Where to start a java project

I've tried to look for similar problems here, and I don't think I can find anything that matches what I'm looking for I want to know where to start developing a (most likely) database driven Java application that can track customers, invoices and quotations from my father's car store There will be several computers in the store that need to access it

I want to have a server there to process the database and let any machine that needs to access it use the client application

Almost all my experience is in the lamp environment, but I have been working hard on Java and feel very comfortable using it in NetBeans or eclipse

I'm not asking anyone to tell me how to make it or anything I want to know where to start learning Is MySQL a perfect match for Java or should I use something else? I've always wanted to learn Java. I think it will be a good learning project, but everything I read seems to provide only bits and pieces I want to know


Java and MySQL work together Here are some things I suggest you start using:

>JDBC (Java database connector) – use it to connect mysql > swing programming – to create a GUI front end with which users will interact Although NetBeans has a drag and drop GUI builder interface, it is actually very important to understand the underlying content

>Glazedlists is a great project for displaying dynamic content in tabular format so that you can easily filter, sort, etc Since you may have a customer's table view, etc., I will investigate this

If I were you, I would certainly set lower standards and try some simpler projects (for example, projects that do not require a database connection) Once you use Java more advanced, I will start to integrate MySQL table with your application

The content of this article comes from the network collection of netizens. It is used as a learning reference. The copyright belongs to the original author.
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