Java – how to link library projects in Android studio
I recently downloaded Android studio, and now I'm trying to build a project I used to use eclipse. The project also uses the Google map API
Import and store in the code I use it
It shows my error:
Error:(40, 39) error: cannot find symbol class LocationClient
I have Google play services_ Lib code, I link the project as a library in eclipse, and it works normally
But I don't know how to do the same thing for Android studio. Please help
Especially for Google play service, first install "Google repository" in SDK manager
Then, add appropriate dependencies on dependency closures in play services:
apply plugin: ''
dependencies {
compile ''
android {
// your project configuration goes here
There is an updated version that provides more modular dependencies. You can explore it, but I will start from 6.1.71 and master the basic knowledge before you use the new version for optimization