJB ear with Maven in eclipse 3.6 Strangely, ma…… -
Java – a better way to update spring boot properties when your application is running
So far, I've seen how to update the spring launch application by changing the properties file itself and then reloadin…… -
Java – how to send gwt-rpc requests using httpclient?
I use the Apache HTTP client API to send HTTP requests, which so far uses standard requests Now I want to send a gwt-r…… -
Java uses BigInteger and while
I have a question import java.math.BigInteger; import java.io.*; import java.util.*; import java.lang.*; public class…… -
Java – use spring security 3 to store access tokens on my Grails OAuth provider
I have just implemented the OAuth provider for my Grails application and can successfully validate my client applicati…… -
Java – declare the date object within the prop tag in the application context
I'm trying to do the following: <bean id="someBean" class="path.to.some.class"> <property name="config">…… -
Java – when thread currentThread(). What happens when getcontextclassloader () returns null?
Start with the jar file containing the Jax - WS SPI text file in / meta - inf, and then the class it points to Put it …… -
Java fast string matching (associating text with categories)
Suppose I have a similar post >Title: "Web: 2011 SEO" > Description: "a meeting to talk about SEO on the Interne…… -
Eliminate mongodb or couch’s hibernate / MySQL for Java / spring / Tomcat web applications
I have an application that is undergoing large-scale rework, and I have been exploring different options - adjusting "…… -
Java – how to avoid double compilation and testing with cobertura: checking?
I am using Maven - cobertura - plugin to calculate code coverage in my project As far as I know, this plug-in starts a……