包含标签:Java 的文章
Interesting generic related differences between javac and the eclipse ide compiler
I have an interesting difference between javac and the eclipse ide compiler, and I can't figure out who is right There…… -
Java – thread safe sorting linked list
I'm trying to write a thread - safe sorted single - linked list I wrote two versions: coarse - grained synchronization…… -
Inline domain specific language for generating java code
I'm working on a program that performs matrix and vector operations in Java Multiple function calls and object creatio…… -
Java – optionally using cascading in Hibernate / JPA
My question is simple, but overall it's very important - I think I did research for hours, but I couldn't find anythin…… -
ORM – Entity Framework 4 only obtains the table name of poco domain object from metadata
Hi, I only use entity framework code from ctp4 My question is: given the name of the domain class mapped using entityc…… -
Java – the difference between ide console and terminal
I'm using Linux for the first time in my life But I can't understand the difference between the Java (eclipse) console…… -
Java WSDL modifies or hides some properties on the web view
Is it possible for TLDR to create an "alias" for the IP address (for example, / services as server_1) or …… -
Javax JWs package source code
I have Jave se installed, and I can import javax in eclipse jws. WebMethod. But the src.exe that comes with Java se Zi…… -
Java – publishing data using a web client
I'm using the web client to create a submit button, but it doesn't work This is the code I'm using: HtmlElement button…… -
Java – can I use parameter injection methods in spring?
From docs: <public|protected> [abstract] <return-type> theMethodName(no-arguments); Is there a solution to…… -
Java – hibernate reverse engineering uses the customreverseengineeringstrategy class to delete directory names
I use hibernate tool library and ant script to extend org hibernate. cfg. reveng. Delegatingreverseengineeringstrategy…… -
Java – how to re present the system under development in UML use cases?
Use UML 2 0 case diagram. What is the general method to point out that "the system is under development"? Solution You…… -
Java – hold the mouse in ellipse2d
I know how to keep my mouse (my g.draw (mousex, mousey) cursor) in ellipse2d / shape @Override public void mouseMoved(…… -
Java – open the terminal and start it in OSX Jar file?
I currently have a small text game written in Java, which uses system out. print(); Output text and scanner to receive…… -
Java – RLE sequence, set a value
Say I have an arbitrary RLE sequence (for those who don't know, RLE compresses an array like [4,4,6,1] into [(5,4) (2,…… -
Java – getting two quaternion angles
Well, so I tried to get the angle of two quaternions, it's almost perfect, but then it's from evec angle: 237.44999653…… -
Java – jtextpane – dynamic line wrap
I tried to use jtextpane1 setText(“xxx xxxx xxx xxxxx xx xxx xxxx xxx etc ……”); But jtextpane doesn't wrap it up and o…… -
Is there a console GUI widget for Java? Is the eclipse console view an option?
I want to create a console based UI Do you know any Java console widgets? I mean, are there any projects that build so…… -
Java Swing: glyphview: stateinvarianterror (htmldocument) after deleting ordered / unordered list
I don't think this is a new problem However, as long as you use the backspace key to delete the ordered / unordered li…… -
Java – debug Maven plug-in under eclipse
I want to debug a maven plug - in under eclipse I think I can rely on it; Then write some Java classes that import plu…… -
Java – how to use the web client to get data authenticated pages
I am using the web client to get the page source I have successfully logged in After that, I use the same object to ob…… -
Java – the application does not respond after recovery
After recovery, my "game" kept crashing Basically, I start the application and everything is normal Then I press the h…… -
Can the Java – Google Webmaster tool API be used to automatically repair web page not found errors?
If I use the Google Webmaster tool and click health – > grab errors, I find that our website has about 1045 undetec…… -
How do I send images from a Java application to an Android application?
I have a client - server application The server is pure Java and the client is Android application They use ServerSock…… -
Java – handle enumerations (iterations, deserialization) that implement common interfaces
I have an Android application that can load data from a web source and display it I organize each API method, and thes…… -
java – org. scribe. exceptions. Oautexception: the response body is incorrect Unable to extract token and secret from: ‘token is invalid
OAuthService service = new ServiceBuilder() OAuthService service = new ServiceBuilder() .provider(Goog…… -
Java – find and replace elements in a linked list
I need to be able to search for some unique elements (user name, password, email) in the link list. After finding thes…… -
Java – how to merge grid cells in GXT
I wonder if I can merge cells in the GXT grid like this: I think I have to overwrite the renderer, but I can't find on…… -
Java – should the entitymanager of JPA be requestscoped?
I am using JBoss 7 to develop web applications based on Java EE 6 class ForumServiceEJB { @PersistenceContext(type…… -
How to maintain the folder structure when compressing in Java?
I want to compress a folder with a structure like this: Temperature / folder 1 / file1 Temperature / Folder 2 / File2 …… -
Why does adding a kernel after about 10 kernels slow down my java program?
My program uses fork / join to run thousands of tasks as follows: private static class Generator extends RecursiveTask…… -
Java – read the EXIF data of the image in the BlackBerry
How to use code to read EXIF data of image in BlackBerry device I used exifinterface.com in Android Does the BlackBerr……