包含标签:Android 的文章
Android – ormlite – returns the item w / maximum ID (or value)
I'm using ormlite w / Android. I want to get the ID value of the object with the highest ID value I would also like to…… -
The problem of publishing Android jsonobject to PHP
I can't get a simple Android post of jsonobject to display on the server$_ In the post data, the server is PHP 5.3.4 a…… -
Android – how do I set the default value for the text column in SQLite?
I have a simple table. I'm trying to put the default value into the text column. This is a table query: "CREATE TABLE …… -
Aes128 decryption: javax.crypto.badpaddingexception pad block is damaged
I try to decrypt the encrypted data received from the web service Encryption is done using AES 128 I use the following…… -
How to return button in searchview in Android
I've been searching the Internet for more than 4 hours on how to make the back button work when searchview is open, bu…… -
How to avoid black screen when calling another activity in Android?
I am invoking an activity with the intent of the main activity. However, during the call, there are few system dialog …… -
Android – display toast in gcmbaseintentservice
I'm trying to implement a push notification client. I want to display toast in the onmessage (context arg0, intent arg…… -
Android – surfaceview (width, height) problem
I'm new to Android and I face some problems I use surfaceview to expand my course. In my class, I can't get the width …… -
Android – how do I set the toolbar background color in the activity to the color in the colors.xml file?
I have a color in my colors.xml file that I need to use for toolbar colors <resources> <color name="MAIN_…… -
How to automatically scroll the mpadroidchart line chart?
I'm a new user of MP Android chart in Android. Who can help me? resolvent: So what you want to do is always show 10 va…… -
When sectionindexer is implemented, Android – fastscrollbar goes out of the screen
I use a custom adapter that implements sectionindexer to execute listview. When I only type minsdkversion = 8 in the m…… -
Android – checkboxpreference dependency not found error
I have this Check@R_ 923_ 2419@Preference Check@R_923_2419@Preference sendToEmailPref = new Check@R_923_2419@Preferenc…… -
Android – how to adjust the HTML / CSS layout of the browser in the instagram application?
I've been searching in Google, but I can't find the clue to my problem. I have a small website (HTML / CSS only), whic…… -
PHP – send a notification to Android immediately after an update occurs in the MySQL database
In my Android application, new users initially use the application to register themselves. If the user is approved by …… -
Android – event handler for closing / forcibly stopping applications
I am developing an ion application. I want to know if there are any event handlers for this situation when the applica…… -
Android – native script samplegroceries application failed to compile
I started learning native script and tried to follow the guide on the main site. But when I tried to compile the Hello…… -
Java – how do I know if the date is on the same day as another date
If I have two dates in Java (Android) (date1 and date2), how can I know if date2 is on the same day as date1? (Note: n…… -
Android – how to ensure that files are not tampered with from the phone to the server?
I want to create an Android application that collects information and uploads it to the server - but I don't want peop…… -
Android – kotlin view setenabled function missing?
In kotlin, when using kotlinx.android.synthetic to access a view (such as a button), the setenabled() function is miss…… -
Android – viewpager.how in viewpager scrolls the parent page converter horizontally instead of scrolling the child nodes, but keeps the child pager scrolling vertically?
I have a parent viewpager, where each page contains a child viewpager. The child viewpager may contain listview or ver…… -
How do I access all the tags on my google map object (Android maps V2) and set them to (visible)?
I am currently trying to implement an actionbar button to set all tags on my google map object to be visible or invisi…… -
Android: listview: get the cursor value of the item
I create a database and table (category) (_id, title,...) with columns. I want to read the category from DB and displa…… -
Android textview: text box control
Textview is a component used to display text on the interface. The displayed text cannot be edited directly by the use…… -
Android – get / set the sharedpreference global value
Hi, I have a class (mycustomform. XML) that I use as the loginform of the user. Now I want to use SharedPreferences to…… -
Android – rxjava2 converts flowable to single
How to convert flowable to single? Or, if there is another way to make it stop emitting light after the first response…… -
Java – navigationdrawer with background image
I want to have an image in the background of the drawer behind the menu. In this code, the image is in front of the me…… -
Android – opens the device contact list in the button click event
How to open the Android device contact list in the button click event resolvent: Try this code yourButton.setOnCli…… -
Android – how do I set the same height in relativelayout?
Here is my XML code: <RelativeLayout android:id="@+id/ib" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:l…… -
Android rectf warning
I drew an ellipse on the canvas: RectF f = new RectF(-r, -r, r, r); canvas.drawOval(f , mPaint); Why do I see a wa…… -
Java – databases are not copied from assets
It's hard to say. Just paste my code. I hope someone will see what I'm missing: Database.Java package gr.peos; import…… -
C# – Android EditText sets the maximum length
Hi, everyone, I have a problem. I tried to set the maximum length of EditText, but I didn't succeed I've tried this: a…… -
How to use code programming to obtain the IMEI / ESN number of the device, but in Android > 6
How to find / get IMEI number > 6 in Android programmatically Note: I added read to the androidmanifest. XML file_ ……