包含标签:Android 的文章
Android Scrollview: Scrollview
When there are so many contents on the user interface provided by activity that the current mobile phone screen cannot…… -
Java – Android – how to avoid duplicate code between activities
This is a general problem, but I will give you a specific example I have many activities in the app. In all activities…… -
Java – returns the primary activity from any activity on the Android application
I'm developing an Android application with an action bar and a dashboard When the user clicks the "application logo" b…… -
BlackBerry – use GPS and Google maps to evaluate the port of the android app
Suppose I have an Android application using Google maps and GPS. Use custom views and timers How long does it take to …… -
Java – how to get the offset of recyclerview?
I want to save the location of recyclerview and reset it later. If only half of the top item is visible, what can I us…… -
Android – center texture libgdx
I try to center the 256px x 256px image in libgdx. When I run the code I am using it, the image will be rendered in th…… -
Can’t reference a paintable PNG in Java?
There are about 10 pictures in my drawable folder. But when I reference some of them in Java, it's like this: R.drawab…… -
Android programmatically sets the listview background with transparency issues
My first question is, how to set the color of the listview background to white? I tried list. Setbackgroundcolor (0xFF…… -
Android – error merging spannable objects
I want to merge three spannable objects. This code works normally: Spannable s1 = new SpannableStringBuilder("bold"); …… -
Java – how to send parameters when executing an Android application using the adb.exe shell command
I start an Android application with "adb.exe shell" as follows, which works normally: shell am start -a android.intent…… -
Android – how to configure portable Wi Fi hotspot settings via onclick?
How do I open the following directory: settings / wireless and networking / binding and portable hotspot / portable Wi…… -
How do I align listview text to the right in Android?
I have a list view in the Android application for displaying ArrayList containing string. I can't find any properties …… -
Detailed explanation of FrameLayout in Android
Reference link: https://blog.csdn.net/qq_ 36772866/article/details/89010678 -
Add a column to SQLite table in Android?
I want to add another column to the table in the existing SQLite database Maybe, or what do I need to do to upgrade it…… -
Android – Proguard failed after updating Google play service to version 5.0 (revision 18)
My ant script for compiling my Android application works normally, but after updating the Google play service library …… -
How to get the currently available RAM in an Android device
See the English answer > how to get current memory usage in Android? 9 devices in which we enter the management app…… -
java – division double android
My department on Android has a problem: double test= 100/ 1280; double test2 = 0.2354; System.out.println(…… -
Java – calculates the time difference between the current and future times
I want to calculate the time difference (in milliseconds) between the time of the day (11:00 a.m. on October 1, 2012) …… -
Android – repo: no command found in auto bash script to build CyanogenMod
I am running Linux Mint 17.2. I have installed repo and added the path of repo to my. Bashrc. I have initiated my repu…… -
In one month, we successfully reaped the offers of Tencent, Baidu, meituan and Netease, and doubled the salary
Java Foundation Java multithreading Android open source framework On the one hand, you can read the source code direct…… -
PHP – Android uses the volley library to upload images to the server
I want to use the volleyball library to upload my images from the camera to my 000webhost.com server I want to find ou…… -
The width and height of the ImageView control vary with the picture
Original text: https://blog.csdn.net/qq_ 31207845/article/details/ 87881751@H_ 419_ 1@ android:adjustViewBounds="true"…… -
Java – how does Android set a string array to a single textview
I want to try to set the string array to the text of textview. How can I do this@ H_ 419_ 1@ Here's what I've tried so…… -
Java – which class is the superclass of all classes
I'm a beginner in Java. I'm a little confused about the superclasses of all classes in Java? resolvent: From object do…… -
Android – AdMob error: there is not enough space to display ads. 320 is required × 50 DP, but only 309 × 0 dp
I'm trying to put smart banner ads into my clip layout, and all I get is "there's not enough space to display ads. nee…… -
Android – why is there content by default_ Main.xml and activity_ Main.xml, not just activity_ main.xml?
I just started learning android app development. I have Android studio 1.4. In my layout folder, I have two XML files …… -
Java – Android: use anonymous classes to programmatically create click listeners
I see some examples of making textview clickable by setting onclick = "clickhandler" and clickable = "true". Is there …… -
Android – WiFi manager.calculatesignallevel (RSSI, 5)
I'm trying to use WiFi manager to calculate the signal level of the access point found during the scan I use the follo…… -
Android – horizontalscrollview: the customadapter with getview () does not reuse convertviews like listview
In my past project, I implemented a "time picker carousel". It is based on horizontalscrollview. Users can select the …… -
Android – animation of action bar actions
I am using Android 4.2 and the latest version of appcompat. I use these methods to show and hide my action bar: final …… -
Write long text to display on the Android screen so that the screen will score down
I want to display 2-3 pages of text. I try to use the scroll view, but the text is cut off. I'm a novice in developmen…… -
Android – what is the preferred way to save / restore screen state using flow mortar dagger2?
I'm trying to convert the acticity fragments application to flow mortar dagger2 Invalid Sign I spent a lot of time loo……