Help on adding plug-ins to Java imagewriter
I tried to save the buffered image as a PNM file I have installed Jai (Java advanced imaging) and imported the pnmwriter plug-in However, I don't know how to add it to my imagewriter, so it can be used Prepared by PNM When I run imageio Getwriterformatnames() to get possible format names, only standard names (. PNG,. BMP,. JPG...)
I implemented this myself for my software It has only 30 lines of source code, and I don't want to add Java advanced imaging. Com for problems that can be easily solved This is my solution:
public static void write(BufferedImage image,OutputStream stream) throws IOException { /* * Write file header. */ int imageWidth = image.getWidth(); int imageHeight = image.getHeight(); stream.write('P'); stream.write('6'); stream.write('\n'); stream.write(Integer.toString(imageWidth).getBytes()); stream.write(' '); stream.write(Integer.toString(imageHeight).getBytes()); stream.write('\n'); stream.write(Integer.toString(255).getBytes()); stream.write('\n'); /* * Write each row of pixels. */ for (int y = 0; y < imageHeight; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < imageWidth; x++) { int pixel = image.getRGB(x,y); int b = (pixel & 0xff); int g = ((pixel >> 8) & 0xff); int r = ((pixel >> 16) & 0xff); stream.write(r); stream.write(g); stream.write(b); } } stream.flush(); }
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