包含标签:Android 的文章
Android – surfaceview (width, height) problem
I'm new to Android and I face some problems I use surfaceview to expand my course. In my class, I can't get the width …… -
Android – how do I set the toolbar background color in the activity to the color in the colors.xml file?
I have a color in my colors.xml file that I need to use for toolbar colors <resources> <color name="MAIN_…… -
How to automatically scroll the mpadroidchart line chart?
I'm a new user of MP Android chart in Android. Who can help me? resolvent: So what you want to do is always show 10 va…… -
When sectionindexer is implemented, Android – fastscrollbar goes out of the screen
I use a custom adapter that implements sectionindexer to execute listview. When I only type minsdkversion = 8 in the m…… -
Android – checkboxpreference dependency not found error
I have this Check@R_ 923_ 2419@Preference Check@R_923_2419@Preference sendToEmailPref = new Check@R_923_2419@Preferenc…… -
Java – classnotfoundexception: the class “com.yandex.metrica.metricaeventhandler”. Unity plug-in was not found
The application crashed on the test device, but not on my device. I tried to install the appmetrica plug-in, but it di…… -
Android – duplicate alerts don’t work
I know this kind of question has been laughed at many times... But please read my question first, and then vote or mar…… -
Use account manager to implement JWT authentication in Android
I am implementing an Android application that must include user login. To do this, I have created my own authenticator…… -
Android – ‘cannot resolve symbol’ and ‘cannot find resource matching the given name’ – do not duplicate
I opened my project in Android studio yesterday, and "unable to resolve symbols" can be seen everywhere as a descripti…… -
Android – show activity even if the phone is in locked mode
How can I wake an Android device up and skip the ScreenLock I want to display a dialog box from the broadcast receiver…… -
Android – converts a string array to an integer array
Since I couldn't find a simple way to convert a string array to an integer array, I looked for an example of the metho…… -
Android – action listener on image view
How to apply an action listener on an image view resolvent: If you use the oncreate method, this is easy: //create you…… -
Android – Google cloud messaging displays “notregistered” when using IOS distributed applications
I implement GCM service on IOS application. I use PHP to send GCM on the server. It works well when the application is…… -
Android – make cells the same width and height to fill the table
I'm trying to learn how to use table layout in Android. This is my code: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> …… -
Android – cluster map tags when zooming in and not when zooming in
I am using Google map Android clustering security with Google Maps V2 playback service I didn't get the behavior I exp…… -
Android – how do I import slide menus on IntelliJ idea?
I'm using the idea of IntelliJ. You may know that importing slidingmenu lib into your new project when you run eclipse…… -
Android – canvas will not be updated (invalidated) until the end of the entire while loop
I'm trying to move a ball on the canvas. A and B are similar to X and Y coordinate positions. Any way to try to get di…… -
Android – use onbackpressed() with backward compatibility
I want to use onbackpressed() method. I still hope to provide support for Android SDK before 2.0. Onbackpressed() was …… -
Android – Google awareness API v9.6 missing
I'm interested in the new map style feature, which is added in the 9.6 Google play services version, but I'm also usin…… -
Android: reduce the code for handling alertdialog
I'm new to Java development... I'm trying to implement alert in Android applications using the following code …… -
Android – onbackpressed fragments do not work when implementing interfaces
I tried to override the onbackpressed method in the fragment. But it gave me a syntax error. It should override the su…… -
Android – ormlite – returns the item w / maximum ID (or value)
I'm using ormlite w / Android. I want to get the ID value of the object with the highest ID value I would also like to…… -
The problem of publishing Android jsonobject to PHP
I can't get a simple Android post of jsonobject to display on the server$_ In the post data, the server is PHP 5.3.4 a…… -
Android – how do I set the default value for the text column in SQLite?
I have a simple table. I'm trying to put the default value into the text column. This is a table query: "CREATE TABLE …… -
Aes128 decryption: javax.crypto.badpaddingexception pad block is damaged
I try to decrypt the encrypted data received from the web service Encryption is done using AES 128 I use the following…… -
How to return button in searchview in Android
I've been searching the Internet for more than 4 hours on how to make the back button work when searchview is open, bu…… -
Java – make Android applications that cannot be uninstalled / deleted
I want to make a secure app for Android phones. Basically, I don't want anyone to uninstall it without having to enter…… -
Android – phonegap splashScreen direction
When setting the startup screen for the mobile screen application, even if I make a large picture with a logo in the c…… -
How do I update a recyclerview project without animation?
I have a recyclerview. When I click the button in the project in recyclerview, I want to change the color of the view …… -
Android architecture: Part 1 — mistakes we made in those years
This series of articles aims to outline the problems we may encounter when building an Android application architectur…… -
Java – how to link library projects in Android studio
I recently downloaded Android studio, and now I'm trying to build a project I used to use eclipse. The project also us…… -
Android – force Proguard gives each method in a class a unique name?
I'm using Proguard to confuse Android applications. Everything's fine, but I'm trying to backtrack the stack trace fro……