包含标签:Android 的文章
How to install Android applications repeatedly without uninstalling previous versions?
I'm working on an Android project. I have to install it many times to test it on the virtual device. But at the end of…… -
Android – EditText loses focus using the hard keyboard when tabhost exists in the activity
I display EditText in tabhost. Tabhost is located in sherlockfragmentactivity Suppose I am in touch mode, I click Edit…… -
Android syncadapter will not synchronize Samsung S6 edge plus nougat on my device (periodically when API < = 23)
I have a problem using syncadapter. The strangest thing about it is that it worked earlier, but now synchronization is…… -
Android – displays progress when downloading images from the server to ImageView
I'm listview and want to display the progress until the image is not downloaded from the server to ImageView using Pic…… -
Android – where do you store string values? In the strings.xml or constants class?
In Android, we can store string values in the strings.xml file or in some constant classes as static final variables. …… -
Android – duplicate background images are stretched
I have a difficult background texture. I have a 60px by 60px bitmap texture. I want to set it as the background of my …… -
Android – how to use Google play purchase validator to effectively purchase express servers
I hope to integrate the in app settlement function of Google play into the unity project that has obtained payload JSO…… -
Android – caches all data in the. Gitlab-ci.yml file
I'm new to gitlab CI. I'm trying to use cache in. Gitlab-ci.yml file (on Android platform). Gitlab CI works well, but …… -
Android – session closed; Further changes are illegal
I'm reading many reports about this problem, but I still can't find the answer. Sometimes, after capturing with Camera…… -
Android – how to prompt the user to select the default navigation application
I have an application that allows users to click on the address to navigate from their current location. Now it opens …… -
Android media player and search bar synchronization problem
I'm developing a media player application. I'm trying to sync it to the search bar so that the search bar automaticall…… -
Ionic 2 – error running on Android device: Net:: err_ CONNECTION_ TIMED_ OUT
Sorry, my English is not good I have built an application using ionic 2 for Android. In this application, I need to ge…… -
Android – replace actionbarsherlock with appcompat
I am currently developing a simple navigation drawer slide tab However, I want to design these materials on my own app…… -
Delete / hide card.io/paypal logo Android
I integrated card.io into my Android application. I want to delete the PayPal logo. I searched stackoverflow and learn…… -
Android – get the last row from SQLite database
I tried to get the last row from my SQLite database. Until now, I have tried max, SQL_ Sequence, but it doesn't seem t…… -
Android ratingbar: evaluation bar control
Ratingbar is an extension of seekbar and ProgressBar. It is an indirect subclass of ProgressBar. You can use ProgressB…… -
Android – get prices from retailer websites
I'm building an IOS and android app that scans the bar code and displays the product page of the book from the retaile…… -
Android – prevent “flicker” when calling drawable. Draw()
I have a small experimental application (basically a very simplified version of lunarlander demo in Android SDK) and o…… -
Android – unable to generate signed APK – taskexecutionexception failed
I'm in the final step of making my application. When I try to build and generate a signed APK, I get this error log fr…… -
Android – implement recyclerview using a collapsed toolbar layout
I'm trying to implement recyclerview using the folding toolbar, but I'm facing a problem because recyclerview is up on…… -
Android Studio – Android project view missing
I found some pages, but it didn't lead me back to the normal Android project view http://developer.android.com/sdk/ins…… -
Android: select an item in the multi select listview in the alertdialog
I am a novice in Android development and struggle with how to select some items in the list view hosted by alertdialog…… -
Java – androidplot – delete field values from graphwidget
I have such a plot setting: aHistoryPlot = (XYPlot) findViewById(R.id.plot); aHistoryPlot.setRangeBoundaries(0, 25…… -
Java – Android and C: necessary?
It's just very simple to check Android development. It seems that most people are using Java. However Does this mean t…… -
Android toolbar – programmatically change the height and width of navigation icons
resolvent: I did this: toolbar= (Toolbar) findViewById(R.id.toolbar); setSupportActionBar(toolbar); if(getSupportActio…… -
Java – notifications builder in Android 2.3
Android is new here:) If the target version of the application is > I have a notification builder, there is no prob…… -
A very simple example of buttons in Android?
I want a very simple button with some explanation / vizual thing, maybe oncreate / onlauncher to do something that mak…… -
If the text field is empty, the Android button is disabled
Can someone tell me how to disable buttons in Android unless all three EditText fields are filled? I don't know where …… -
How to separate logic / UI in Android
I want my application to be divided into two parts: logic code and UI I try to implement it in each activity using the…… -
Android – change the navigationview title text color
How to change the title text color in the navigation drawer. I'm using the latest support design library. The picture …… -
Android – mediaplayer setoncompletionlistener repeated calls
In my application, I display my audio files in listview, and when the click of a specific file of listitem must be pla……