包含标签:Android 的文章
Android: select an item in the multi select listview in the alertdialog
I am a novice in Android development and struggle with how to select some items in the list view hosted by alertdialog…… -
Java – androidplot – delete field values from graphwidget
I have such a plot setting: aHistoryPlot = (XYPlot) findViewById(R.id.plot); aHistoryPlot.setRangeBoundaries(0, 25…… -
Java – Android and C: necessary?
It's just very simple to check Android development. It seems that most people are using Java. However Does this mean t…… -
Android toolbar – programmatically change the height and width of navigation icons
resolvent: I did this: toolbar= (Toolbar) findViewById(R.id.toolbar); setSupportActionBar(toolbar); if(getSupportActio…… -
Java – notifications builder in Android 2.3
Android is new here:) If the target version of the application is > I have a notification builder, there is no prob…… -
A very simple example of buttons in Android?
I want a very simple button with some explanation / vizual thing, maybe oncreate / onlauncher to do something that mak…… -
If the text field is empty, the Android button is disabled
Can someone tell me how to disable buttons in Android unless all three EditText fields are filled? I don't know where …… -
How to separate logic / UI in Android
I want my application to be divided into two parts: logic code and UI I try to implement it in each activity using the…… -
Android – change the navigationview title text color
How to change the title text color in the navigation drawer. I'm using the latest support design library. The picture …… -
Android – mediaplayer setoncompletionlistener repeated calls
In my application, I display my audio files in listview, and when the click of a specific file of listitem must be pla…… -
Android – how to move to another activity in seconds?
I have a splash screen. I just want it to wait 1 or 2 seconds and then move on to the next activity. I know there are …… -
Android – actionbar and navigation drawer – slide actionbar with activity / fragment
I am using the navigation drawer, as shown in here: Android example. At this time, the operation bar is static, and it…… -
Android – changes the repository schema of data on the server over time
I am paying attention to the clean building proposed by the famous Robert C. Martin. The aerial view of the clean buil…… -
Android – example of conversion of shared elements from activity to fragment
Android – handles the transformation of Android shared elements. I have an activity a, which contains a list with imag…… -
Android – gradle build scan error: event sink closed
I want to try gradle build scans as suggested by the previous Android weekly. Unfortunately, after adding the plug-in …… -
Android – load recyclerview using images and videos
I'm trying to build an application that displays twitter, Facebook and instagram feeds. I have a total of three clips …… -
Android – ripple effects cannot use shared element transformation and recyclerview
When the ` recyclerview item is clicked to start a detailed activity, I have a shared element transformation, but the …… -
Send messages from one Android emulator to another?
I want to know how to send messages, for example, server simulator, which is an Android project and runs to another An…… -
Java – certificate registration process
I am looking for a registration certificate program I have searched a lot, but I haven't found a good answer. So far, …… -
Java – Proguard configuration modification retrofit
My application works normally in debugging, but when creating APK for publishing, I received the following error Proce…… -
Android – libgdx – imagebutton – set image and background
According to my understanding, the imagebutton in libgdx is a frame containing images. Can I set the background of the…… -
Android – retrieves and sets data from the dialog fragment (datepicker)
When I press the button on the activity, my dialogfragment class will be called. I want the date set through this dial…… -
Android: Zhihu open source image selection Library
Before starting the text, enjoy the effect of this image selector Does it feel quite simple and beautiful? Anyway, I t…… -
Will the activity of Android – ontouchevent() be triggered 3 times?
In my titlescreen activity, I have @Override public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) { Log.d("MyActivity", "…… -
Android – intent.putextra (intent.extra_shortcut_icon, BMP) image off center
I encountered some problems creating shortcuts on my android desktop First of all, I have a 72 × 72 icon, I load the b…… -
Android – how do I start an activity when the main activity is running in the background?
I created an application that allows users to set whether to receive notifications when the application runs in backgr…… -
Android – image in appbarlayout
What I want to achieve is almost the same as the result on the image, but there is no folding and label layout under t…… -
Android – how to use recyclerview in 4.0 API 14
I have successfully implemented recyclerview using cardview. But now I also want to get support from API 14. At presen…… -
Implement “withdelay” in Picasso Android (for skimming)
When working with many scrolling images, you must avoid the problem of loading during skimming, and users are scrollin…… -
How to change the file name in Android eclipse development
I am following the book published by SAMs, "24-hour self-study Android application development, 2nd Edition" On page 1…… -
Getting started with AdMob for Android – confused with documentation
I'm just beginning to think about putting AdMob ads into the Android application I'm building. So far, it's not good. …… -
Android – display error: attempt to call interface method ‘int Java. Util. List. Size()’ on an empty object reference
I'm creating an application that displays a contact list in list view. The problem is that when I run my application a……