包含标签:Android 的文章
Java – how to draw a border around MapView
I try to draw margins around MapView when I click a button So that's what I've tried. It doesn't work. MapView is in a…… -
Android – how do I hide image buttons?
I have an imagebutton. I want to hide the button in oncreate method after 5 seconds. Can anyone help me resolvent: onC…… -
Android performance analysis and optimization notes – 5 layout optimization
Asynclayoutinflator side relief XML is converted into Java code during X2C compilation. If it is compatible, the adapt…… -
Java – inserts an object into a specific location in jsonarray
I want to add objects to a specific location in jsonarray. My current jsonarray looks like this { "imgs": [ …… -
Android – why is my app incompatible with Nexus 7 in Google play?
See English answers > why my app is not showing up on tables in Google play? Seven apps I just released for my phon…… -
Android: how to customize view layout using XML
I come from the world of GWT and uibinder. I am used to defining custom components by extending composite, and then pu…… -
Android – call setcontentview() from broadcast receiver
In my application, two classes are Internetactivity, which only extends activity and sets contentview to main. And ext…… -
Android – how to kill specific activities?
When my Android application starts, it will start the main activity. It displays a full screen image for 5 seconds, an…… -
Android decompile
Tools required: dex2jar : http://laichao.googlecode.com/files/dex2jar-0.0.7-SNAPSHOT.zip JD-GUI: http://laichao.goog…… -
Android – change the text color of listview items
How to change the text color of the item added to the listview. I need to change the color programmatically in the cod…… -
Duplicate entries in Android class generated by R
I have this line public static final int text_view222=0x7f060077; It is repeated in my r.java file and causes an e…… -
Android multi touch zoom
I'm trying to implement multi touch zoom in and zoom out for my application. My application is to view slides of image…… -
Android – play store statistics are not updated with my app data
I have an app in the Google play store, which has been there for more than five days. I'm sure there are a lot of down…… -
Android – how to use mvximageview.defaultimagepath?
I have successfully used the mvximageview of imageurl, but how to set a drawable icon as the default value for those u…… -
Android – jsonarray cannot be converted to jsonobject error
When getting JSON data, I received an error: Code to generate JSON: JSONObject parent = new JSONObject(); DatabaseHand…… -
How do I programmatically open an SMS window in Android?
In my application, I want to programmatically open the Android SMS creation window for my application. How? resolvent:…… -
Android – how does the Bluetooth A2DP profile work?
I want to create a Bluetooth music player application to transfer audio from one device to another. I have read all th…… -
Java – “unable to parse: com. Google. Firebase: firebase core: 9.0.0”
I want to use fire base for authentication in my Android application >I created the application, then downloaded th…… -
Java – filter ArrayList after converting long (from constructor) to string
I store this long value in the database as datetime. I have a question about how to filter these records according to …… -
Android – PayPal service is not started (sandbox account), I get an error
I have an activity called sample activity. I have an intention from that activity. This is the navigationlayout1 activ…… -
Porting to Android: why do I get “unable to create the default xmlreader; is it the system attribute org.xml.sax.driver setting?”?
I'm porting some java code that works well on my desktop to Android. I have the following code snippet: import org.xml…… -
Android – how to minimize battery consumption in heavy services
When some "hot situations" happen, I want to create a service to do something, and "enthusiasm" I want to mean: >GP…… -
C# – httpclient.getasync will never return on xamarin.android
I am developing an Android application supported by the asp.net core application hosted on azure. Before using the fun…… -
Android – firebase code cannot create a new user
The code of my login / registration class is: package com.example.joshpc.bluetoothattendee; import android.app.Prog…… -
Android – listview and volleyball – image misallocation
I am using the volley library to load images from the Internet. I have a list view. Some rows are loaded using volley'…… -
Android – Google Maps V2 centers and rotates the camera position to accommodate the two markers
I'm trying to use the camera to move to fit my two tags and keep them at the same level. Therefore, this means modifyi…… -
Android – how to use setscrolllistener in staggeredgridview
I tried to add a scroll listener in staggeredgridview, where I couldn't find a way to add that I didn't see any implem…… -
Android – compress the bitmap and save it to the activity result of the sdcard
I've been discussing this problem and I'm not sure what to do. What I want to do is: take a picture, compress it to PN…… -
Android – how to specify different layout sizes for different densities
Can you tell me how to specify the layout size of different density screens? That is, the layout of different densitie…… -
Android – use the firebase cloud function to read data from the cloud firewall?
I am an Android Developer. Recently, I began to study projects based on firebase cloud function and firestore database…… -
Android – recyclerview nested in recyclerview performance
I have a recyclerview that lists many group items. Under each group item, I want another recyclerview with a grid layo…… -
Android – volley jsonobjectrequest sends header file in get request
I tried to send some authentication headers from the get request, and I tried to call with volley jsonobjectrequest: M……